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Brooke A. Levandowski, Ph.D., M.P.A.

Brooke A. Levandowski, Ph.D., M.P.A.


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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD)

Associate Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint



PhD | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Epidemiology. 2008

MPA | Syracuse University. Public Administration. 2004

BS | Siena College. Biology. 1997



Journal Articles

Immediate postplacental intrauterine device placement: retrospective cohort study of expulsion and associated risk factors.

Leubner E, Levandowski BA, Mikami S, Green T, Betstadt S

AJOG global reports.. 2025 February 5 (1):100421. Epub 11/20/2024.

Yes, It Matters: Assessing Service-Related Cultural Competency of New York State Department of Health-Funded Providers From Multiple Angles.

Levandowski BA, Naimool K, Rietberg-Miller SB, Aldrich PL

Health promotion practice.. 2025 January 2 :15248399241300575. Epub 01/02/2025.

Society of Family Planning Research Practice Support: Approaching the concepts of gender and sex in family planning research.

Moseson H, Olson I, Shuster SM, Harris MS, Foster AM, Han L, Levandowski BA

Contraception.. 2025 January 141 :110708. Epub 09/20/2024.

Why Won't Anyone Talk? Challenges Naming and Addressing Tokenism Within Health and Human Service Agencies Serving the LGBTQ+ Community.

Levandowski BA, Rietberg-Miller S, Walton B

Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.. 2024 September 10 Epub 09/10/2024.

We are complex beings: comparison of statistical methods to capture and account for intersectionality.

Levandowski BA, Pro GC, Rietberg-Miller SB, Camplain R

BMJ open.. 2024 January 3014 (1):e077194. Epub 01/30/2024.

Results of Immediate Postpartum Long Acting Reversible Contraception Provision After Expanded Reimbursement Policy Implementation at an Academic Medical Institution.

Levandowski BA, Green T, Li L, Betstadt S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Harrington A

Maternal and child health journal.. 2023 November 27 (11):1914-1919. Epub 06/08/2023.

Correction: Results of Immediate Postpartum Long Acting Reversible Contraception Provision After Expanded Reimbursement Policy Implementation at an Academic Medical Institution.

Levandowski BA, Green T, Liu L, Betstadt S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Harrington A

Maternal and child health journal.. 2023 November 27 (11):1920. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ending the Epidemic: Building Health Care Capacity Through HIV and HCV Preceptorship Programs.

Levandowski BA, Steinke J, Stewart C, Urbina AE, Wilder TL, Bevec E, Dye TD

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education.. 2023 June 35 (3):213-224. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sharing the Details: Implementing and Evaluating the Integration of New York State AIDS Institute Health Equity Competencies for Health Care Providers into Clinical Training Activities.

Levandowski BA, Murphy HR, Silk J, Barbosu CM, Urban M, Walker L, Aladin B, Dye TD

Health equity.. 2023 7 (1):555-561. Epub 09/13/2023.

Description and Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Residency Curriculum Using the Evidence-Based Medicine Environment Survey.

Song C, Porcello L, Hernadez T, Levandowski BA

Family medicine.. 2022 April 54 (4):298-303. Epub 1900 01 01.

An Exploration of Barriers to Suicide Prevention Messaging With US Veterans.

Karras E, Levandowski BA, McCarten JM

Crisis.. 2022 January 43 (1):28-34. Epub 01/21/2021.

Piling it on: Perceived stress and lack of access to resources among US-based LGBTQ+ community members during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Levandowski BA, Miller SB, Ran D, Pressman EA, Van der Dye T

PloS one.. 2022 17 (7):e0271162. Epub 07/08/2022.

Team communication within integrated primary care in the context of suicide prevention: A mixed methods preliminary examination.

Funderburk JS, Levandowski BA, Wittink MN, Pigeon WR

Psychological services.. 2020 February 17 (1):110-117. Epub 10/01/2018.

Team-based suicide prevention: lessons learned from early adopters of collaborative care.

