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Frequently Asked Questions

Stock Teen Girl smiling

Can My Mom or Dad Stay with Me?

Yes. With rare exceptions, at least one parent can spend the night with you in your room in the sleeper chair next to your bed. Visiting hours for parents are 24 hours/day.

Can Other People Come Visit Me?

Yes. The number of visitors and the hours they are allowed vary from unit to unit, so check with your nurse. All visitors must be free of cold and flu symptoms.

More information on visiting hours and policies

Are There Things To Do?

Absolutely! There are lots of toys, games, books and craft materials available in addition to our scheduled activities. There are a number of recreation facilities available, too. You can certainly bring things from home, if you would like, but make sure to label them.

More information about Child Life activities and facilities

What Will I See?

One of the first things you will see is the lobby. You will to through the lobby (with maybe a quick side trip to the gift shop) to the green elevators. Once you get to the 4th floor, you are at Golisano Children’s Hospital. The unit you will stay on depends on your age and diagnosis. The nurse on your until will show you to your room.

What Will My Room Look Like?

Whether you have a roommate or a private room, you will have a TV, telephone, bathroom and a sleeper chair for one person to stay overnight with you. There is even a TV channel called the Get Well Network that shows lots of movies (you can choose), lets you play games and has special shows to help you learn about the hospital.

What Will I Eat?

Your doctor will decide if you need a special diet for part or all of the time you are at the hospital. If not, then you will get to choose your food from a menu. There are hamburgers, mac and cheese (especially good) and lots of other things that you will like. Your family can bring food from home, if you want, but make sure it is well labeled!

What Will I Wear?

Most patients were hospital pajamas. Some bring their favorite pajamas from home. Some even wear regular clothes. It depends on how you are most comfortable. You will want to keep your feet warm and clean with hospital non-skid socks or your slippers from home!

Can I Bring My Pet?

Unfortunately no, unless it is a stuffed pet. We do, however, have trained therapy dogs that visit weekly. Ask your Child Life Specialist about a possible visit.