Patricia R. Chess, M.D., M.S.
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Patricia R. Chess, M.D., M.S.
View Contact & SchedulingAbout Me
Medical Education
Acute and Chronic Lung Injury and Repair, focusing on Optimal Modes of Ventilation and Modulation of the Inflammatory Response
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Surfactant Replacement Therapy
Omegaven to mitigate hyperalimentation-induced liver disease...
Medical Education
Acute and Chronic Lung Injury and Repair, focusing on Optimal Modes of Ventilation and Modulation of the Inflammatory Response
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Surfactant Replacement Therapy
Omegaven to mitigate hyperalimentation-induced liver disease
Administrative Roles past and present:
Medical Director ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program Director, U of R
Director Fellowship Education, Department of Pediatrics, U of R
Chair of Pediatrics, Unity Hospital
Vice Chair of Education, Dept of Pediatrics, Golisano Children's Hospital, U of R
Chair National Organization of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Training Program Directors (ONTPD)
Certified Specialties
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine - American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics - American Board of Pediatrics
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology (SMD)
Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering (SMD) - Joint
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Neonatology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1991 - 1994
Residency, Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1989 - 1991
Internship, Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1988 - 1989
MS | University of Rochester. 2020
MD | Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. 1988
National Academy of Distinguished Educators in Pediatrics (NADEP). 2020
U of R School of Medicine & Dentistry Trainee Academic Mentoring Award in Clinical Programs. 2015
Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Gold Center of Excellence. 2015 - 2018
Chair Organization of Neonatology Training Program Directors. 2015 - 2017
Ruth A. Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award for Excellence in Training, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester. 2014
American Pediatric Society. 2014
Executive Council, Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors. 2013
Strong Memorial Hospital Exceptional Service Award. 2008
Marquis' Who's Who in America Award. 2006
Perinatal Research Society. 2005
Best Doctors in America. 2004
American Lung Association Research Grant Review Committee; Chair 2013, 2014. 2001 - 2014
Society for Pediatric Research. 2000
NIH Mentored Clinical Scientist Investigator Award (K08). 1999 - 2004
American Lung Association Research Award Grantee (National). 1997 - 1999
NIH National Research Service Award in Pulmonary Biology. 1992 - 1995
Outstanding Teaching of Medical Students, University of Rochester. 1991
Honors in Pediatrics, Columbia University. 1987
Stafford Medical School Scholarship Award. 1984
Cum Laude, Honors in Chemistry, Colgate University. 1983
Valedictorian, Cardinal Mooney High School (of 287 students). 1979
New York State Regents Scholar. 1979 - 1983
Journal Articles
Carbajal MM, Karpen H, Arias A, Gisondo C, French H, Gray M, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Johnston L, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Bonachea EM, Falck A, Chess P, Dadiz R
American journal of perinatology.. 2024 September 30 Epub 09/30/2024.
Dyess NF, Myers P, Dammann C, Chess P, Abramson E, Andy C, Weiss P
American journal of perinatology.. 2024 June 10 Epub 06/10/2024.
Langhan ML, Boyer DL, Hsu D, Moffatt ME, Pitts SA, Atlas MP, Aye T, Chess P, Curran ML, Czaja AS, Dammann CEL, Fussell J, George RP, Herman BE, High P, James SH, Kamin DS, Karnik R, Kesselheim J, Lopez MA, Mahan JD, McFadden V, McGann KA, Mehta JJ, Rama J, Robinson BW, Sauer C, Stafford DEJ, Turner DA, Weiss P, Yussman SM, Schwartz A, Mink R
Pediatrics.. 2024 June 1153 (6)Epub 1900 01 01.
Mink R et al SPIN.
Academic Pediatrics. 2024; : on line ahead of print.
Mink RB, Carraccio CL, Herman BE, Weiss P, Turner DA, Stafford DEJ, McGann KA, Kesselheim J, Hsu DC, High PC, Fussell JJ, Curran ML, Chess PR, Sauer C, Pitts S, Myers AL, Mahan JD, Dammann CEL, Aye T, Schwartz A,
BMC medical education.. 2023 October 323 (1):720. Epub 10/03/2023.
Gentle SJ, Rysavy MA, Li L, Laughon MM, Patel RM, Jensen EA, Hintz S, Ambalavanan N, Carlo WA, Watterberg K,
JAMA network open.. 2023 May 16 (5):e2315315. Epub 05/01/2023.
