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Jacob Schlesinger, M.D.

About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases (SMD)



MD | Yale University Sch Medicine. Medicine. 1968

BS | Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Chemistry. 1964



Method of Determining Immune Enhancement of Virus Infectivity using FC Receptor-Transfected Cell Lines

Issue date: November 26, 2013

Patent #: 8,592,163

Country: United States

Inventors: Xia Jin, W.W. Shanaka I Rodrigo, Robert C Rose, Jacob J Schlesinger

Method of Determining Immune Enhancement of Virus Infectivity Using Fc Receptor-Transfected Cell Lines

Issue date: January 05, 2012

Patent #: 2006252637

Country: Australia

Inventors: W.W. Shanaka I Rodrigo, Robert C Rose, Jacob J Schlesinger


Journal Articles

A humanized IgG but not IgM antibody is effective in prophylaxis and therapy of yellow fever infection in an AG129/17D-204 peripheral challenge mouse model.

Thibodeaux BA, Garbino NC, Liss NM, Piper J, Schlesinger JJ, Blair CD, Roehrig JT

Antiviral research.. 2012 April 94 (1):1-8. Epub 02/15/2012.

Human antibodies against dengue enhance dengue viral infectivity without suppressing type I interferon secretion in primary human monocytes.

Kou Z, Lim JY, Beltramello M, Quinn M, Chen H, Liu SN, Martnez-Sobrido L, Diamond MS, Schlesinger JJ, de Silva A, Sallusto F, Jin X

Virology.. 2011 February 5410 (1):240-7. Epub 12/04/2010.

A tetravalent recombinant dengue domain III protein vaccine stimulates neutralizing and enhancing antibodies in mice.

Block OK, Rodrigo WW, Quinn M, Jin X, Rose RC, Schlesinger JJ

Vaccine.. 2010 November 2928 (51):8085-94. Epub 10/16/2010.

Dengue virus neutralization is modulated by IgG antibody subclass and Fcgamma receptor subtype.

Rodrigo WW, Block OK, Lane C, Sukupolvi-Petty S, Goncalvez AP, Johnson S, Diamond MS, Lai CJ, Rose RC, Jin X, Schlesinger JJ

Virology.. 2009 November 25394 (2):175-82. Epub 10/14/2009.

Primary human endothelial cells support direct but not antibody-dependent enhancement of dengue viral infection.

Arévalo MT, Simpson-Haidaris PJ, Kou Z, Schlesinger JJ, Jin X

Journal of medical virology.. 2009 March 81 (3):519-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

Difference between the abilities of human Fcgamma receptor-expressing CV-1 cells to neutralize American and Asian genotypes of dengue virus 2.

Rodrigo WW, Alcena DC, Kou Z, Kochel TJ, Porter KR, Comach G, Rose RC, Jin X, Schlesinger JJ

Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI.. 2009 February 16 (2):285-7. Epub 11/26/2008.

An automated Dengue virus microneutralization plaque assay performed in human Fc{gamma} receptor-expressing CV-1 cells.

Shanaka WW, Rodrigo I, Alcena DC, Rose RC, Jin X, Schlesinger JJ

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.. 2009 January 80 (1):61-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dengue vaccine development and dengue viral neutralization and enhancement assays.

Jin X, Block OT, Rose R, Schlesinger J

Antiviral therapy.. 2009 14 (6):739-49. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fc receptor-mediated, antibody-dependent enhancement of bacteriophage lambda-mediated gene transfer in mammalian cells.

Sapinoro R, Volcy K, Rodrigo WW, Schlesinger JJ, Dewhurst S

Virology.. 2008 April 10373 (2):274-86. Epub 01/14/2008.

Monocytes, but not T or B cells, are the principal target cells for dengue virus (DV) infection among human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Kou Z, Quinn M, Chen H, Rodrigo WW, Rose RC, Schlesinger JJ, Jin X

Journal of medical virology.. 2008 January 80 (1):134-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Type- and subcomplex-specific neutralizing antibodies against domain III of dengue virus type 2 envelope protein recognize adjacent epitopes.

Sukupolvi-Petty S, Austin SK, Purtha WE, Oliphant T, Nybakken GE, Schlesinger JJ, Roehrig JT, Gromowski GD, Barrett AD, Fremont DH, Diamond MS

Journal of virology.. 2007 December 81 (23):12816-26. Epub 09/19/2007.

