Scott J. Cameron, Ph.D., M.D.
Connect with Scott J. Cameron, Ph.D., M.D.
Scott J. Cameron, Ph.D., M.D.
About Me
Dr. Cameron then qualified in medicine at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, later serving as an internal medicine resident at the New York Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell in New York City. He finally completed a five-year integrated clinical and research fellowship in cardiology and vascular medicine at the University of Rochester. Dr. Cameron was mentored in platelet biology by Dr. Craig Morrell who is a national expert in this discipline. He initiated an innovative vascular assessment referral clinic for local optometrists called Vascular Assessment in Patients for Ocular Reasons (VAPOR). He was also the founding member of the University of Rochester Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT). Dr. Cameron has a clinical and academic interest in thrombotic emergencies and presently serves on the University of Rochester faculty as a physician investigator. He serves as Associate Editor of Vascular Medicine, and he is on the editorial board of ATVB. He is a frequent peer reviewer for Circulation, Circulation Research, Journal of Clinical Investigation, American Journal of Medicine, Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, and the British Medical Journal. In addition, Dr. Cameron is a test writer for the American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease MOC and longitudinal assessment.
Dr. Cameron specializes in both cardiac and vascular disease with admitting privileges at Strong Memorial Hospital where he cares for patients in the Coronary Care Unit. He has documented COCATS Level II training in echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and COCATS Level III training in vascular medicine. Dr. Cameron is board certified in Internal Medicine, Vascular Medicine, Vascular Ultrasound, and Cardiovascular Disease.
Faculty Appointments
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Department of Medicine, Cardiology (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
University of Rochester School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Fellowship (Basic Research)
Laboratory of Dr. Craig Morrell
New York Presbyterian Hospital (Weill-Cornell)
Internship and Residency (Internal Medicine)
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore MD
Clinical Fellowship (Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry) Division of Pathology
University of Rochester School of Medicine,
Clinical Fellowship (Cardiovascular Disease and Vascular Medicine)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Internship and Residency (Internal Medicine)
Clinical and Research Fellowship in Chemical Pathology (Clinical Chemistry) at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
MD | SUNY Upstate Medical University. Medicine. 2009
PhD | University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. Pharmacology. 2003
MS | University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. Pharmacology. 2001
BSc (Hons) | UK-University of Edinburgh. Pharmacology. 1998
Outstanding Young Alumnus 2019 - Upstate Medical University. 2019 - 2019
K Award Grant. 2018
Resident Research Mentoring Award. 2018
URMC Quality and Safety Certificate of Recognition - Pulmonary Embolism Response Team. 2017
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. 2016
Jay D. Coffman MD Young Investigator Award in Vascular Medicine (2nd Place). 2016
Fellow of the Society of Vascular Medicine. 2016
NIH K08 Career Development Award. 2016
Best of AHA Abstracts. 2015
Abstract and Travel Award, First Place. 2015
Abstract Merit Badge (top 20%). 2015
Abstract and Travel Award (top 10%). 2015
Platelet Colloquium Career Investigator Award. 2015
Society of Vascular Medicine Scholarship. 2014
Abstract Award (NY State), Second Place. 2014
Postdoctoral Research Award (1st place). 2013
NIH LRP (NHLBI). 2013 - 2019
Multiple "Strong Star" nominations and Hall of Fame citation from patients and colleagues for exceptional clinical care. 2011 - 2012
Hospitalist award for best resident (honorable mention). 2011
Herbert Lourie, MD Graduation Award for gentility, thoughtfulness, philanthropy, compassion, commitment to academic excellence.. 2009
Alpha Omega Alpha Research Award – First Place. 2008
American College of Physicians NY Upstate Scientific Conference: First Place. 2008
Arnold Gold Humanism Honor Society for excellence in humanistic clinical care, leadership, compassion and dedication to service.. 2008
Distinguished Abstract Award (top 25 out of 837 selected abstracts). 2005
Young Investigator's Award - awarded with distinction. 2005
Pathology Young Investigator's Award for excellence in basic research – highest scoring winner. 2005
Pathology Young Investigator's Award for excellence in clinical research. 2004
Dean's Award for the Most Innovative PhD Thesis. 2003
Platelets are small anucleate blood particles which play an important role in thrombosis, hemostasis, and inflammation. When patients are treated with anti-platelet drugs, some do not derive expected benefits or they experience off-target adverse events. We have initiated several lines of investigation that show the megakaryocyte-derived platelet phenotype may be fundamentally different in various diseases.
