Karen L. Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D.
Karen L. Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology (SMD)
MD | Univ Chicago Pritzker Sch Med. Medicine. 1969
PhD | Univ Chicago Pritzker Sch Med. Biochemistry. 1969
BA | Miami University. Arts & Sciences. 1963
Phi Beta Kappa
Sigma XI
Alpha Omega Alpha
Journal Articles
O'Reilly KM, Boscia JA, Kaplan KL, Sime PJ
The European respiratory journal.. 2004 June 23 (6):954-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gomes MP, Kaplan KL, Deitcher SR
The Medical clinics of North America.. 2003 November 87 (6):1189-203. Epub 1900 01 01.
De novo thrombotic microangiopathy in renal transplant recipients
Schwimmer J; Nadasdy T; Spitalnik P; Kaplan K; et al.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2003; .
Nicardipine vs. nitroprusside for deliberate hypotension during idiopathic scoliosis repair
Lustik S; PapdakosP; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesis. 2003; .
Kaplan KL, Fitzpatrick P, Cox C, Shammas NW, Marder VJ
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis.. 2002 February 13 (1):21-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Direct thrombin inhibitors
Kaplan K; Francis CW;.
Sem in Hematology. 2002; .
Kaplan KL
Critical care medicine.. 2000 February 28 (2):585-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kaplan KL, Francis CW
Blood reviews.. 1999 March 13 (1):1-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Multiple myeloma. A patient with unusual features including intracranial and meningial involvement, testicular involvement, organomegaly, and plasma cell leukemia
Turhal N; Henehan M; Kaplan K;.
American Journal of Hematology. 1997; .
Zangari M, Kaplan KL, Glanville RW, Rand JH
Thrombosis research.. 1995 September 1579 (5-6):429-36. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kaplan KL
Seminars in hematology.. 1991 October 28 (4 Suppl 7):16-21; discussion 38-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Anticoagulant effects of nonionic vs. ionic contrast media in angiography syringes
Grabowski EF; Kaplan K; Halpern E;.
Journal of Investigative Radiology. 1991; .
Detection of circulating endothelial antigens
Carson CW; Hunder GG; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of Rheumatology. 1991; .
Inducible release of the endothelial cell-specific protein
Carson CW; Hunder G; Kaplan K; et al.
American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 1991; .
Reductionn of plasma cholesterol levels in normal men on an American Heart Association diet
Ginsberg H; Barr SL; Kaplan K; et al.
NEJM. 1990; .
Bini A, Mesa-Tejada R, Fenoglio JJ, Kudryk B, Kaplan KL
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.. 1989 June 60 (6):814-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Identification and distribution of fibrinogen, fibrin and fibrin(ogen) degradation products in atherosclerosis by monoclonal antibodies
Bini A; Fenolglio J; Mesa-Tejada R; Kaplan K; et al.
Arteriosclerosis. 1989; .
Effect of fibrin on endothelial celll production of prostacyclin and tissue plasminogen activator
Kaplan K; Mather T; et al.
Arteriosclerosis. 1989; .
Kaplan KL, Bini A
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.. 1989 9 (4):305-18. Epub 1900 01 01.
Immunochemical characterization of fibrinogen, fibrin 1 and fibrin II in human thrombi and atherosclerotic lesions
Bini A; Fenogliio J; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1987; .
Blood tests for the detection of thrombosis
Owen J; Kaplan K;.
Annals of the NY Academy of Science. 1987; .
The expression of endothelial cell surface antigens by AIDS-associated Kaposi's Sarcoma: Evidence for a vascular endothelial cell origin.
Rutgers J; Wieczorek R; Kaplan K; et al.
American Journal of Pathology. 1986; .
Statement on Prevention of Venous thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. NIH Consensus Development Conference
Roberts H; Kaplan K; et al.
JAMA. 1986; .