Primary human splenic macrophages, but not T or B cells, are the principal target cells for dengue virus infection in vitro.

Blackley S, Kou Z, Chen H, Quinn M, Rose RC, Schlesinger JJ, Coppage M, Jin X

Journal of virology.. 2007 December 81 (24):13325-34. Epub 10/10/2007.

Flavivirus nonstructural protein NS1: complementary surprises.

Schlesinger JJ

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2006 December 12103 (50):18879-80. Epub 12/04/2006.

Differential enhancement of dengue virus immune complex infectivity mediated by signaling-competent and signaling-incompetent human Fcgamma RIA (CD64) or FcgammaRIIA (CD32).

Rodrigo WW, Jin X, Blackley SD, Rose RC, Schlesinger JJ

Journal of virology.. 2006 October 80 (20):10128-38. Epub 1900 01 01.

Yellow fever virus/dengue-2 virus and yellow fever virus/dengue-4 virus chimeras: biological characterization, immunogenicity, and protection against dengue encephalitis in the mouse model.

Chambers TJ, Liang Y, Droll DA, Schlesinger JJ, Davidson AD, Wright PJ, Jiang X

Journal of virology.. 2003 March 77 (6):3655-68. Epub 1900 01 01.

Influence of the human high-affinity IgG receptor FcgammaRI (CD64) on residual infectivity of neutralized dengue virus.

Schlesinger JJ, Chapman SE

Virology.. 1999 July 20260 (1):84-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Yellow fever virus envelope protein has two discrete type-specific neutralizing epitopes.

Ryman KD, Ledger TN, Weir RC, Schlesinger JJ, Barrett AD

The Journal of general virology.. 1997 June 78 ( Pt 6) :1353-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Replication of yellow fever virus in the mouse central nervous system: comparison of neuroadapted and non-neuroadapted virus and partial sequence analysis of the neuroadapted strain.

Schlesinger JJ, Chapman S, Nestorowicz A, Rice CM, Ginocchio TE, Chambers TJ

The Journal of general virology.. 1996 June 77 ( Pt 6) :1277-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immunization of monkeys with baculovirus-dengue type-4 recombinants containing envelope and nonstructural proteins: evidence of priming and partial protection.

Eckels KH, Dubois DR, Summers PL, Schlesinger JJ, Shelly M, Cohen S, Zhang YM, Lai CJ, Kurane I, Rothman A

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.. 1994 April 50 (4):472-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Fc portion of antibody to yellow fever virus NS1 is a determinant of protection against YF encephalitis in mice.

Schlesinger JJ, Foltzer M, Chapman S

Virology.. 1993 January 192 (1):132-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of recombinant fusion proteins and monoclonal antibodies to define linear and discontinuous antigenic sites on the dengue virus envelope glycoprotein.

Megret F, Hugnot JP, Falconar A, Gentry MK, Morens DM, Murray JM, Schlesinger JJ, Wright PJ, Young P, Van Regenmortel MH

Virology.. 1992 April 187 (2):480-91. Epub 1900 01 01.

Processing, secretion, and immunoreactivity of carboxy terminally truncated dengue-2 virus envelope proteins expressed in insect cells by recombinant baculoviruses.

Deubel V, Bordier M, Megret F, Gentry MK, Schlesinger JJ, Girard M

Virology.. 1991 January 180 (1):442-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attenuation of wild-type yellow fever virus by passage in HeLa cells.

Barrett AD, Monath TP, Cropp CB, Adkins JA, Ledger TN, Gould EA, Schlesinger JJ, Kinney RM, Trent DW

The Journal of general virology.. 1990 October 71 ( Pt 10) :2301-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immunization of mice with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing authentic dengue virus nonstructural protein NS1 protects against lethal dengue virus encephalitis.

Falgout B, Bray M, Schlesinger JJ, Lai CJ

Journal of virology.. 1990 September 64 (9):4356-63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immunogenicity of a purified fragment of 17D yellow fever envelope protein.

Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ, Walsh EE

The Journal of infectious diseases.. 1990 June 161 (6):1134-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cell surface expression of yellow fever virus non-structural glycoprotein NS1: consequences of interaction with antibody.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Putnak JR, Walsh EE

The Journal of general virology.. 1990 March 71 ( Pt 3) :593-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Synergistic interactions of anti-NS1 monoclonal antibodies protect passively immunized mice from lethal challenge with dengue 2 virus.