Wittink MN, Levandowski BA, Funderburk JS, Chelenza M, Wood JR, Pigeon WR

Journal of interprofessional care.. 2020 34 (3):400-406. Epub 12/18/2019.

Young women's reproductive health conversations: Roles of maternal figures and clinical practices.

Richards NK, Crockett E, Morley CP, Levandowski BA

PloS one.. 2020 15 (1):e0228142. Epub 01/23/2020.

Attitudes, practices, and priority of HIV screening and testing among clinical providers in Transylvania and Moldavia, Romania.

Barbosu CM, Radulescu A, Manciuc C, Muir E, Levandowski BA, Dye T

BMC health services research.. 2019 December 1619 (1):970. Epub 12/16/2019.

Community-Based Participatory Research: Incorporating the Integral Voice of Community in Study Design.

Pizarro D, Richards NK, Coots S, Crockett E, Morley CP, Levandowski BA

The patient.. 2019 December 12 (6):661-663. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intimate Partner Violence, Suicide, and Their Overlapping Risk in Women Veterans: A Review of the Literature.

Iovine-Wong PE, Nichols-Hadeed C, Thompson Stone J, Gamble S, Cross W, Cerulli C, Levandowski BA

Military medicine.. 2019 May 1184 (5-6):e201-e210. Epub 1900 01 01.

Access to digital and social media among Romanian HIV/AIDS clinical providers.

Manciuc C, Levandowski BA, Muir E, Radulescu A, Barbosu M, Dye TD

Global health action.. 2018 11 (1):1513445. Epub 1900 01 01.

An Intervention With Meaning.

Levandowski BA, Cass CM, Miller SN, Kemp JE, Conner KR

Crisis.. 2017 November 38 (6):376-383. Epub 11/21/2016.

Game changer: update on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for minors in New York State

Lynch, K.; Levandowski, B.A.; Barosu, M.; Fogg, T.; Rivera, I.; Dye, T.

Family Doctor. 2017; 6(2): 26-27.

Costs of postabortion care in public sector health facilities in Malawi: a cross-sectional survey.

Benson J, Gebreselassie H, Mañibo MA, Raisanen K, Johnston HB, Mhango C, Levandowski BA

BMC health services research.. 2015 December 1715 :562. Epub 12/17/2015.

Unsafe abortion in Kenya: a cross-sectional study of abortion complication severity and associated factors.

Ziraba AK, Izugbara C, Levandowski BA, Gebreselassie H, Mutua M, Mohamed SF, Egesa C, Kimani-Murage EW

BMC pregnancy and childbirth.. 2015 February 1515 :34. Epub 02/15/2015.

The severity of abortion complications in Malawi.

Kalilani-Phiri L, Gebreselassie H, Levandowski BA, Kuchingale E, Kachale F, Kangaude G

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics : the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.. 2015 February 128 (2):160-4. Epub 11/06/2014.

Developing a scale to measure stigmatizing attitudes and beliefs about women who have abortions: results from Ghana and Zambia.

Shellenberg KM, Hessini L, Levandowski BA

Women & health.. 2014 54 (7):599-616. Epub 1900 01 01.

The incidence of induced abortion in Malawi.

Levandowski BA, Mhango C, Kuchingale E, Lunguzi J, Katengeza H, Gebreselassie H, Singh S

International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health.. 2013 June 39 (2):88-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

Implementation of misoprostol for postabortion care in Kenya and Uganda: a qualitative evaluation.

Osur J, Baird TL, Levandowski BA, Jackson E, Murokora D

Global health action.. 2013 April 246 :1-11. Epub 04/24/2013.

Response to Letter to the Editor by Moran et al.

Osur J, Baird TL, Levandowski BA, Jackson E, Murokora D

Global health action.. 2013 January 6 (1):21787. Epub 1900 01 01.

Implementation of misoprostol for postabortion care in Kenya and Uganda: a qualitative evaluation.

Osur J, Baird TL, Levandowski BA, Jackson E, Murokora D

Global health action.. 2013 January 6 (1):19649. Epub 1900 01 01.