Immunologic identification of the cleavage products from the A alpha- and B beta-chains in the early stages of plasmin digestion of fibrinogen
Liu C; Sobel J; Weitz J; Kaplan K; et al.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 1986; .
DePinho RA, Kaplan KL
Medicine.. 1985 May 64 (3):192-202. Epub 1900 01 01.
Nomenclature of secreted platelet proteins. Report of the Working Party on Secreted Platelet Proteins
Kaplan K; Niewiarowski S;.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 1985; .
Prosta-cyclin production by perturbed bovine aortic endothelial cells in culture
Nawroth P; Stern D; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1984; .
Pham TD, Kaplan KL, Butler VP
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.. 1983 July 31 (7):905-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Thrombin and plasmin activity and platelet activation in the development of venous thrombosis
Owen J; Kvam D; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1983; .
Monoclonal antibodies to E92, an endothelial cell surface antigen
Kaplan K; Weber D; Cook P; et al.
Arteriosclerosis. 1983; .
Exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease
Marcella J; Nichols AB; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of American College of Cardiology. 1983; .
Differential energy requirements for platelet responses.
Holmsen H; Kaplan K; Dangelmaier C;.
The Biochemical Journal. 1982; .
Fibrinopeptide A, platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin levels in coronary heart disease
Nichols AB; Owen J; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1982; .
Plasma levels of beta-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 as indices of platelet activation in vivo
Kaplan K; Owens J;.
Blood. 1981; .
Fibrinopeptide A cleavage and platelet release in whole blood in vitro
Kaplan K; Drillings M; Lesznik G.
Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1981; .
Effects of acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine on human platelet function in vivo
Marcus AJ; Safier LB; Ullman HL; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1981; .
ADP and epinephrine-induced release of platelet fibrinogen
Kaplan KL; Dauzier MJ; Rose S;.
Blood. 1981; .
Lack of platelet effect with the aspirin analog, Salsalate
Estes D; Kaplan K.
Arthritis & Rheumatism. 1980; .
Acquired storage pool deficiency with increased platelet-associated IgG
Weiss H; Rosove M; Kaplan K; et al.
American Journal of Medicine. 1980; .
Thermodynamic characterization of thrombin binding by cross-linked fibrin in the presence and absence of Ca2+
Liu C; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1980; .
Platelet alpha-granule proteins: studies on release and subcellular localization
Kaplan K; Broekman M; Chernoff A; et al.
Blood. 1979; .
Release of platelet fibronectin from alpha granules induced by thrombin or collagen, and the lack of requirement for plasma fibronectin in ADP-induced platelet aggregation
Zucker M; Mosesson M; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1979; .
Binding of thrombin by fibrin
Liu C; Nossel H; Kaplan K;.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1979; .
Sequence of fibrinogen proteolysis and platelet release after intrauterine infusion of hypertonic saline
Nossel H; Wasser J; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1979; .
Factor VIII-related antigen in human blood platelets: Localization and release by thrombin and collagen.
Zucker M; Broekman J; Kaplan K;.
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. 1979; .
Heterogeneity in storage pool deficiency: Studies on granual-bound substances in 18 patients including variants deficient in alpha-granules, platelet factor 4, beta-thromboglobulin and platelet derived growth factor
Weiss H; witte L; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1979; .
Kaplan KL, Nossel HL, Drillings M, Lesznik G
British journal of haematology.. 1978 May 39 (1):129-46. Epub 1900 01 01.
Witte LD, Kaplan KL, Nossel HL, Lages BA, Weiss HJ, Goodman DS
Circulation research.. 1978 March 42 (3):402-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Plasma fibrinopeptide A levels in symptomatic venous thrombo-embolism
Yudelman I; Nossel H; Kaplan K; et al.
Blood. 1978; .
The generation of fibrinopeptide A in clinical blood samples: Evidence for thrombin activity
Nossel J; Ti M; Kaplan K; et al.
Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1976; .
Kaplan KL, Nachman RL
Thrombosis research.. 1975 December 7 (6):847-59. Epub 1900 01 01.
