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Ashkan Ertefaie, Ph.D.

Ashkan Ertefaie, Ph.D.


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Adjunct Associate Professor - Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology (SMD)



PhD | Canada-McGill University. Statistics. 2011

MS | Iran - Shahid Beheshti University. Statistics. 2006

BS | Iran - Isfahan University of Technology. Statistics. 2003


David Pelletier Prize. 2011

Schulich Leader Scholarship. 2010

Schulich Leader Scholarship. 2009


Journal Articles

Power analysis in a SMART design: sample size estimation for determining the best embedded dynamic treatment regime.

Artman WJ, Nahum-Shani I, Wu T, Mckay JR, Ertefaie A

Biostatistics.. 2020 July 121 (3):432-448. Epub 1900 01 01.

Incorporation and validation of clinically relevant performance metrics of simulation (CRPMS) into a novel full-immersion simulation platform for nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (NS-RARP) utilizing three-dimensional printing and hydrogel casting technology.

Witthaus MW, Farooq S, Melnyk R, Campbell T, Saba P, Mathews E, Ezzat B, Ertefaie A, Frye TP, Wu G, Rashid H, Joseph JV, Ghazi A

BJU international.. 2020 February 125 (2):322-332. Epub 12/03/2019.

Robust Q-learning.

Erefaie, A.; McKay, J.R.; Oslin, D; Strawderman, R.L.

Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2020; .

Sensitivity Analysis and Power in the Presence of Many Weak Instruments: Application to Sensitivity Analysis and Power in the Presence of Many Weak Instruments: Application to the Effect of Incarceration on Future Earnings.

Ertefaie, A.; Hsu, J.; Nguyen, A.; Hardin, D.; Morenoff, J.; Small, D.

2020; .

Causal inference for evaluating prescription opioid abuse using trend-in-trend design.

Dasgupta,N.; Schwarz, J.; Henessy, S.; Ertefaie, A.; Dart, R.C.

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2019; 28(5): 716-725.

Statistical Power for Trend-in-trend Design.

Ertefaie A, Small DS, Ji X, Leonard C, Hennessy S

Epidemiology.. 2018 May 29 (3):e21-e23. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparative Effectiveness of Initial Treatment at Trauma Center vs Neurosurgery-Capable Non-Trauma Center for Severe, Isolated Head Injury.

Kaufman EJ, Ertefaie A, Small DS, Holena DN, Delgado MK

Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2018 May 226 (5):741-751.e2. Epub 03/01/2018.

Discovering Treatment Effect Heterogeneity through Post-treatment Variables iwth Application to the Effect of Class Size on Math Scores.

Ertefaie, A.; Hsu, J.; Smalls,D.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 2018; 67(4): 917-938.

Constructing dynamic treatment regimes over indefinite time horizons

Ertefaie, A.; Strawderman, R.L.

2018; 105(4): 963-977.

Instrumental variable analysis with censored data in the presence of many weak instruments: Application to the effect of being sentenced to prison on time to employment.

Ertefaie, A.; Nguyen, A.; Harding, D.; Morenoff, J.; Yang, W.

Annals of Applied Statistics. 2018; 12(4): 2647-2673.

Outcome-adaptive lasso: Variable selection for causal inference.

Shortreed SM, Ertefaie A

Biometrics.. 2017 December 73 (4):1111-1122. Epub 03/08/2017.

Instrumental Variable Methods for Continuous Outcomes That Accommodate Nonignorable Missing Baseline Values.

Ertefaie A, Flory JH, Hennessy S, Small DS

American journal of epidemiology.. 2017 June 15185 (12):1233-1239. Epub 1900 01 01.

A SMART data analysis method for constructing adaptive treatment strategies for substance use disorders.

Nahum-Shani I, Ertefaie A, Lu XL, Lynch KG, McKay JR, Oslin DW, Almirall D

Addiction.. 2017 May 112 (5):901-909. Epub 02/18/2017.

A tutorial on the use of instrumental variables in pharmacoepidemiology.

Ertefaie A, Small DS, Flory JH, Hennessy S

Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety.. 2017 April 26 (4):357-367. Epub 02/27/2017.

Quantitative Evaluation of the Trade-Off of Strengthened Instruments and Sample Size in Observational Studies.

Ertefaie, A; Small, D.; Rosenbaum, P.

Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2017; 113(523): 1122-1134.

Variable Selection in Causal Inference using a Simultaneous Penalization Method.

Ertefaie, A.; Asgharian, M.; Stephens, A.D.

Journal of Causal Inference. 2017; 6(1).

Q-learning residual analysis: application to the effectiveness of sequences of antipsychotic medications for patients with schizophrenia.

Ertefaie A, Shortreed S, Chakraborty B

Statistics in medicine.. 2016 June 1535 (13):2221-34. Epub 01/10/2016.

Selection Bias When Using Instrumental Variable Methods to Compare Two Treatments But More Than Two Treatments Are Available.

Ertefaie A, Small D, Flory J, Hennessy S

The international journal of biostatistics.. 2016 May 112 (1):219-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

A Sensitivity Analysis to Assess Bias Due to Selecting Subjects Based on Treatment Received.

Ertefaie A, Small D, Flory J, Hennessy S

Epidemiology.. 2016 March 27 (2):e5-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identifying a set that contains the best dynamic treatment regimes.

Ertefaie A, Wu T, Lynch KG, Nahum-Shani I

Biostatistics.. 2016 January 17 (1):135-48. Epub 08/03/2015.

Double Bias: Estimation of Causal Effects from Length-Biased Samples in the Presence of Confounding.

Ertefaie, A.; Asgharian, M.; Stephens, A.D.

International Journal of Biostatistics. 2015; 11(1): 69-89.

Propensity Score Estimation in the Presence of Length-biased Sampling: A Nonparametric Adjustment Approach

Ertefaie, A.; Asgharian, M.; Stephens, A.D.

Stat. 2014; 3(1): 83-94.

Comparing approaches to causal inference for longitudinal data: inverse probability weighting versus propensity scores.

Ertefaie A, Stephens DA

The international journal of biostatistics.. 2010 6 (2):Article 14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bayesian Estimation for the Pareto Income Distribution under Asymmetric LINEX Loss Function

Ertefaie, A,; Parsian, A.

Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society. 2005; 4(2): 113-133.