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Education / Postdoctoral Affairs / Postdoc Jobs at SMD / Postdoctoral Research Position in HIV Prevention Science

A postdoctoral research position in HIV Prevention Science is available at the University of Rochester Medical Center, School of Nursing. This research position is available to study behavioral and biomedical approaches to HIV prevention and treatment. The successful candidate will work with senior faculty in HIV prevention at the School of Nursing, including Dr. James McMahon, Dr. LaRon Nelson, and Dr. Theresa Senn.

Candidates must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent) and prior expertise in HIV prevention science with evidence of submitted or published scientific articles. Ideal candidates will have a solid background in quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods analysis. Strong written and verbal communication skills are required. Experience working with interdisciplinary teams is desired.

Primary responsibilities include data analysis and manuscript preparation, with the goal of developing an independent area of research. Opportunities are available for teaching, grant writing, and participating in ongoing research projects, depending on candidate skills and interests.

The University of Rochester Medical Center offers a rich academic environment for career development. The postdoctoral appointment is for two years (contingent on annual performance) and is designed for candidates interested in the opportunity to transition into a full-time tenure-track faculty position in the URMC School of Nursing. NIH postdoctoral salary rates apply. The position includes benefits, office space and facilities, and travel support to research conferences.

The University of Rochester has a strong commitment to principles of diversity and, in that spirit, actively encourages applications from groups underrepresented in higher education.

Please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three professional references via email to Dr. LaRon Nelson

Deadline: Open until filled