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Stephen McAleavey, Ph.D.

Stephen McAleavey, Ph.D.


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Faculty Appointments

Chair - Department of Biomedical Engineering (SMD)



Shear Modulus Estimation by Application of Spatially Modulated Impulse Acoustic Radiation Force Approximation

Issue date: July 24, 2012

Patent #: 8,225,666

Country: United States

Inventors: Stephen A McAleavey

Methods and Systems for Spatially Modulated Ultrasound Radiation Force Imaging

Issue date: June 17, 2014

Patent #: 8,753,277

Country: United States

Inventors: Stephen A McAleavey


Journal Articles

Probing Tissue Viscoelasticity With STL Ultrasound Shearwave Spectroscopy Using Cole-Cole Diagrams.

Khan S, Goswami S, Feng F, Hollenbach S, Doyley MM, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.. 2024 March 71 (3):916-928. Epub 02/27/2024.

Imaging the Local Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of Soft Tissues: Initial Validation and Expected Benefits.

Goswami S, Ahmed R, Feng F, Khan S, Doyley MM, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2022 March 69 (3):975-987. Epub 03/02/2022.

Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging Using Nondiffractive Bessel Apodized Acoustic Radiation Force.

Feng F, Goswami S, Khan S, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2021 December 68 (12):3528-3539. Epub 11/23/2021.

Enabling quantitative robot-assisted compressional elastography via the extended Kalman filter.

Napoli ME, Goswami S, McAleavey SA, Doyley MM, Howard TM

Physics in medicine and biology.. 2021 November 1866 (22)Epub 11/18/2021.

Radiological Society of North America/Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance Shear Wave Speed Bias Quantification in Elastic and Viscoelastic Phantoms.

Palmeri ML, Milkowski A, Barr R, Carson P, Couade M, Chen J, Chen S, Dhyani M, Ehman R, Garra B, Gee A, Guenette G, Hah Z, Lynch T, Macdonald M, Managuli R, Miette V, Nightingale KR, Obuchowski N, Rouze NC, Morris DC, Fielding S, Deng Y, Chan D, Choudhury K, Yang S, Samir AE, Shamdasani V, Urban M, Wear K, Xie H, Ozturk A, Qiang B, Song P, McAleavey S, Rosenzweig S, Wang M, Okamura Y, McLaughlin G, Chen Y, Napolitano D, Carlson L, Erpelding T, Hall TJ

Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.. 2021 March 40 (3):569-581. Epub 01/07/2021.

Shear Induced Non-Linear Elasticity Imaging: Elastography for Compound Deformations.

Goswami S, Ahmed R, Khan S, Doyley MM, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on medical imaging.. 2020 November 39 (11):3559-3570. Epub 10/28/2020.

Mechanical and functional validation of a perfused, robot-assisted partial nephrectomy simulation platform using a combination of 3D printing and hydrogel casting.

Melnyk R, Ezzat B, Belfast E, Saba P, Farooq S, Campbell T, McAleavey S, Buckley M, Ghazi A

World journal of urology.. 2020 July 38 (7):1631-1641. Epub 11/02/2019.

Correction to: Mechanical and functional validation of a perfused, robot-assisted partial nephrectomy simulation platform using a combination of 3D printing and hydrogel casting.

Melnyk R, Ezzat B, Belfast E, Saba P, Farooq S, Campbell T, McAleavey S, Buckley M, Ghazi A

World journal of urology.. 2020 July 38 (7):1643. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intraocular Pressure-dependent Corneal Elasticity Measurement Using High-frequency Ultrasound.

Osapoetra LO, Watson DM, McAleavey SA

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2019 September 41 (5):251-270. Epub 07/04/2019.

Nonlinear Shear Modulus Estimation With Bi-Axial Motion Registered Local Strain.

Goswami S, Ahmed R, Doyley MM, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2019 August 66 (8):1292-1303. Epub 05/28/2019.

A pilot investigation of an iOS-based app for toilet training children with autism spectrum disorder.

Mruzek DW, McAleavey S, Loring WA, Butter E, Smith T, McDonnell E, Levato L, Aponte C, Travis RP, Aiello RE, Taylor CM, Wilkins JW, Corbett-Dick P, Finkelstein DM, York AM, Zanibbi K

Autism : the international journal of research and practice.. 2019 February 23 (2):359-370. Epub 12/07/2017.

Plane-Wave Imaging Improves Single-Track Location Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging.

Ahmed R, Gerber SA, McAleavey SA, Schifitto G, Doyley MM

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2018 August 65 (8):1402-1414. Epub 06/01/2018.

Measurement of Liver Stiffness Using Shear Wave Elastography in a Rat Model: Factors Impacting Stiffness Measurement with Multiple- and Single-Tracking-Location Techniques.

