What to Expect
What to Expect
Your child will wear a small tag around the ankle or wrist. This tag provides protection to your child at all times. If anyone tries to remove the tag or to take your child through a protected exit without permission, an alarm will sound at the nurses' station. If your child needs to go to the operating room or for an MRI, the tag will be removed or deactivated until your child is back on the unit.
- Patients on the City (8th) floor units will be able to go to the 8th floor school room and teen lounge without setting off the alarm. Please let your child's nurse know first.
- Patients on the Park (7th) floor units will be able to go to the 7th floor playroom and play deck without setting off the alarm. Please let your child's nurse know first.
Room Assignments
Your child will have a private room with a couch that opens into a bed for a parent or guardian. If an extra caregiver needs to sleep in the room, a window seat is available on the Park (7th) and City (8th) floors.
Your Child's Hospital Bed
Your child will be placed in a bed,crib or isolette appropriate to his or her size. If your child requires a crib or isolette, he or she must sleep there. To protect the health and safety of your child, co-sleeping is not allowed. Your child's nurse will teach you how to operate the bed. Side rails must be "up" at all times, unless you are directly attending to your child at the bedside.
Safe Sleep
In order to sleep safely, babies should sleep: alone, on their back, in a safe crib.
Learn more at Pediatric Sleep Medicine.
Your child will have a personal restroom. On the General Pediatric Care Units, parents can use the restrooms and showers in their child's room. Some rooms in the Intensive Care Units (NICU, PICU and Pediatric Cardiac Care Center) do not have restrooms. Parents and children in these units are welcome to use restrooms and/or showers on the first floor. Please check in with the staff in the Ronald McDonald Family Room for access.
Calling for Assistance
Nurse call bells are located at each bedside and can be used to call your child's nurse at any time. The call bells also control the television and act as your speaker.
Personal Items
Our focus is on providing you and your child with an environment that is comforting and caring.
- Ear plugs, eye masks and earbuds are always available to help you both rest.
- During your child's stay, we will supply diapers, wipes, hospital gowns, pajama bottoms, slipper socks and personal care items. For children under one, we will also provide an infant sleep sack.
- Feel free to bring comfort items from home for your child.
- There is a safe in your child's room for valuables.
Patient Family Communication Boards
Each room has a small communication board. The nursing staff will write on it the name of your child's nurse for each shift and may also leave a short encouraging note for your child. If you wish, you can leave short messages for your child as well as for your child's health care team.
Procedure Rooms
Each floor also has a room dedicated to procedures.
WiFi/Television and GetWellNetwork
The hospital has free wireless Internet. The network name is "URMCguest." In patient rooms with televisions, Internet/cable TV/age-appropriate movies are available. These televisions also have GetWellNetwork, which has educational videos and resources for families. Your child's nurse will show you how to use GetWellNetwok. To help your child get a good night's rest, we recommend you turn off your TV by 10 p.m. The call bells
Children can stay well-connected to their families, friends, and the world at large with in-room:
- Telephones and television
- Video phone services that allow you to place calls in sign language
- Mail and gift delivery services
Learn about Hospital Services & Amenities
Sleeping Accommodations Available for Parents
There is a one-person sleeper chair and/or couch in every patient room. Parents or guardians are encouraged to spend the night as it often provides much needed comfort and reassurance for a child. In our efforts to provide the best possible care for your child, there will be interruptions during the night. Additional accommodations for family members are available. Please see your child's nurse or call Hotel & Lodging services at (585) 275-7581.