David A. Dombroski, M.D.
Pluta Cancer Center
125 Red Creek Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
About Me
We also have a active transplant service and image many patients with both CT and MRI for End-Stage Liver Disease and Cirrhosis, some with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). URMC offers a full array of therapies for the treatment of HCC. Cirrhosis can be a very complex entity both in terms of diagnosis and management. We have an active and energetic collaborative program with our Imaging Sciences team and Oncology, Transplant Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Gastroenterology, Pathology, Interventional Radiology, and Radiation Oncology through the Wilmot Cancer Center. In addition, we offer a full array of advanced imaging techniques of the abdomen, including liver iron quantification for hemochromatosis. We will shortly be adding MR Elastography and Fat Quantification.
Certified Specialties
Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Body Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Ultrasound, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1999 - 2000
Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1992 - 1995
Residency, Surgery (General Surgery), St. Josephs Hospital Health Center. 1991 - 1992
Residency, SUNY Upstate University Hospital. 1991 - 1992
Fellowship, Diagnostic Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center.
MD | State University of New York at Syracuse. 1991
Journal Articles
Tops LF, Prakasa K, Tandri H, Dalal D, Jain R, Dimaano VL, Dombroski D, James C, Tichnell C, Daly A, Marcus F, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ, Bluemke D, Calkins H, Abraham TP
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2009 July 2854 (5):445-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Turkbey EB, Dombroski DA
Seminars in roentgenology.. 2009 April 44 (2):67-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Comprehensive Adenosine Stress Perfusion MRI Defines the Etiology of Chest Pain in the Emergency Room: Comparison With Nuclear Stress Test
Vogel-Claussen, J; Skrok, J; Dombroski, D; Shea, SM; Shapiro, EP; Bohlman, M; Lorenz, CH; Lima, JAC.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009; 30(4): 753-762.
Kashyap R, Bozorgzadeh A, Abt P, Tsoulfas G, Maloo M, Sharma R, Patel S, Dombroski D, Mantry P, Safadjou S, Jain A, Orloff M
Transplantation.. 2008 June 1585 (11):1569-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ultrasound Secrets (2004)
Chapter: Liver Transplantation
Authors: Rubens DJ; Syed L; Dombroski D
Publisher: Hanley Belfus, Philadelphia 2004