Intellectual Disability (ID)
- Behavior Treatment Services - Provides assessment and short-term treatment for children and teens with developmental delay or disability and challenging behaviors.
- Community Consultation Program - Provides technical assistance, training, and continuing education to schools, community and state agencies that provide services to children with learning and behavioral challenges.
- OPWDD Community and Home Intervention and Response Program (CHIRP) - Provides services to individuals with a developmental or intellectual disability living in Monroe County with significant behavioral difficulties.
- Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program - Provides assessment and treatment for children who have difficulty eating related to food selectivity, food refusal, and disruptive mealtime behavior.
- Child Neurology - Assures children have the evaluation and treatment they need for seizures or other neurologic issues.
- Dental Department - Helps children maintain good oral health.
- Pediatric Gastroenterology - Evaluates and offers suggestions for treatment for problems with slow bowel motility, constipation, or gastroesophageal reflux (GER).
- Pediatric Genetics
- Pediatric Orthopaedics - Monitors and treats bone and muscle issues.
- Pediatric Sleep Medicine Service - Evaluates and treats sleep problems.
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Provides outpatient evaluation and intense and targeted therapy programs for children and teens.
- Speech Pathology Department - Meets the needs of children who have difficulties with speech, communication, oral-motor control, and feeding/swallowing.
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- The Arc for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - Promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
- The Arc New York Chapters
- Best Buddies International - A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities form meaningful friendships and become integrated into society.
- Center for Parent Information and Resources - National information center for children with disabilities.
- Special Olympics New York
- Parent to Parent of New York State
- Intellectual Disability by James C. Harris-ISBN: 9780195145724 Publication Date: 2010-06-24
- A Different Kind of Perfect by Bernadette Thomas (Editor); Neil Nicoll (Editor); Cindy Dowling-ISBN: 9781590303078 Publication Date: 2006-09-12
- Why Are You Looking at Me? by Lisa Tompkins-ISBN: 9781481711388 Publication Date: 2013-01-01
- I Can, Can You? by Marjorie W. Pitzer-ISBN: 9781890627577 Publication Date: 2004-05-01
- Don't Call Me Special by Pat Thomas; Lesley Harker (Illustrator)-ISBN: 9780764121180 Publication Date: 2002-05-01
- Tru Confessions by Janet Tashjian-ISBN: 9780312372736 Publication Date: 2007-10-16
Visit the Intellectual Disability LibGuide for resources.
Intellectual disability (ID) is below-average cognitive ability with significant limitations in adaptive skills areas.
The diagnosis of ID is made based on testing of cognitive and adaptive skills. Cognitive skills are things like memory, reasoning, and learning. Adaptive skills are those skills needed in daily live, such as self-care, home living, social skills, leisure skills, health and safety, community participation and employment. In order to have a diagnosis of ID, a child must have below-average cognitive ability (usually defined as an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of below 70), along with below-average adaptive skills. These deficits must be present before age 18. Because intelligence testing is not reliable in young children, young children often are not diagnosed with ID before school age. Children often first are noted to have developmental delays in language, motor, social, adaptive, or cognitive areas. These children may catch up, may go on to have ID, or may not meet criteria for ID but instead have a domain specific disorder (communication disorder or motor skills disorder).
How Many People Have Intellectual Disability?
Somewhere between 1 and 3 of every 100 Americans have ID.
What Causes Intellectual Disability?
ID can be caused by any condition that impairs development of the brain before birth, during birth, or during the early childhood years. In about 1 of 3 of people with intellectual disabilities, the cause is unknown. The most common known causes of intellectual disabilities are fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and genetic conditions including Down syndrome and ID syndrome.
Associated Developmental and Learning Issues
The impact of having an ID varies considerably, just as the range of abilities varies considerably among all people. Children may take longer to learn to speak, walk and take care of their personal needs, such as dressing or eating. It may take longer to learn in school. As adults, some people are able to lead independent lives in the community, while others require more formal supports.
There is no cure for ID, but with treatment and supports, those with intellectual disabilities can lead satisfying lives in the community.
Associated Health Conditions
For a variety of reasons, certain health conditions are more common in children with intellectual disability. It is important that these are recognized and treated. A child with ID who is physically healthy is more likely to do well in school and in other treatments. This contributes to more independence, better daily functioning, and better quality of life.
- Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
- Feeding and growth problems
- GI problems (gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), constipation)
- Musculoskeletal problems including hypotonia and scoliosis
- Oral health problems
- Otitis Media (ear infections)
- Seizures
- Sleep problems
- Vision and hearing problems
Associated Behavioral Conditions
Some, but not all, children with ID have behavioral challenges such as
- Aggression, self-injury
- Anxiety
- Tantrums