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Souvarish Sarkar, Ph.D.

Souvarish Sarkar, Ph.D.


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About Me

Souvarish got his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology in 2013 from the Heritage Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India, and his Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from Iowa State Univerity, Ames, IA, USA. As a doctoral student with Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy, his research f...
Souvarish got his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology in 2013 from the Heritage Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India, and his Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from Iowa State Univerity, Ames, IA, USA. As a doctoral student with Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy, his research focused primarily on understanding the molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways of neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease (PD). Souvarish completed his post-doctoral fellowship in Dr. Mel Feany's lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, where he studied the role of various genetic factors in regulating PD etiology. He received a K99/R00 career transition grant from the NIH in 2022 and joined the Department of Environmental Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center as a tenure-track Assistant professor.

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Environmental Medicine (SMD)

Assistant Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Brigham & Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School, Boston,MA.
Advisor: Dr. Mel B. Feany 2018 - 2023


PhD | Iowa State University. Molecular Toxicology. 2018

BTech | India - West Bengal University of Technology. Biotechnology. 2013



Journal Articles

Microglial ion channels: Key players in non-cell autonomous neurodegeneration.

Sarkar S

Neurobiology of disease.. 2022 November 174 :105861. Epub 09/14/2022.

The Parkinson's disease protein alpha-synuclein is a modulator of processing bodies and mRNA stability.

Hallacli E, Kayatekin C, Nazeen S, Wang XH, Sheinkopf Z, Sathyakumar S, Sarkar S, Jiang X, Dong X, Di Maio R, Wang W, Keeney MT, Felsky D, Sandoe J, Vahdatshoar A, Udeshi ND, Mani DR, Carr SA, Lindquist S, De Jager PL, Bartel DP, Myers CL, Greenamyre JT, Feany MB, Sunyaev SR, Chung CY, Khurana V

Cell.. 2022 June 9185 (12):2035-2056.e33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Environmental neurotoxic pesticide exposure induces gut inflammation and enteric neuronal degeneration by impairing enteric glial mitochondrial function in pesticide models of Parkinson's disease: Potential relevance to gut-brain axis inflammation in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis.

Palanisamy BN, Sarkar S, Malovic E, Samidurai M, Charli A, Zenitsky G, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology.. 2022 June 147 :106225. Epub 05/12/2022.

Editorial: Environmental Effect on Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration.

Langley MR, Rangaraju S, Dey A, Sarkar S

Frontiers in cellular neuroscience.. 2022 16 :935190. Epub 06/21/2022.

Mechanism of Gene-Environment Interactions Driving Glial Activation in Parkinson's Diseases.

Sarkar S

Current environmental health reports.. 2021 September 8 (3):203-211. Epub 05/27/2021.

Precision Medicine on the Fly: Using Drosophila to Decipher Gene-Environment Interactions in Parkinson's Disease.

Sarkar S, Feany MB

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.. 2021 August 3182 (2):159-167. Epub 1900 01 01.

Chronic Manganese Exposure and the Enteric Nervous System: An and Mouse Study.

Ghaisas S, Harischandra DS, Palanisamy B, Proctor A, Jin H, Dutta S, Sarkar S, Langley M, Zenitsky G, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Phillips GJ, Kanthasamy A

Environmental health perspectives.. 2021 August 129 (8):87005. Epub 08/19/2021.

Oligomerization of Lrrk controls actin severing and ?-synuclein neurotoxicity in vivo.

Sarkar S, Bardai F, Olsen AL, Lohr KM, Zhang YY, Feany MB

Molecular neurodegeneration.. 2021 May 2416 (1):33. Epub 05/24/2021.

?-synuclein impairs autophagosome maturation through abnormal actin stabilization.

Sarkar S, Olsen AL, Sygnecka K, Lohr KM, Feany MB

PLoS genetics.. 2021 February 17 (2):e1009359. Epub 02/08/2021.

Comparative proteomic analysis highlights metabolic dysfunction in ?-synucleinopathy.

Sarkar S, Murphy MA, Dammer EB, Olsen AL, Rangaraju S, Fraenkel E, Feany MB

NPJ Parkinson's disease.. 2020 December 116 (1):40. Epub 12/11/2020.

Kv1.3 modulates neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease.

Sarkar S, Nguyen HM, Malovic E, Luo J, Langley M, Palanisamy BN, Singh N, Manne S, Neal M, Gabrielle M, Abdalla A, Anantharam P, Rokad D, Panicker N, Singh V, Ay M, Charli A, Harischandra D, Jin LW, Jin H, Rangaraju S, Anantharam V, Wulff H, Kanthasamy AG

The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2020 August 3130 (8):4195-4212. Epub 1900 01 01.

Molecular Signatures of Neuroinflammation Induced by ?Synuclein Aggregates in Microglial Cells.

Sarkar S, Dammer EB, Malovic E, Olsen AL, Raza SA, Gao T, Xiao H, Oliver DL, Duong D, Joers V, Seyfried N, Huang M, Kukar T, Tansey MG, Kanthasamy AG, Rangaraju S

Frontiers in immunology.. 2020 11 :33. Epub 01/31/2020.

MitoPark transgenic mouse model recapitulates the gastrointestinal dysfunction and gut-microbiome changes of Parkinson's disease.