Henchal EA, Henchal LS, Schlesinger JJ

The Journal of general virology.. 1988 August 69 ( Pt 8) :2101-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Location of a neutralization determinant in the E protein of yellow fever virus (17D vaccine strain).

Lobigs M, Dalgarno L, Schlesinger JJ, Weir RC

Virology.. 1987 December 161 (2):474-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protection of mice against dengue 2 virus encephalitis by immunization with the dengue 2 virus non-structural glycoprotein NS1.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Walsh EE

The Journal of general virology.. 1987 March 68 ( Pt 3) :853-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparative immunochemical and biological analysis of African and South American yellow fever viruses.

Deubel V, Schlesinger JJ, Digoutte JP, Girard M

Archives of virology.. 1987 94 (3-4):331-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protection against yellow fever in monkeys by immunization with yellow fever virus nonstructural protein NS1.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Cropp CB, Monath TP

Journal of virology.. 1986 December 60 (3):1153-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Partial N-terminal amino acid sequences of three nonstructural proteins of two flaviviruses.

Rice CM, Aebersold R, Teplow DB, Pata J, Bell JR, Vorndam AV, Trent DW, Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ, Strauss JH

Virology.. 1986 May 151 (1):1-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lethal 17D yellow fever encephalitis in mice. I. Passive protection by monoclonal antibodies to the envelope proteins of 17D yellow fever and dengue 2 viruses.

Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ, Walsh EE, Briselli M

The Journal of general virology.. 1986 February 67 ( Pt 2) :229-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sensitive and specific monoclonal immunoassay for detecting yellow fever virus in laboratory and clinical specimens.

Monath TP, Hill LJ, Brown NV, Cropp CB, Schlesinger JJ, Saluzzo JF, Wands JR

Journal of clinical microbiology.. 1986 January 23 (1):129-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protection against 17D yellow fever encephalitis in mice by passive transfer of monoclonal antibodies to the nonstructural glycoprotein gp48 and by active immunization with gp48.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Walsh EE

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1985 October 135 (4):2805-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Homogeneity among Senegalese strains of yellow fever virus.

Deubel V, Pailliez JP, Cornet M, Schlesinger JJ, Diop M, Diop A, Digoutte JP, Girard M

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.. 1985 September 34 (5):976-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Purification and characterization of the respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein.

Walsh EE, Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ

The Journal of general virology.. 1985 March 66 ( Pt 3) :409-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

Analysis of 17D yellow fever virus envelope protein epitopes using monoclonal antibodies.

Schlesinger JJ, Walsh EE, Brandriss MW

The Journal of general virology.. 1984 October 65 ( Pt 10) :1637-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Yellow fever monoclonal antibodies: type-specific and cross-reactive determinants identified by immunofluorescence.

Monath TP, Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Cropp CB, Prange WC

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.. 1984 July 33 (4):695-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Purification and characterization of GP90, one of the envelope glycoproteins of respiratory syncytial virus.

Walsh EE, Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW

The Journal of general virology.. 1984 April 65 ( Pt 4) :761-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Antibody-mediated infection of P388D1 cells with 17D yellow fever virus: effects of chloroquine and cytochalasin B.

Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ

The Journal of general virology.. 1984 April 65 ( Pt 4) :791-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protection from respiratory syncytial virus infection in cotton rats by passive transfer of monoclonal antibodies.

Walsh EE, Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW

Infection and immunity.. 1984 February 43 (2):756-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Infection of a macrophage-like cell line, P388D1 with reovirus; effects of immune ascitic fluids and monoclonal antibodies on neutralization and on enhancement of viral growth.

Burstin SJ, Brandriss MW, Schlesinger JJ

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1983 June 130 (6):2915-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

17D yellow fever virus infection of P388D1 cells mediated by monoclonal antibodies: properties of the macrophage Fc receptor.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW

The Journal of general virology.. 1983 June 64 (Pt 6) :1255-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ontogeny of yellow fever 17D vaccine: RNA oligonucleotide fingerprint and monoclonal antibody analyses of vaccines produced world-wide.

Monath TP, Kinney RM, Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW, Brès P

The Journal of general virology.. 1983 March 64 Pt 3 :627-37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Growth of 17D yellow fever virus in a macrophage-like cell line, U937: role of Fc and viral receptors in antibody-mediated infection.

Schlesinger JJ, Brandriss MW

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1981 August 127 (2):659-65. Epub 1900 01 01.