Gray MM, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Carbajal MM, Johnston LC, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Bonachea EM, Karpen H, Falck AJ, Chess PR, Huber M, French H
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 November 42 (11):1512-1518. Epub 06/03/2022.
Mavis SC, Caruso CG, Carr CB, Dyess NF, French H, Dadiz R, Vasquez M, Johnston L, Gillam-Krakauer M, Chess P, Izatt S, Payne AH, Carbajal MM, Bonachea EM, Gray MM
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 November 42 (11):1519-1526. Epub 10/06/2022.
Pitts S, Schwartz A, Carraccio CL, Herman BE, Mahan JD, Sauer CG, Dammann CEL, Aye T, Myers AL, Weiss PG, Turner DA, Hsu DC, Stafford DEJ, Chess PR, Fussell JJ, McGann KA, High P, Curran ML, Mink RB
Academic pediatrics.. 2022 August 22 (6):881-886. Epub 12/20/2021.
Trzaski JM, Kiefer AS, Myers P, , Johnston LC
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 August 42 (8):1135-1140. Epub 01/29/2022.
Gillam-Krakauer M, Sharma J, Myers P, , Bonachea EM
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 July 42 (7):976-981. Epub 01/26/2022.
Carbajal MM, Dadiz R, Sawyer T, Kane S, Frost M, , Angert R
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 June 42 (6):809-814. Epub 02/11/2022.
Schwarz B, Enciso J, Gray M, O'Reilly D, Smith MC, Stanley K, , Payne A
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 May 42 (5):677-682. Epub 07/06/2021.
Bauserman M, Vasquez M, Chess PR, Carbajal M, , Good M
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 April 42 (4):528-533. Epub 02/17/2021.
Watterberg KL, Walsh MC, Li L, Chawla S, D'Angio CT, Goldberg RN, Hintz SR, Laughon MM, Yoder BA, Kennedy KA, McDavid GE, Backstrom-Lacy C, Das A, Crawford MM, Keszler M, Sokol GM, Poindexter BB, Ambalavanan N, Hibbs AM, Truog WE, Schmidt B, Wyckoff MH, Khan AM, Garg M, Chess PR, Reynolds AM, Moallem M, Bell EF, Meyer LR, Patel RM, Van Meurs KP, Cotten CM, McGowan EC, Hines AC, Merhar S, Peralta-Carcelen M, Wilson-Costello DE, Kilbride HW, DeMauro SB, Heyne RJ, Mosquera RA, Natarajan G, Purdy IB, Lowe JR, Maitre NL, Harmon HM, Hogden LA, Adams-Chapman I, Winter S, Malcolm WF, Higgins RD,
The New England journal of medicine.. 2022 March 24386 (12):1121-1131. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cicalese E, Wraight CL, Falck AJ, Izatt SD, Nair J, , Lawrence KG
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 March 42 (3):410-415. Epub 04/13/2021.
French HM, Leeman KT, Wambach JA, Malik SK, , Reber KM
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 February 42 (2):269-276. Epub 03/01/2021.
French HM, Leeman KT, Wambach JA, Malik SK, , Reber KM
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 February 42 (2):291. Epub 1900 01 01.
Weiss PG, Schwartz A, Carraccio CL, Herman BE, Turner DA, Aye T, Fussell JJ, Kesselheim J, Mahan JD, McGann KA, Myers A, Stafford DEJ, Chess PR, Curran ML, Dammann CEL, High P, Hsu DC, Pitts S, Sauer C, Srivastava S, Mink RB
Pediatrics.. 2021 November 148 (5)Epub 10/19/2021.
Gray MM, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Carbajal MM, Falck AJ, Bonachea EM, Johnston LC, Karpen H, Vasquez MM, Chess PR, French H
American journal of perinatology.. 2021 August 38 (S 01):e187-e192. Epub 04/10/2020.
Adams-Chapman I, Watterberg KL, Nolen TL, Hirsch S, Cole CA, Cotten CM, Oh W, Poindexter BB, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Das A, Lacy CB, Scorsone AM, Duncan AF, DeMauro SB, Goldstein RF, Colaizy TT, Wilson-Costello DE, Purdy IB, Hintz SR, Heyne RJ, Myers GJ, Fuller J, Merhar S, Harmon HM, Peralta-Carcelen M, Kilbride HW, Maitre NL, Vohr BR, Natarajan G, Mintz-Hittner H, Quinn GE, Wallace DK, Olson RJ, Orge FH, Tsui I, Gaynon M, Hutchinson AK, He YG, Winter TW, Yang MB, Haider KM, Cogen MS, Hug D, Bremer DL, Donahue JP, Lucas WR, Phelps DL, Higgins RD,
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2021 August 41 (8):2072-2087. Epub 03/23/2021.