Project 1: Using a murine model of myocardial infarction, we have shown that platelet RNA and the platelet proteome as well as platelet agonist responsiveness are different in the post-myocardial infarct environment. A career-development grant was awarded to study the role of ERK5 and related protein kinases in changing platelet function in ischemic disease. We began enrolling patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) in July of 2016 to study this phenomenon immediately when the patient arrives in the emergency department at Strong Memorial Hospital.
Project 2: Using a murine model of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and, along with our colleagues in vascular surgery and cardiac surgery at the University of Rochester, we are studying platelet function both as a consequence of aortic disease and in promoting aortic disease progression. We use genetic approaches to identify platelet targets useful in modulating vascular disease.
Project 3: Using a murine model of critical limb ischemia (CLI) and various models mimicking the human condition of hypoxia, we have identified two important signal transduction mechanisms which lead to dysregulated platelet behavior. This may in part explain why patients with PAD are predisposed to heart attack and stroke. We recently extended our studies to human platelets from PAD patients with our colleagues in vascular surgery at the University of Rochester and in the Department of Pathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Project 4: It is well-documented that patients who are exposed to inhaled pollutants are predisposed to adverse cardiovascular events. Using platelets taken from patients with acute myocardial infarction, we are working with our colleagues in environmental medicine and public health at the University of Rochester to study the role of particulate matter and environmental pollutants in changing platelet function and promoting thrombosis. These studies may reveal protective mechanisms that could be employed to prevent adverse cardiac events caused by pollutants.
Project 5: Using our existing database of patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE), we are studying various clinical and translational aspect of high risk pulmonary embolism locally and as part of the National Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) consortium.
We utilize contemporary cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and animal models to address these questions. Our overall goal is to evaluate gaps in clinical care, identify viable signaling pathways in human tissue for drug intervention, and then finally to utilize animal models to test the working hypothesis. We are a friendly, collaborative laboratory with continuous federal funding from 2016-2026 with a keen interest in the career development of all laboratory members.
Journal Articles
Van Galen J, Pava L, Wright C, Elbadawi A, Chaturvedi A, Cameron SJ.
Platelets. 2021; 32(1): 138-140.
Sahai A, *Bhandari B, Koupenova M, Freedman J, *Godwin M, McIntyre M, Chung M, Iskander JP, Kamran H, Hariri E, Aggarwal A, Kalra A, Bartholomew JR, McCrae KR, Elbadawi A, Svensson LG, Kapadia S, Cameron SJ.
Vascular Medicine. 2021; .
Chung MK, Zidar D, Bristow M, Cameron SJ, Chan T, Harding III CV, Kwon DH Singh T, Tilton J, Tsai EJ, Tucker NR, Barnard J, Loscalzo J.
Circulation Research. 2021; 128(8): 1214-1236.
Kim BS, Auerbach DA, Sadhra H, Godwin M, Bhandari R, Ling FS, Mohan A, Yule DI, Wagner II L, Rich DQ, Ture SK, Morrell CN, Timpanaro-Perrotta, Younis A, Goldenberg I, Cameron SJ.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021; 41(1): 390-400.
Elbadawi A, Eldendy IY, Sahai A, Bhandari R, McCarthy M, Gomes M, Bishop GJ, Bartholomew JR, Kapadia S, Cameron SJ.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021; 41(1): 545-547.
Xu S, Ilyas I,. Little PJ, Li H, Kamato D, Watts S, Ebong E, Cameron SJ, Stewart AG, Weng J.
Pharmacol Rev. 2021; 73(3): 924-967.
Simultaneous Pulmonary Artery Pressure and Left Ventricle Stroke Volume Assessment Predicts Adverse Events in Patients with Pulmonary Embolism.
Kamran H, Hariri E, Iskandar JP, Sahai A, Haddadin I, Campbell J, Harb SC, Delehanty JM, Bartholomew JR, Heresi G, Cameron SJ.