Ghaisas S, Langley MR, Palanisamy BN, Dutta S, Narayanaswamy K, Plummer PJ, Sarkar S, Ay M, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

Neurotoxicology.. 2019 December 75 :186-199. Epub 09/07/2019.

Fyn kinase regulates misfolded ?-synuclein uptake and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in microglia.

Panicker N, Sarkar S, Harischandra DS, Neal M, Kam TI, Jin H, Saminathan H, Langley M, Charli A, Samidurai M, Rokad D, Ghaisas S, Pletnikova O, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

The Journal of experimental medicine.. 2019 June 3216 (6):1411-1430. Epub 04/29/2019.

Manganese promotes the aggregation and prion-like cell-to-cell exosomal transmission of ?-synuclein.

Harischandra DS, Rokad D, Neal ML, Ghaisas S, Manne S, Sarkar S, Panicker N, Zenitsky G, Jin H, Lewis M, Huang X, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

Science signaling.. 2019 March 1212 (572)Epub 03/12/2019.

Manganese activates NLRP3 inflammasome signaling and propagates exosomal release of ASC in microglial cells.

Sarkar S, Rokad D, Malovic E, Luo J, Harischandra DS, Jin H, Anantharam V, Huang X, Lewis M, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

Science signaling.. 2019 January 812 (563)Epub 01/08/2019.

Prokineticin-2 promotes chemotaxis and alternative A2 reactivity of astrocytes.

Neal M, Luo J, Harischandra DS, Gordon R, Sarkar S, Jin H, Anantharam V, Désaubry L, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy A

Glia.. 2018 October 66 (10):2137-2157. Epub 09/12/2018.

Organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos impairs STAT1 signaling to induce dopaminergic neurotoxicity: Implications for mitochondria mediated oxidative stress signaling events.

Singh N, Lawana V, Luo J, Phong P, Abdalla A, Palanisamy B, Rokad D, Sarkar S, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

Neurobiology of disease.. 2018 September 117 :82-113. Epub 05/31/2018.

Characterization and comparative analysis of a new mouse microglial cell model for studying neuroinflammatory mechanisms during neurotoxic insults.

Sarkar S, Malovic E, Sarda D, Lawana V, Rokad D, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

Neurotoxicology.. 2018 July 67 :129-140. Epub 05/30/2018.

Role of the Fyn-PKC? signaling in SE-induced neuroinflammation and epileptogenesis in experimental models of temporal lobe epilepsy.

Sharma S, Carlson S, Puttachary S, Sarkar S, Showman L, Putra M, Kanthasamy AG, Thippeswamy T

Neurobiology of disease.. 2018 February 110 :102-121. Epub 11/29/2017.

Manganese exposure induces neuroinflammation by impairing mitochondrial dynamics in astrocytes.

Sarkar S, Malovic E, Harischandra DS, Ngwa HA, Ghosh A, Hogan C, Rokad D, Zenitsky G, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

Neurotoxicology.. 2018 January 64 :204-218. Epub 05/21/2017.

Involvement of c-Abl Kinase in Microglial Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome and Impairment in Autolysosomal System.

Lawana V, Singh N, Sarkar S, Charli A, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology : the official journal of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology.. 2017 December 12 (4):624-660. Epub 05/02/2017.

Mito-Apocynin Prevents Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Microglial Activation, Oxidative Damage, and Progressive Neurodegeneration in MitoPark Transgenic Mice.

Langley M, Ghosh A, Charli A, Sarkar S, Ay M, Luo J, Zielonka J, Brenza T, Bennett B, Jin H, Ghaisas S, Schlichtmann B, Kim D, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Narasimhan B, Kalyanaraman B, Kanthasamy AG

Antioxidants & redox signaling.. 2017 November 1027 (14):1048-1066. Epub 04/04/2017.

Cobinamide is effective for treatment of hydrogen sulfide-induced neurological sequelae in a mouse model.

Anantharam P, Whitley EM, Mahama B, Kim DS, Sarkar S, Santana C, Chan A, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A, Boss GR, Rumbeiha WK

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2017 November 1408 (1):61-78. Epub 1900 01 01.

Rapid and Refined CD11b Magnetic Isolation of Primary Microglia with Enhanced Purity and Versatility.

Sarkar S, Malovic E, Plante B, Zenitsky G, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.. 2017 April 13 (122)Epub 04/13/2017.

Mitochondrial impairment in microglia amplifies NLRP3 inflammasome proinflammatory signaling in cell culture and animal models of Parkinson's disease.

Sarkar S, Malovic E, Harishchandra DS, Ghaisas S, Panicker N, Charli A, Palanisamy BN, Rokad D, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG

NPJ Parkinson's disease.. 2017 3 :30. Epub 10/17/2017.

Protein kinase C? upregulation in microglia drives neuroinflammatory responses and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in experimental models of Parkinson's disease.

Gordon R, Singh N, Lawana V, Ghosh A, Harischandra DS, Jin H, Hogan C, Sarkar S, Rokad D, Panicker N, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

Neurobiology of disease.. 2016 September 93 :96-114. Epub 05/02/2016.

Fyn Kinase Regulates Microglial Neuroinflammatory Responses in Cell Culture and Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease.

Panicker N, Saminathan H, Jin H, Neal M, Harischandra DS, Gordon R, Kanthasamy K, Lawana V, Sarkar S, Luo J, Anantharam V, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2015 July 835 (27):10058-77. Epub 1900 01 01.