Turner DA, Schwartz A, Carraccio C, Herman B, Weiss P, Baffa JM, Chess P, Curran M, Dammann C, High P, Hsu D, Pitts S, Sauer C, Aye T, Fussell J, Kesselheim J, Mahan J, McGann K, Myers A, Mink R,
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2021 July 196 (7S):S22-S28. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR
Pediatrics.. 2021 July 148 (1)Epub 06/25/2021.
Lesher AP, Chess PR
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2021 March 41 (3):370-371. Epub 08/04/2020.
Brion LP, Phelps DL, Ward RM, Nolen TL, Hallman NMK, Das A, Zaccaro DJ, Ball MB, Watterberg KL, Frantz ID, Cotten CM, Poindexter BB, Oh W, Lugo RA, Van Meurs KP, O'Shea TM, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Higgins RD,
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2021 February 41 (2):247-254. Epub 09/15/2020.
Mink R, Herman BE, Carraccio C, Aye T, Baffa JM, Chess PR, Fussell JJ, Sauer CG, Stafford DEJ, Weiss P, Curran ML, Dammann CEL, High PC, Hsu D, Kesselheim JC, Mahan JD, McGann KA, Myers AL, Pitts S, Turner DA, Schwartz A
Journal of medical education and curricular development.. 2020 7 :2382120520936613. Epub 08/06/2020.
Phelps DL, Watterberg KL, Nolen TL, Cole CA, Cotten CM, Oh W, Poindexter BB, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Das A, Lacy CB, Scorsone AM, Walsh MC, Bell EF, Kennedy KA, Schibler K, Sokol GM, Laughon MM, Lakshminrusimha S, Truog WE, Garg M, Carlo WA, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Carlton DP, Graf A, DeMauro SB, Brion LP, Shankaran S, Orge FH, Olson RJ, Mintz-Hittner H, Yang MB, Haider KM, Wallace DK, Chung M, Hug D, Tsui I, Cogen MS, Donahue JP, Gaynon M, Hutchinson AK, Bremer DL, Quinn G, He YG, Lucas WR, Winter TW, Kicklighter SD, Kumar K, Chess PR, Colaizy TT, Hibbs AM, Ambalavanan N, Harmon HM, McGowan EC, Higgins RD,
JAMA.. 2018 October 23320 (16):1649-1658. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mink RB, Schwartz A, Herman BE, Turner DA, Curran ML, Myers A, Hsu DC, Kesselheim JC, Carraccio CL,
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2018 February 93 (2):283-291. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mink R, Schwartz A, Carraccio C, High P, Dammann C, McGann KA, Kesselheim J, Herman B,
The Journal of pediatrics.. 2018 January 192 :3-4.e2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Competencies, Milestones, and a Level of Supervision Scale for Entrustable Professional Activities for Scholarship.
Mink R, et al (SPIN).
Acad Med 2018 Nov;93(11):1668-1672 (2018). 2018; .
Effects of Myo-inositol on Type 1 Retinopathy of Prematurity Among Preterm Infants <28 Weeks' Gestational Age: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Phelps DL, et al (NRN).
JAMA. 2018; 320(16): 1649-1658.
D'Angio CT, Wang H, Hunn JE, Pryhuber GS, Chess PR, Lakshminrusimha S
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2017 June 37 (6):735-739. Epub 03/30/2017.
Lakshminrusimha S, Keszler M, Kirpalani H, Van Meurs K, Chess P, Ambalavanan N, Yoder B, Fraga MV, Hedrick H, Lally KP, Nelin L, Cotten M, Klein J, Guilford S, Williams A, Chaudhary A, Gantz M, Gabrio J, Chowdhury D, Zaterka-Baxter K, Das A, Higgins RD
Maternal health, neonatology and perinatology.. 2017 3 :27. Epub 11/27/2017.
