EIOH Staff Feature - Tracy Li, Dental Assistant
Happenstance or destiny? Tracy Li was unemployed and looking for a job. Her friend made a recommendation and 20 years later, what started out as an unexpected choice has become a meaningful and enjoyable career as a dental assistant helping both patients and doctors at Eastman Dental. She was promoted to Dental Lead in 2018.
Q. Where are you from?
A. My home country is China.
Q. What advice you would give to budding Dental Assistants?
A. Be responsible, keep an eye on learning new things, and show the perseverance.
Q. Favorite thing about Rochester?
A. Relaxing and quiet city. Good place for raising kids.
Q. Who is your role model?
A. I look up to whoever has more knowledge than me! That way, I learn from all, not one specific person, and I get inspired by all to get better..
Q. Best experience as a Dental Assistant?
A. Sometimes when the patient starts out being angry and unhappy, but towards the end leaves happy and satisfied. That’s when I feel I addressed the patient’s problem and did a good/proper job.
Q. Most embarrassing moment?
A. I think I have a lot of them (LOL). We went to a meeting; one doc came from a different state. She thought I was a dentist and started discussing a case. I felt like running away after letting her know I was not the dentist!
Q. What's it like working at a community dentistry clinic?
A. I feel like it’s my second home, no matter how stressful or crazy sometimes situations get!
Q. How do you manage stress?
A. Watching movies and episodes of Chinese drama
Q. How do you stay motivated in this job?
A. I like my job and that is enough motivation! When you do something, you love, you enjoy it. Problems come and go, but I love what I’m doing. I keep my mind very clear and I don’t get carried away by any negativity.
Q. Why do you feel you are the most suited for this job?
A. Because I am hard-working, I enjoy working for the community, I'm willing to help people with my best, and I keep learning from everyone including doctors and dental assistants to improve my skills.
Q. What is your go-to when you are having a tough day at work?
A. When I leave the office, I forget everything. I don’t carry things from the office to home. This way, I barely have stress in my mind because I look forward to going home at the end of the day to be with my family
Q. For you, what are the three most important things in life?
A. My family, my job, and happiness
Q. Happiest day of your life?
A. The day I got my Dental Assistant license.
Q. Describe yourself in two words.
A. Humble and loving