The effect of platelet membrane antibodies on aggregation and release
Kaplan K; Nachman R;.
British Journal of Haematology. 1974; .
The mechanism of the rhodanese-catalyzed thiosulfate-cyanide reaction
Kaplan K; Westley J;.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1968; .
Rapid effect of testosterone on ribonucleic acid polymearase activity of rate ventral prostate
Liao S; Kaplan K; et al.
Endocrinology. 1965; .
Clinical Hematology (2006)
Chapter: Venous and Arterial Thrombosis
Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K
Publisher: Elsevier 2006
Scwartz' Principles of surgery, 8th ed. (2005)
Chapter: Hemostasis, Surgical bleeding, and Transfusion
Authors: Schwartz D; Kaplan K;
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional Medical Publishing 2005
Williams Hematology (2005)
Chapter: Principles of Anticoagulant Therapy
Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K;
Publisher: McGraw Hill 2005
Hematology 7th ed. (2004)
Chapter: Principles of antithrombotic therapy
Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional Medical Publishing 2004
Hematology: Basic Principales and Practice (1998)
Chapter: Hematology problems in the surgical patient: Bleeding and Thrombosis
Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K;
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1998
Hemostasis and thrombosis. Basic princ. and clin. practice (1994)
Chapter: Laboratory markers of platelet activation
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: J. B. Lippincott 1994
Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (1990)
Chapter: Fibrin and the Vessel Wall
Authors: Kaplan K; Bini A; Fenoglio J; et al
Publisher: Plenum Publishing 1990
Proceed. from Sci. Conf. on Eff. of Dietary Fatty Ac. on Ser. L and H (1990)
Chapter: Effects of lipids on platelets and coagulation
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: American Heart Association 1990
Methods in Hematology (1987)
Chapter: Blood tests in the Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1987
Methods in Hematology: Methods in the Diagnosis of Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embo (1987)
Chapter: Blood Tests in the Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1987
Hemostasis and Thrombosis (1987)
Chapter: Coagulation Proteins in Thrombosis
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: J. P. Lippincott 1987
Platelet Function and Metabolism (1986)
Chapter: Platelet Alpha-granule Secretion
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: CRC Press 1986
Fundamentals of Hematology 3rd ed. (1986)
Chapter: Chapters 14-18
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 1986
SWISS MED (1986)
Chapter: Pathophysiological Basis for Blood Tests for Venous Thrombosis
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;
Publisher: no publisher listed 1986
CRC Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (1986)
Chapter: Plasma Levels of Platelet Secretory Proteins
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J
Publisher: no publisher given 1986
Fibrinogen and Its Derivatives (1986)
Chapter: Separationn and characterization of fibrinogen-derived fragments in human arterial thrombi
Authors: Bini A; Sobel J; Kaplan K;
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers 1986
Methods in Enzymology (1982)
Chapter: Radioimmunoassay of platelet factor 4
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;
Publisher: Academic Press 1982
Methods in Enzymology (1982)
Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;
Publisher: Academic press 1982
Pathology of the Endothelial Cell (1982)
Chapter: Interactions of platelets with endothelial cells
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: J. F. Bergmann Verlag 1982
Platelets in Biology and Pathology (1981)
Chapter: Granule Proteins: Localization and Secretion
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: Elsevier-Holland 1981
Progress in Hemostasis and Thrombosis (1980)
Chapter: Beta-thromboglobulin
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: Grune and Stratton 1980
Thrombosis: Animal and Clinical Models (1978)
Chapter: Proteins secreted by platelets - significance in detecting thrombosis.
Authors: Kaplan K;
Publisher: Plenum Publications 1978
The Chemistry and Physiology of the Human Plasma Proteins (1978)
Chapter: Simultaneous measurement of thrombin and plasmin proteolysis of fibrinogen and of platelet release
Authors: Nossel H; Kaplan K;
Publisher: Pergamon Press 1978