Langdon JH, Elegbe E, Gonzalez RS, Osapoetra L, Ford T, McAleavey SA

Ultrasound in medicine & biology.. 2017 November 43 (11):2629-2639. Epub 08/19/2017.

Shear Wave Speed Measurements Using Crawling Wave Sonoelastography and Single Tracking Location Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging for Tissue Characterization.

Ormachea J, Lavarello RJ, McAleavey SA, Parker KJ, Castaneda B

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2016 September 63 (9):1351-1360. Epub 06/06/2016.

Shear Wave Elastography in the Living, Perfused, Post-Delivery Placenta.

McAleavey SA, Parker KJ, Ormachea J, Wood RW, Stodgell CJ, Katzman PJ, Pressman EK, Miller RK

Ultrasound in medicine & biology.. 2016 June 42 (6):1282-8. Epub 03/19/2016.

Shear wave arrival time estimates correlate with local speckle pattern.

Mcaleavey SA, Osapoetra LO, Langdon J

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2015 December 62 (12):2054-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Scholte wave generation during single tracking location shear wave elasticity imaging of engineered tissues.

Mercado KP, Langdon J, Helguera M, McAleavey SA, Hocking DC, Dalecki D

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.. 2015 August 138 (2):EL138-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Single tracking location acoustic radiation force impulse viscoelasticity estimation (STL-VE): A method for measuring tissue viscoelastic parameters.

Langdon JH, Elegbe E, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2015 July 62 (7):1225-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Analysis and measurement of the modulation transfer function of harmonic shear wave induced phase encoding imaging.

McAleavey SA

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.. 2014 May 135 (5):2836-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Design and validation of two optical beacons for guidewire localization in breast-conserving surgery.

Wilson RA, McAleavey SA, Schiffhauer LM, Zavislan J

Applied optics.. 2013 June 1052 (17):4024-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Single tracking location methods suppress speckle noise in shear wave velocity estimation.

Elegbe EC, McAleavey SA

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2013 April 35 (2):109-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

Source effects in SWIPE: shear-wave-assisted ultrasound imaging.

McAleavey S

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2012 2012 :2314-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparison of two methods for the generation of spatially modulated ultrasound radiation force.

Elegbe EC, Menon MG, McAleavey SA

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2011 July 58 (7):1344-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ultrasonic backscatter imaging by shear-wave-induced echo phase encoding of target locations.

McAleavey S

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2011 January 58 (1):102-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Minimization of displacement estimation bias due to high amplitude-reflections using envelope-weighted normalization.

Menon M, Langdon J, McAleavey S

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2010 April 32 (2):65-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shear modulus imaging with spatially-modulated ultrasound radiation force.

McAleavey S, Menon M, Elegbe E

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2009 October 31 (4):217-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of SMURF estimation of shear modulus in hydrogels.

McAleavey S, Collins E, Kelly J, Elegbe E, Menon M

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2009 April 31 (2):131-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shear-modulus estimation by application of spatially-modulated impulsive acoustic radiation force.

McAleavey SA, Menon M, Orszulak J

Ultrasonic imaging.. 2007 April 29 (2):87-104. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dynamic mechanical response of elastic spherical inclusions to impulsive acoustic radiation force excitation.

Palmeri ML, McAleavey SA, Fong KL, Trahey GE, Nightingale KR

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2006 November 53 (11):2065-79. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adaptive imaging on a diagnostic ultrasound scanner at quasi real-time rates.

Dahl JJ, McAleavey SA, Pinton GF, Soo MS, Trahey GE

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2006 October 53 (10):1832-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ultrasonic tracking of acoustic radiation force-induced displacements in homogeneous media.

Palmeri ML, McAleavey SA, Trahey GE, Nightingale KR

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2006 July 53 (7):1300-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging of myocardial radiofrequency ablation: initial in vivo results.

Fahey BJ, Nightingale KR, McAleavey SA, Palmeri ML, Wolf PD, Trahey GE

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2005 April 52 (4):631-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shear-wave generation using acoustic radiation force: in vivo and ex vivo results.

Nightingale K, McAleavey S, Trahey G

Ultrasound in medicine & biology.. 2003 December 29 (12):1715-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

Estimates of echo correlation and measurement bias in acoustic radiation force impulse imaging.

McAleavey SA, Nightingale KR, Trahey GE

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control.. 2003 June 50 (6):631-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Doppler ultrasound imaging of magnetically vibrated brachytherapy seeds.

McAleavey SA, Rubens DJ, Parker KJ

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.. 2003 February 50 (2):252-5. Epub 1900 01 01.