EIOH Resident Spotlight - Dr. Hui Ling (Hayley) Cheah
Dr.Hui Ling (Hayley) Cheah is graduating from the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program, and will become a resident in the EIOH Prosthodontics Residency Program. Her goal is to become an academician. She says: "Working in an institutional setting not only allows you to provide essential dental services but also deliver evidence-based dental care for the patient. We don’t wait for evidence, instead, we provide evidence. That’s the beauty of this research-based institution."

Q: Where are you from?
A: Malaysia
Q: Why dentistry?
A: I was born in a small town, Kuala Kedah, Malaysia. I never thought I will be a dentist one day, till I graduated from high school, I got a full-ride scholarship to study dentistry in India for 5 years. That was a fun and extraordinary experience to study in India, I really enjoyed their food, culture, and exotic places. After I graduated from dental school, I was on a backpacking trip in Switzerland. It was coincidence that a conference which is the “ITI World Symposium 2017” was held in Basel, Switzerland at that time. That event was a huge turning point in my dental journey. I had very limited knowledge about implant and digital dentistry at that time, and that event changed my whole perspective about implant dentistry. I was grateful to meet a dentist who owns multiple practices in Malaysia and worked in his private offices for a few years. I attended his implantology courses at the same time which is affiliated with the University of Duisburg-Essen, including the Master of Science in Implantology and Dental Surgery program in Germany. That was a great experience as I was very new to implant dentistry at that time and that was my first time doing research and realizing how important it is. That was the reason why I decided to pursue my study in the United States. Therefore I decided to join the AEGD program to adapt to the American dental education system and I really enjoyed it.
Q: What is the best part of dentistry for you?
A: Dentistry has been evolving rapidly throughout the years, and digital dentistry is my favorite such as data acquisition using intraoral/desktop scanners, CAD CAM, artificial intelligence, virtual reality etc. Technological advancements are evolving as nothing is static. I was impressed to see how the digital tools have improved patient experience and comfort and provided a more efficient workflow. However, I always keep in mind that digital workflow is just an alternative or an adjunct to conventional workflow. We still need to have knowledge of conventional techniques, as we need analog skills to drive digital tools. As if we need to learn how to drive before we put the Tesla into full self-driving mode. The future will be implementing analog skills in a digital world.
Q: Why did you want to do the AEGD program?
A: I wish to adopt the United States dental education system, exploring the power of modern advanced dentistry in a multidisciplinary approach. Furthermore, I want to learn more about clinical research to provide evidence-based dental care.
Q: What are your plans / next step upon graduation?
A: I will be embarking on a new journey in the Prosthodontics Residency in EIOH. Even though it is closer to the end of the program, in fact, that was just the beginning. Life is about learning, unlearning, and relearning. No matter how far I am, or how long it takes, through distance and time, I will never stop learning. The more I step into the different parts of the world, the more I don’t know and I will never know how far I’ll go. Because I never try, I never know. However, I strongly believed, where there is a will, there is a way. I would like to be an academician in the future. Working in an institutional setting not only being able to provide essential dental services but also deliver evidence-based dental care for the patient. We don’t wait for evidence, instead, we provide evidence. That’s the beauty of this research-based institution. Kindness is free to give but priceless to receive. I was grateful to have all the supportive mentors who brought me up during my dental journey and it is always important for me to give back to society and learn from each other.
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
A: Tiny, Bubbly, and Foodie
Q: Favorite thing about EIOH?
A: The bonding with the Eastman family was a fun journey with great camaraderie.
Q: Why did you choose EIOH?
A: Because I never experienced any winter before, so studying in EIOH with long winter in Rochester was a special experience for me. The support and guidance from the Eastman family were beyond description.
Q: If you decide to specialize, which specialty would you choose?
A: Prosthodontics, because it is a combo of S.E.A “Science, Engineering and Art”. It is a field that evolves rapidly daily, which makes me learn, unlearn and relearn to keep up with the latest advancement in this field.
Q: Were any papers published while you were at EIOH?
A: Yes, with my research mentor Dr.Arany, with the research title “Anticholinergic Medication and Caries Status Predict Xerostomia under 65”
Q: Any presentations at conferences?
A: Yes. ePoster presentation in the Academy of Osseointegration meeting in Phoenix AZ 2023. The topic of my ePosters are:
a) Re-tapping the Internal Threads of Dental Implants After Fractured Screw Removal

b) Managing Broken Implant Supported Metal-Acrylic Hybrid Prosthesis: A Case Report
Q: The best part of the AEGD program?
A: Certainly the clinical experience, guidance, and support from GD faculty, staff, and co-residents. You will get to learn many different dental procedures in a multidisciplinary approach. It is a program that stays on the cutting edge of technology to achieve the best patient care and improve patient outcomes.
Q: In what way did your EIOH experience allow you to grow professionally and personally?
A: The diversity of the patient as well as the autonomy that Eastman provides allowed me to grow tremendously as a clinician. I am fortunate to train among a supportive group of co-residents whom I can share a laugh with and a group of excellent faculties who always have my back whenever I need guidance.
Q: What do you love about the Rochester area?
A: Nature, waterfalls, winter sports, and food.
Q: Your Hobbies?
A: Food and Traveling