J American Heart Association. 2021; .
Koupenova M, Corkrey HA, Vitseva O, Tanriverdi K, Somasundaran M, Liu P, Soofi S, Bhandari R, Godwin M, Parsi KM, Cousineau A, Maehr R, Wang J, Cameron SJ, Rade JJ, Finberg RW, Freedman JE.
Circulation Research. 2021; .
Chen YL, Wright C, Pietropaoli AP, Elbadawi A, Delehanty, J Barrus B, Gosev G, Trawick D, Patel P, and Cameron SJ.
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 2020; 49(1): 34-41.
Fibrosis, Thrombosis, and Dacrocytosis: An Unusual Case of Male Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Wu MQ, Preslar M, Katerji H, Palma C, Cameron SJ.
American Journal of Medicine. 2020; .
Effect of metabolic syndrome on mean pulmonary arterial pressures in patients with acute pulmonary embolism treated with catheter-directed thrombolysis.
Stewart LK, Beam DM, Casciani T, Cameron SJ, Kline JA.
Int J Cardiol. 2020; .
Kamran H, Hornacek D, Mix M, Wright C, Cameron SJ.
Vascular Medicine. 2020; .
Ayers B, Wood K, Cameron SJ, Marinescu M, Bjelic M, Barrus B and Gosev I.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2020; .
Anti-platelet Medications Protect against Aortic Dissection and Rupture in Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
Elbadawi A, Omer M, Ogunbayo G, Owens III, AP, Mix D, Lyden SP and Cameron SJ.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2020; 7(75): 1609-1610.
Bennett J, Mastrangelo M, Ture S, Smith C, Loelius S, Berg R, Shi X, Burke R, Spinelli S, Cameron SJ, Carey T, Brookes P, Gerszten R, Sabater-Lleal M, De Vries P, Huffman J, Smith N, Morrell C, and Lowenstein CJ.
Nature Communications. 2020; .
SARS-CoV-2 and ACE2: The Biology and Clinical Data Behind the ARB and ACEI Controversy.
Chung MK, Karnik S, Saef J, Bergmann C, Barnard J, Lederman MM, Tilton J, Cheng F, Harding CV, Young JB, Mehta N, Cameron SJ, McCrae KR, Schmaier, AH, Smith JD, Kalra A, Surafel GK, Thomas G, Hawkins ES, Svensson LG.
EBioMedicine. 2020; .
SARS-CoV-2 and Pulmonary Embolism: who stole the platelets?
Tran M, Sheth C , Bhandari R Cameron SJ, Hornacek D.
Thrombosis Journal. 2020; .
Elbadawi A, Mentias A, Elgendy IY, Mohamed AH, Syed MH, Ogunbayo GO, Olorunfemi O, Gosev I, Prasad S, Cameron SJ
Vascular medicine.. 2019 June 24 (3):230-233. Epub 03/05/2019.
Hilt ZT, Pariser DN, Ture SK, Mohan A, Quijada P, Asante A, Cameron SJ, Sterling JA, Merkel AR, Johanson AL, Jenkins JL, Small EM, McGrath KE, Palis J, Elliott MR, Morrell CN.
JCI Insight. 2019; .
John A Bennett, Sara K Ture, Rachel A Schmidt, Michael A Mastrangelo, Scott J Cameron, Lara E Terry, David I Yule, Craig N Morrell, and Charles J Lowenstein.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2019; 369(2): 182-187.
Beom Soo Kim, David A. Auerbach, Hamza Sadhra, Frederick S. Ling, MD , Sandra Toth, Amy Mohan, Sara Tura, Ilan Goldenberg, David Q. Rich, and Scott J. Cameron.
biorxiv (interim). 2019; .
Wright C, Elbadawi A, Chen Y, Patel D, Van Galen J, Mazzillo J, Acquisto N, Delehanty J, Pietropaoli A, Trawick D, Cameron P, Gosev I, Cameron SJ.
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 2019; .
Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension is a Clot You Cannot Swat
Bishop GJ, Gorski J, Lachant, Cameron SJ.
Journal of Vascular Surgery (Cases and Innovative Techniques). 2019; 17(5(4)): 402-405.