Investigating social consequences of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion in Malawi: the role of stigma.

Levandowski BA, Kalilani-Phiri L, Kachale F, Awah P, Kangaude G, Mhango C

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics : the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.. 2012 September 118 Suppl 2 :S167-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reproductive health characteristics of young Malawian women seeking post-abortion care.

Levandowski BA, Pearson E, Lunguzi J, Katengeza HR

African journal of reproductive health.. 2012 June 16 (2):253-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of Syracuse Healthy Start's program for abnormal flora management to reduce preterm birth among pregnant women.

Koumans EH, Lane SD, Aubry R, Demott K, Webster N, Levandowski BA, Berman S, Markowitz LE

Maternal and child health journal.. 2011 October 15 (7):1020-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

A tale of two countries: rethinking sexual risk for HIV among young people in South Africa and the United States.

Pettifor AE, Levandowski BA, Macphail C, Miller WC, Tabor J, Ford C, Stein CR, Rees H, Cohen M

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2011 September 49 (3):237-243.e1. Epub 03/23/2011.

A comparison of hepatitis A and hepatitis B measures among vaccinated and susceptible online men who have sex with men.

Gilbert LK, Levandowski BA, Scanlon KE, Peterson RS

International journal of STD & AIDS.. 2010 June 21 (6):400-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identifying gaps in HIV prevention services.

Torrone EA, Levandowski BA, Thomas JC, Isler MR, Leone PA

Social work in public health.. 2010 May 25 (3):327-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Characteristics associated with genital herpes testing among young adults: assessing factors from two national data sets.

Gilbert LK, Levandowski BA, Roberts CM

Journal of American college health : J of ACH.. 2010 59 (3):143-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Keep them in school: the importance of education as a protective factor against HIV infection among young South African women.

Pettifor AE, Levandowski BA, MacPhail C, Padian NS, Cohen MS, Rees HV

International journal of epidemiology.. 2008 December 37 (6):1266-73. Epub 07/09/2008.

Structural violence, urban retail food markets, and low birth weight.

Lane SD, Keefe RH, Rubinstein R, Levandowski BA, Webster N, Cibula DA, Boahene AK, Dele-Michael O, Carter D, Jones T, Wojtowycz M, Brill J

Health & place.. 2008 September 14 (3):415-23. Epub 09/01/2007.

Consistent condom use in South African youth's most recent sexual relationships.

Moyo W, Levandowski BA, MacPhail C, Rees H, Pettifor A

AIDS and behavior.. 2008 May 12 (3):431-40. Epub 01/29/2008.

Incarceration and sexually transmitted infections: a neighborhood perspective.

Thomas JC, Levandowski BA, Isler MR, Torrone E, Wilson G

Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.. 2008 January 85 (1):90-9. Epub 11/29/2007.

Environmental injustice: childhood lead poisoning, teen pregnancy, and tobacco.

Lane SD, Webster NJ, Levandowski BA, Rubinstein RA, Keefe RH, Wojtowycz MA, Cibula DA, Kingson JE, Aubry RH

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2008 January 42 (1):43-9. Epub 10/04/2007.

Pulling together: interagency coordination and HIV/STD prevention.

Thomas JC, Carter C, Torrone E, Levandowski BA

Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.. 2008 14 (1):E1-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Highly efficient HIV transmission to young women in South Africa.

Pettifor AE, Hudgens MG, Levandowski BA, Rees HV, Cohen MS

AIDS.. 2007 April 2321 (7):861-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Parental literacy and infant health: an evidence-based healthy start intervention.

Levandowski BA, Sharma P, Lane SD, Webster N, Nestor AM, Cibula DA, Huntington S

Health promotion practice.. 2006 January 7 (1):95-102. Epub 1900 01 01.

Marriage promotion and missing men: African American women in a demographic double bind.

Lane SD, Keefe RH, Rubinstein RA, Levandowski BA, Freedman M, Rosenthal A, Cibula DA, Czerwinski M

Medical anthropology quarterly.. 2004 December 18 (4):405-28. Epub 1900 01 01.