Matthew Cochran, M.S.
Connect with Matthew Cochran, M.S.
Matthew Cochran, M.S.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Associate - Department of Pediatrics, Center for Pediatric Biomedical Research (SMD)
Journal Articles
Hilchey SP, Rosenberg AF, Hyrien O, Secor-Socha S, Cochran MR, Brady MT, Wang JC, Sanz I, Burack WR, Quataert SA, Bernstein SH
Blood.. 2011 September 29118 (13):3591-602. Epub 08/05/2011.
Hilchey SP, Kobie JJ, Cochran MR, Secor-Socha S, Wang JC, Hyrien O, Burack WR, Mosmann TR, Quataert SA, Bernstein SH
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2009 November 15183 (10):6157-66. Epub 10/28/2009.