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Anne-Marie Conn, Ph.D., M.Ed.

Anne-Marie Conn, Ph.D., M.Ed.


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Research Assistant Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics (SMD)



MSEd | University of Rochester Warner School of Education. Education. 2014

PhD | Capella University. Psychology. 2011

MA | SUNY College at Brockport. Psychology. 2001

BS | SUNY College at Brockport. Psychology. 1996


Bradford Fellowship for Postdoctoral Training. 2014 - 2015

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect Summer Research Institute. 2013

Psi Chi. 1995


Dr. Conn's research is focused on preventing or mitigating the devastating impact on children (and adults) of adverse childhood experiences, such as maltreatment, family dysfunction, and other childhood trauma. This research includes evaluation of the physical and emotional impact of childhood adver...
Dr. Conn's research is focused on preventing or mitigating the devastating impact on children (and adults) of adverse childhood experiences, such as maltreatment, family dysfunction, and other childhood trauma. This research includes evaluation of the physical and emotional impact of childhood adversity, screening to identify adverse experiences in clinical and community settings, and community awareness and trauma-informed training. Thus, Dr. Conn's work aims to support the social-emotional growth of vulnerable children in their families, communities, and the health care system.


Journal Articles

Validation of remote child weight and height measurements within a weight management trial.

Button AM, Staiano AE, Beyl RA, Stein RI, Newton RL, Baker A, Lima A, Lindros J, Conn AM, Welch RR, Cook SR, Wilfley DE

Obesity.. 2024 April 32 (4):660-666. Epub 12/18/2023.

A pragmatic trial of a family-centered approach to childhood obesity treatment: Rationale and study design.

Staiano AE, Button AM, Baker A, Beyl R, Conn AM, Lima A, Lindros J, Newton RL, Stein RI, Welch RR, Cook S, Wilfley DE,

Contemporary clinical trials.. 2024 March 138 :107459. Epub 01/24/2024.

Let's stop the pain: A trauma-informed care approach to pediatric vaccination

Jee, SH; Conn, A.-M; Manly, JT.

Clinical Pediatrics. 2024; 63(4): 444-446.

Adverse Childhood Experience and Social Risk: Pediatric Practice and Potential.

Conn AM, Szilagyi M, Forkey H

Academic pediatrics.. 2020 July 20 (5):573-574. Epub 04/06/2020.

Just Stand There and Listen.

Jee SH, Conn AM, Conrow M, Alpert-Gillis L, Herendeen N

Clinical pediatrics.. 2020 July 59 (8):749-751. Epub 04/26/2020.

Creating a Culture of Care: An Intervention for Students Who Hurt.

Conn, A.-M.;Nelms, S.;Marsh, V.;.

Educational Leadership. 2020; 78(2): 58-63.

Providing Trauma-Informed Pediatric Care for Underserved Populations: Reflections on a Teaching Intervention.

Jee, S.H.; Conn, A.-M.; Milne-Wenderlich, A.; Krafft, C.; Chen, M.; Steen, M.; Manly, J.T.

Developmental Child Welfare. 2020; 2(1): 21-36.

Childhood Trauma Management in Primary Care.

Forkey H, Conn AM

Advances in pediatrics.. 2018 August 65 (1):143-158. Epub 05/17/2018.

Parental perspectives of screening for adverse childhood experiences in pediatric primary care.

Conn AM, Szilagyi MA, Jee SH, Manly JT, Briggs R, Szilagyi PG

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2018 March 36 (1):62-72. Epub 12/07/2017.

Evidence-based parenting education of foster parents improves parenting skills and empathy.

Conn, A.-M., Szilagyi, M.A., Allpert-Gillis, L., Manly, J.T., Webster-Stratton, C., Goldstein, N. Jee, S.H.

2018; 89: 188-197.

Mental health problems that mediate treatment utilization among children in foster care.

Conn, A.-M., Szilagyi M.A., Alpert-Gillis L., Baldwin, C.D., & Jee S.H.

Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2016; 25(3): 969-978.

Quality improvement learning collaborative to examine foster care guidelines.

Jee, S.H., Szilagyi, M.A., Schriefer, J., Conn, A.-M., Weld, J., Scribano, P.V., Meister, S.

Children and Youth Services Review. 2015; 59: 84-88.

Mental health outcomes among child welfare investigated children: In-home vs out-of-home care

Conn, A.M., Szilagyi, M.A., Jee, S.H., Blumkin, A.K. and Szilagyi, P.G.

Children and youth Services Review. 2015; 57: 106-111.

Youth in out-of-home care: Relation of engagement in structured group activities with social and mental health measures".

Conn, A-M., Calais, C., Szilagyi, M.A., Baldwin, C., & Jee, S.H. Children and Youth Services Review.

Children and Youth Services Review. 2014; 36: 201-205.

Mental health treatment experiences and expectations in foster care: A qualitative investigation

Jee, S.H., Conn, A.-M., Szilagyi, M.A., Toth, S., & Chin, N.

Journal of Public Child Welfare. 2014; 8: 539-559.

Trends in child protection and out-of-home care.

Conn AM, Szilagyi MA, Franke TM, Albertin CS, Blumkin AK, Szilagyi PG

Pediatrics.. 2013 October 132 (4):712-9. Epub 09/23/2013.

Validating office-based screening for psychosocial strengths and difficulties among youths in foster care.

Jee SH, Szilagyi M, Conn AM, Nilsen W, Toth S, Baldwin CD, Szilagyi PG

Pediatrics.. 2011 May 127 (5):904-10. Epub 04/18/2011.

Use of a brief standardized screening instrument in a primary care setting to enhance detection of social-emotional problems among youth in foster care.

Jee SH, Halterman JS, Szilagyi M, Conn AM, Alpert-Gillis L, Szilagyi PG

Academic pediatrics.. 2011 11 (5):409-13. Epub 06/17/2011.

Identification of social-emotional problems among young children in foster care.

Jee SH, Conn AM, Szilagyi PG, Blumkin A, Baldwin CD, Szilagyi MA

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.. 2010 December 51 (12):1351-8. Epub 09/14/2010.

Improved detection of developmental delays among young children in foster care.

Jee SH, Szilagyi M, Ovenshire C, Norton A, Conn AM, Blumkin A, Szilagyi PG

Pediatrics.. 2010 February 125 (2):282-9. Epub 01/11/2010.

Addressing Health and Wellness for At-Risk Urban Youth: A community-based participatory research (CBPR) study to assess environmental health (EH) concerns.

Conn, A.-M, Rush, C., Harris, K. Baldwin, C.D., Jee, S.H. (2023).

Journal of STEM Outreach. 6(1): 1-10.

Addressing health and wellness for at-risk urban youth: A community-based participatory research (CBPR) study to assess environmental health (EH) concerns

Conn, A-M; Rush, C; Harris, K; Baldwin, CD; Jee, SH.

Journal of STEM Outreach. 6(2): 1-10.