Phelps DL, Ward RM, Williams RL, Nolen TL, Watterberg KL, Oh W, Goedecke M, Ehrenkranz RA, Fennell T, Poindexter BB, Cotten CM, Hallman M, Frantz ID, Faix RG, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Das A, Ball MB, Lacy CB, Walsh MC, Carlo WA, Sánchez PJ, Bell EF, Shankaran S, Carlton DP, Chess PR, Higgins RD
Pediatric research.. 2016 August 80 (2):209-17. Epub 04/13/2016.
Do Fellowship Program Directors (FPD) and Clinical Competency Committees (CCC) Agree in Fellow Entrustment?
Mink R et al (SPIN).
Academic Pediatrics. 2016; 16(6): 14-15.
Sood BG, Keszler M, Garg M, Klein JM, Ohls R, Ambalavanan N, Cotten CM, Malian M, Sanchez PJ, Lakshminrusimha S, Nelin LD, Van Meurs KP, Bara R, Saha S, Das A, Wallace D, Higgins RD, Shankaran S,
Trials.. 2014 December 1215 :486. Epub 12/12/2014.
Hoffmire CA, Chess PR, Ben Saad T, Glantz JC
Maternal and child health journal.. 2012 July 16 (5):1053-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Prenatal Glucocorticoid treatment and effect on lung development
Chess P; Nayrouz M.
. Strong Perifax. 2012; 978: 1-6.
Chess PR, Benson RP, Maniscalco WM, Wright TW, O'Reilly MA, Johnston CJ
Experimental lung research.. 2010 August 36 (6):331-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Management of the 23 to 26 week preterm infant.
Riccio J; Chess P.
Strong Perifax. 2010; : 1-9.
Yee M, Chess PR, McGrath-Morrow SA, Wang Z, Gelein R, Zhou R, Dean DA, Notter RH, O'Reilly MA
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2009 October 297 (4):L641-9. Epub 07/17/2009.
Schwab U, Rohde KH, Wang Z, Chess PR, Notter RH, Russell DG
Microbial pathogenesis.. 2009 April 46 (4):185-93. Epub 01/14/2009.
Evaluation and treatment of emphysema in a preterm infant.
Ben Saad T, Chess P. Pegoli W, Katzman W.
Int J Periatr Neonatol. 2009; 11(1).
Neonatal oxygen adversely affects lung function in adult mice without altering surfactant composition or activity.
Min Yee M, Chess PR, McGrath-Morrow S, Wang Z, Gelein R, Zhou R, Dean D, Notter R, O'Reilly M.
AJP Lung. 2009; 297(4): L641-649.
Raghavendran K, Davidson BA, Knight PR, Wang Z, Helinski J, Chess PR, Notter RH
Shock.. 2008 November 30 (5):508-17. Epub 1900 01 01.
Willson DF, Chess PR, Notter RH
Pediatric clinics of North America.. 2008 June 55 (3):545-75, ix. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang Z, Schwab U, Rhoades E, Chess PR, Russell DG, Notter RH
Tuberculosis.. 2008 May 88 (3):178-86. Epub 12/21/2007.
Raghavendran K, Pryhuber GS, Chess PR, Davidson BA, Knight PR, Notter RH
Current medicinal chemistry.. 2008 15 (19):1911-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
Russo TA, Wang Z, Davidson BA, Genagon SA, Beanan JM, Olson R, Holm BA, Knight PR, Chess PR, Notter RH
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2007 March 292 (3):L632-43. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hickman-Davis JM, Wang Z, Fierro-Perez GA, Chess PR, Page GP, Matalon S, Notter RH
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.. 2007 January 36 (1):103-13. Epub 08/17/2006.
Neonatal resuscitation guidelines
Chess, P.R.; Malhotra, Y.; Laroia, N.
Strong Perifax. 2007; 730: 2-15.
Chess PR, D'Angio CT, Pryhuber GS, Maniscalco WM
Seminars in perinatology.. 2006 August 30 (4):171-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bruckner L, Gigliotti F, Wright T, Harmsen A, Notter RH, Chess P, Wang Z, Finkelstein J
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2006 June 290 (6):L1087-96. Epub 01/06/2006.
Hutson AD, Davidson BA, Raghavendran K, Chess PR, Tait AR, Holm BA, Notter RH, Knight PR
Anesthesiology.. 2006 January 104 (1):73-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, O'Reilly MA, Sachs F, Finkelstein JN
Journal of applied physiology.. 2005 September 99 (3):1226-32. Epub 05/12/2005.