Changes in triggering of ST-elevation myocardial infarction by particulate air pollution in Monroe County, New York over time: a case-crossover study
Wang M, Hopke PK, Masiol M. Thurston SW, Cameron SJ, Ling F, van Wijngaarden E, Croft D, Squizzato S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Chalupa D, Rich DQ.
Environmental Health. 2019; .
Parsons, MR; Stoner, MC; Doyle, A; Mix, D; Cameron, SJ.
American Journal of Medicine. 2018; 131(2)(2): e39-e42.
Davis HE, Lu M, Cameron SJ, Bodkin R.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2018; 2(1).
Translational Research. 2018; 105: 1-12.
Ayman Elbadawi, Colin Wright, MD Dhwani Patel, Yu Lin Chen, Justin Mazzillo, Pamela Cameron, Geoffrey D. Barnes, and Scott J. Cameron.
Vascular Medicine. 2018; 23(4): 372-376.
Conrad Gleber, Ayhan Yoruk, M.D, Luke Eastburg, Bruce I. Goldman, and Scott J. Cameron.
American Journal of Medicine. 2018; S0002-9343(19).
Cameron SJ, Mix D, Ture S, Schmidt R, Mohan A, Pariser D, Stoner M, Shah P, Chen L, Zhang H, Field DJ, Modjeski KL, Toth S, Morrell CN.
Hypoxia and Ischemia Promote a Maladaptive Platelet
Do elevated blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids modify effects of particulate air pollutants on fibrinogen?
Daniel Patrick Croft, Robert Block,Scott Cameron, Kristin Evans, Charles Lowenstein, Frederick Ling, Wojciech Zareba, Philip Hopke, Mark Utell, Sally Thurston, Kelly Thevenet-Morrison, David Rich.
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2018; .
Cameron SJ, Russell H, Owens AP 3rd.
Blood. 2018; .
Platelet CD36 signaling through ERK5 promotes Caspase-Dependent Procoagulant Activity and Fibrin Deposition in Vivo
Moua Yang, Andaleb Kholmukhamedov, Marie L. Schulte, Brian C Cooley, Na'il O Scoggins, Jeremy P Wood, Scott Cameron, Craig N Morrell, Shawn Jobe, and Roy L. Silverstein.
Blood Advances. 2018; .
Morris J, Mix D, Cameron SJ.
Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2017; 19 (4)(29).
Environmental Research. 2017; 154: 352–361.
Yang M, Vasque-Vivar JM, Cameron SJ, Morrell CN, Silverstein R.
Blood. 2017; 129(21): 2917-2927.
Miller EO, Krishnamoorthy VK, Ling, FSK, Chaturvedi A, Cameron SJ.
British Medical Journal. 2017; 357(2198).
Field, DJ, Aggrey-Amble, AA, Blick, SK, Ture, SK, Johanson, A, Cameron, SJ, Roy, S, Morrell, CN.
Immunologic Research. 2017; .
Lee, EC and Cameron, SJ.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2017; 7(4:67).
Modjeski KL, Ture SK, Field DJ, Cameron SJ, Morrell CN.
PLoS One. 2016; 11(9).
Erik H. Howell, Scott J. Cameron.
Cardiology Journal. 2016; .
Cameron SJ, Ture SK, Mickelsen D, Chakrabarti E, Modjeski KL, McNitt S, Seaberry M, Field DJ, Le NT, Abe JI, Morrell CN
Circulation.. 2015 July 7132 (1):47-58. Epub 05/01/2015.
Cameron SJ, Laskurain E, Holcman K, Richeson JF, Mieszczanska H
The American journal of medicine.. 2015 July 128 (7):695-8. Epub 03/05/2015.
Cameron SJ
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2015 June 3065 (25):2760-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Fernandez G.; Cameron S.; Nayda J.; Cove C.; Waits B.
Am J Med. 2015; 128(11): e13-5.
Cameron SJ, Daimee U, Block RC
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences.. 2015 19 (14):2628-2633. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cameron SJ, Morrell CN, Bao C, Swaim AF, Rodriguez A, Lowenstein CJ
PloS one.. 2015 10 (12):e0144372. Epub 12/17/2015.
