Classes & Support Groups
Classes: Prepare to Feed Your Baby with Confidence
What are the benefits of breastfeeding and human milk? How can you tell when your baby is hungry? What are the best positions for breastfeeding? These are some of the things you will learn in our breastfeeding classes.
Learn about our Zoom breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding classes are offered at Strong Memorial and Highland Hospitals:
Support Groups
URMC Journeys
Virtual Support Group
- If you or your baby are facing unique challenges that are making your breastfeeding journey difficult, our virtual drop-in group can help.
- Register now to get the link to our virtual meeting - every Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Register Now!
In Person Support Group
- The in-person support Group meets every Tuesdays 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
- UR Medicine Breastfeeding & Lactation Services
125 Lattimore Rd., Suite 280 , Rochester NY 14620
- Call (585) 276-MILK (6455) with any questions.
ROC City Baby Cafes
- Baby Café USA is a network of breastfeeding drop-ins run by lactation specialists that offer education and support to any pregnant woman or breastfeeding mom in the community, at any stage in their breastfeeding journey.
- View information on cafes and how to attend
La Leche League
- LLL Leaders are volunteer breastfeeding counselors who have breastfed their own babies, and are active in providing breastfeeding support in their communities.
- Visit La Leche League of Rochester, NY on Facebook to find up to date virtual drop-in support group meetings for the Rochester Chapter.
Monroe County WIC Peer Counselors
- If you are a WIC participant, get help from people who know what you are going through. Peer Counselors are WIC moms, just like you. They have training in lactation and are experienced in breastfeeding. They also provide groups for anyone enrolled in WIC.
- Helpline (585) 753-5640
Beautiful Birth Choices