D'Angio CT, Chess PR, Kovacs SJ, Sinkin RA, Phelps DL, Kendig JW, Myers GJ, Reubens L, Ryan RM
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2005 September 159 (9):868-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang Z, Foye A, Chang Y, Chess PR, Wright TW, Bhagwat S, Gigliotti F, Notter RH
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2005 June 288 (6):L1124-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Davidson BA, Knight PR, Wang Z, Chess PR, Holm BA, Russo TA, Hutson A, Notter RH
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2005 April 288 (4):L699-708. Epub 1900 01 01.
Davidson BA, Stewart CC, Russo TA, Chess PR, Knight PR
Experimental lung research.. 2005 April 31 (3):323-39. Epub 1900 01 01.
Acute Inflammatory Gastric-aspiration related lung injury
Raghavendran, K; Chess, P.R.; Knight, P.R.; Notter, R.H.
Current Respiratory Medical Reviews. 2005; 1: 279-290.
Kumar VH, Lakshminrusimha S, El Abiad MT, Chess PR, Ryan RM
Advances in clinical chemistry. 2005 40 :261-316. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, O'Reilly MA, Toia L
Experimental lung research.. 2004 December 30 (8):739-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR
Pediatrics.. 2004 April 113 (4):917. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wright TW, Pryhuber GS, Chess PR, Wang Z, Notter RH, Gigliotti F
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2004 February 15172 (4):2511-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rancourt RC, Hayes DD, Chess PR, Keng PC, O'Reilly MA
Journal of cellular physiology.. 2002 October 193 (1):26-36. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stevens TP, Chess PR, McConnochie KM, Sinkin RA, Guillet R, Maniscalco WM, Fisher SG
Pediatrics.. 2002 September 110 (3):590-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
El Hassan NO, Chess PR, Huysman MW, Merkus PJ, de Jongste JC
Pediatrics.. 2001 August 108 (2):468-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Uy IP, Pryhuber GS, Chess PR, Notter RH
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2000 October 1 (2):107-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, Toia L, Finkelstein JN
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2000 July 279 (1):L43-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bhatt AJ, Amin SB, Chess PR, Watkins RH, Maniscalco WM
Pediatric research.. 2000 May 47 (5):606-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sinkin RA, Dweck HS, Horgan MJ, Gallaher KJ, Cox C, Maniscalco WM, Chess PR, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Kendig JW, Ryan RM, Phelps DL
Pediatrics.. 2000 March 105 (3 Pt 1):542-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Miller CE, Donlon KJ, Toia L, Wong CL, Chess PR
In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal.. 2000 36 (10):633-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Real world writing assignments
Trimmer, J.; Otterbourg, R.; Ciccone, D.; Chess, P.R.
JAC J Comp Theory. 1999; : 35-49.
Maniscalco WM, Watkins RH, Chess PR, Sinkin RA, Horowitz S, Toia L
The American journal of physiology.. 1998 April 274 (4):L599-609. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, D'Angio CT
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 1998 January 152 (1):98-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, Ryan RM, Finkelstein JN
Experimental lung research.. 1998 24 (1):27-39. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shrier DA, Wang AR, Patel U, Monajati A, Chess P, Numaguchi Y
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology.. 1998 19 (6):1166-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Khalak R, Chess PR
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 1998 18 (4):306-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sempowski GD, Chess PR, Phipps RP
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1997 May 15158 (10):4670-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, Chess MA, Manuli MA, Guillet R
Pediatric radiology.. 1997 April 27 (4):305-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sempowski GD, Chess PR, Moretti AJ, Padilla J, Phipps RP, Blieden TM
Journal of periodontology.. 1997 March 68 (3):284-92. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gaspari AA, Sempowski GD, Chess P, Gish J, Phipps RP
European journal of immunology.. 1996 June 26 (6):1371-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chess PR, Ryan RM, Finkelstein JN
Pediatric research.. 1994 October 36 (4):481-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Three-Dimensional In-Vitro Model to Study Alveolar Pressure-Volume Responses
Chess, PR.; Kim, H.; Hughey, R.; Bush, K.; Brayfield, C.; Kumar, C.
(In Preparation). .
NADPH Oxidase and PKC Signaling are Necessary for Strain-Induced MAPK Phosphorylation and Proliferation in Pulmonary Epithelial Cells
Chess, PR.; Kimball, E.; Finkelstein, JN.