Holcman K, Cameron SJ, Laskurain E, Massey HT, Trawick DR, Mieszczanska H
The American journal of medicine.. 2014 June 127 (6):491-3. Epub 03/06/2014.
Gardner B, Ling F, Hopke PK, Frampton MW, Utell MJ, Zareba W, Cameron SJ, Chalupa D, Kane C, Kulandhaisamy S, Topf MC, Rich DQ
Particle and fibre toxicology.. 2014 January 211 :1. Epub 01/02/2014.
Cameron SJ, Block RC, Richeson JF
Journal of clinical lipidology.. 2013 7 (5):526-30. Epub 05/28/2013.
Cameron SJ, Goulopoulou S, Weil BR, Kanaley JA
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences.. 2012 February 16 (2):143-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lowenstein CJ, Cameron SJ
Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity.. 2010 April 17 (2):166-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jeong Y, Chaupin DF, Matsushita K, Yamakuchi M, Cameron SJ, Morrell CN, Lowenstein CJ
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2009 March 10106 (10):3782-7. Epub 02/17/2009.
Cameron SJ, Gerhardt G, Engelstad M, Young MA, Norris EJ, Sokoll LJ
Clinical biochemistry.. 2009 February 42 (3):221-4. Epub 11/11/2008.
Garibaldi BT, Cameron SJ, Choi M
Journal of general internal medicine.. 2008 February 23 (2):202-5. Epub 11/10/2007.
Cameron SJ, Sokoll LJ, Laterza OF, Shah S, Green GB
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry.. 2007 February 376 (1-2):168-73. Epub 10/02/2006.
Yamakuchi M, Kirkiles-Smith NC, Ferlito M, Cameron SJ, Bao C, Fox-Talbot K, Wasowska BA, Baldwin WM, Pober JS, Lowenstein CJ
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2007 January 23104 (4):1301-6. Epub 01/17/2007.
Frame MD, Rivers RJ, Altland O, Cameron S.
J Appl Physiol. 2007; 102(6): 2279-87.
Cameron SJ, Green GB, White CN, Laterza OF, Clarke W, Kim H, Sokoll LJ
Clinical biochemistry.. 2006 January 39 (1):11-8. Epub 12/05/2005.
Derr RL, Cameron SJ, Golden SH
European journal of epidemiology.. 2006 21 (3):217-26. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yamakuchi M, Greer JJ, Cameron SJ, Matsushita K, Morrell CN, Talbot-Fox K, Baldwin WM, Lefer DJ, Lowenstein CJ
Circulation research.. 2005 June 1096 (11):1185-92. Epub 05/19/2005.
Cameron SJ, Hagedorn JC, Sokoll LJ, Caturegli P, Ladenson PW
Clinical chemistry.. 2005 June 51 (6):1065-9. Epub 04/15/2005.
Cameron SJ, Green GB
Clinical chemistry.. 2004 December 50 (12):2233-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Laterza OF, Cameron SJ, Chappell D, Sokoll LJ, Green GB
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry.. 2004 October 348 (1-2):163-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cameron SJ, Itoh S, Baines CP, Zhang C, Ohta S, Che W, Glassman M, Lee JD, Yan C, Yang J, Abe J
FEBS letters.. 2004 May 21566 (1-3):255-60. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cameron SJ, Abe J, Malik S, Che W, Yang J
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2004 January 9279 (2):1506-12. Epub 10/28/2003.
Cameron SJ, Malik S, Akaike M, Lerner-Marmarosh N, Yan C, Lee JD, Abe J, Yang J
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2003 May 16278 (20):18682-8. Epub 03/12/2003.
Mooney RA, Senn J, Cameron S, Inamdar N, Boivin LM, Shang Y, Furlanetto RW
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2001 July 13276 (28):25889-93. Epub 05/07/2001.
Cardiology Consult Manual (2018)
Chapter: Vascular Medicine
Authors: Scott J. Cameron and Doran MIx
Publisher: Springer 2018
Cardiology Consult Manual (2018)
Chapter: Pulmonary Embolism
Authors: Hanna Mieszczanska and Scott J. Cameron
Publisher: Springer 2018
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