(In Preparation). .
Dexamethasone decreases ventilation-induced chemokine response with no changes in inflammatory cell recruitment in a murine model of mechanical ventilation
Potter Benson RE; Johnston CJ; Hernady E; Finkelstein JN; Chess PR.
(In Preparation). .
The Effect of Strain on Nanoparticle Uptake and Signaling
Chess, PR.; Kimball, E.; Rushton, E.; Finkelstein, JN.
(In Preparation). .
TNF-a and IL-1B are not necessary for ventilation-induced inflammatory and oxidant responses.
Harmon, DE.; Benson, R.; Johnston, C.; O'Reilly, M.; Pryhuber, G.; Chess, PR.
(Submitted, In review.). .
Expected vs. actual survival in patients with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) or Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) treated with ECMO.
Myers, EH.; Chess, P.; Wang, H.; Stevens, TP.
(In preparation). .
NADPH Oxidase is not necessary for Mechanical Ventilation-Induced Inflammatory and Oxidant Responses.
Benson, RP.; Yang, SR.; Johnston, CJ.; Rahman, I.; Finkelstein, JN.; Chess, PR.
(In preparation). .
Avery's Neonatology Board Review, Certification and Clinical Refresher (2024)
Authors: P Chess et al
Publisher: Elsevier 2024
Critical Care Transport (2021)
Chapter: Neonatal Emergencies
Authors: Patricia R. Chess, Yogangi Malhotra, Nirupama Laroia,
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett 2021
Medstudy: Pediatrics Core (2021)
Chapter: Neonatology
Authors: Chess PR
Publisher: Medstudy 2021
Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine (2020)
Chapter: Lung Surfactant: Overview
Authors: Notter, RA, Chess PR, Pryhuber G
Publisher: Elsevier 2020
Avery's Neonatology Board Review, Certification and Clinical Refresher, first edition (2019)
Authors: Chess P et al
Publisher: Elsevier publishing 2019
Neonatal Emergencies In: Critical Care Transport (2017)
Authors: Chess PR, Malhotra Y, Laroia N. Emerton C ed, Jones
Publisher: Bartlett publishers 2017
Neonatal Care and Transport. In Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (2017)
Authors: Chess PR, Malhotra Y, Laroia N.
Publisher: Guerrero C Ed, Jones and Bartlett publishers 2017
Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (2012)
Chapter: Neonatal Care and Transport
Authors: Chess, PR.; Malhotra, Y.; Laroia, N.
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett 2012
Neonatal Emergencies In: Critical Care Transport (2012)
Authors: Chess PR, Malhotra Y, Laroia N. , Emerton C ed, Jones
Publisher: Bartlett publishers 2012
Critical Care Transport (2009)
Chapter: Neonatal Emergencies
Authors: Chess PR, Malhotra Y, Laroia N.
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett 2009
The Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2007)
Chapter: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias
Authors: Chess PR
Publisher: Mosby Inc., St Louis, MO 2007
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence (2007)
Chapter: Pulmonary surfactant: Biology and therapy
Authors: Willson DF, Chess PR, Wang Z, Notter RH
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, London, England 2007
Strong Perifax (2007)
Chapter: Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines
Authors: Chess, PR; Malhotra, Y; Laroia, N.
Publisher: Strong Perifax 2007
Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets 6th edition (2007)
Chapter: Neonatal Care and Transport
Authors: Chess, PR; Malhotra, Y; Laroia, N.
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury, MA 2007
Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine (2006)
Chapter: Lung surfactant: An overview
Authors: Notter RH, Wang Z, Chess PR
Publisher: Elsevier Publishers, Oxford, England 2006
Lung Injury: Mechanisms-Pathophysiology-Therapy (2005)
Chapter: Surfactant replacement therapy in lung injury
Authors: Chess PR, Finkelstein JN, Holm, BA, Notter RH
Publisher: Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY 2005
Lung Injury: Mechanisms-Pathophysiology-Therapy (2005)
Chapter: Cell and animal models of lung injury
Authors: Finkelstein JN, O'Reilly M, Holm BA, Chess PR, Notter RH
Publisher: Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY 2005
The Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2001)
Chapter: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias
Authors: Chess P
Publisher: Mosby Inc., St Louis, MO 2001
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