Abhishek Chaturvedi, M.B.B.S.
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Abhishek Chaturvedi, M.B.B.S.
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Dr. Abhishek Chaturvedi obtained his primary medical degree and Diagnostic Radiology certification from the University of Rajasthan, India.
Dr. Chaturvedi completed postdoctoral/subspecialty fellowships in Abdominal Radiology, Cardiovascular & Body MRI and Car...
Dr. Abhishek Chaturvedi obtained his primary medical degree and Diagnostic Radiology certification from the University of Rajasthan, India.
Dr. Chaturvedi completed postdoctoral/subspecialty fellowships in Abdominal Radiology, Cardiovascular & Body MRI and Cardiothoracic Imaging in 2011 from the University of Washington in Seattle.
He obtained the American Board of Radiology certification in 2011. In 2012 he obtained the Cardiac CT Certificate of Advanced Proficiency (CoAP) from American College of Radiology.
Dr. Chaturvedi specializes in the diagnostic imaging pertinent to thoracic and abdominal diseases. His current research interests focus on Cardiothoracic MRI.
He is an active member of Society of Thoracic Radiology, North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging, Radiological Society of North America and Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.
Certified Specialties
Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Cardiothoracic Imaging/Informatics, University of Washington Medical Center. 2010 - 2011
Fellowship, Abdominal Imaging, University of Washington Medical Center. 2007 - 2010
Residency, Radiology, General, Sawai Man Singh Medical College (India). 1999 - 2001
Internship, JLN Medical College and Hospitals. 1998 - 1999
MBBS | JLN Medical College (INDIA). 1997
Certificate of Merit. 2016
Certificate of Merit. 2015
Imaging of Intrathoracic Paragangliomas. 2015
Certificate of Merit. 2014
Shu-Ren-Lin Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2014
Cum Laude. 2013
Second prize scientific poster session: Improving Cardiac MR Single Ventricle Functional Measurements. 2012
Journal Articles
Stowell JT, McComb BL, Mendoza DP, Cahalane AM, Chaturvedi A
Journal of thoracic imaging.. 2022 May 137 (3):W28-W40. Epub 02/10/2022.
Axillary Anatomy and Pathology: Pearls and "Pitfalls" for Thoracic Imagers.
Stowell, JT.; McComb, BL.; Mendoza, DP.; Cahalane, AM.; Chaturvedi, A.
J Thorac Imaging. 2022; .
Chaturvedi A, Baran TM, Ambrosini R, Krishnamoorthy V
Clinical imaging.. 2021 September 77 :122-129. Epub 02/03/2021.
Van Galen J, Pava L, Wright C, Elbadawi A, Hamer A, Chaturvedi A, Cameron SJ
Platelets.. 2021 January 232 (1):138-140. Epub 03/06/2020.
Imaging of acute gastric emergencies: a case-ased review
Jetty, S; Patel, A; Fultz, P; Chaturvedi, A.
Clinical Imaging. 2021; : 97-113.
Acquired Thoracic Fistulas.
Layyous, N; Yen, A; Chaturvedi, A; Okamoto, K; Padwal, JA; Abraham, P; Brouha, SS.
J Thorac Imaging. 2021; 4(1;36): W52-W61.
Goerne H, de la Fuente D, Cabrera M, Chaturvedi A, Vargas D, Young PM, Saboo SS, Rajiah P
Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.. 2021 41 (3):699-719. Epub 04/02/2021.
Chaturvedi A, Chengazi H, Baran T
Journal of thoracic imaging.. 2020 September 35 (5):309-316. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chaturvedi A, Mann L, Cain U, Chaturvedi A, Klionsky NB
Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.. 2020 40 (3):754-774. Epub 04/03/2020.
Nuffer Z, Baran TM, Krishnamoorthy V, Kaproth-Joslin K, Chaturvedi A
Radiology. Cardiothoracic imaging.. 2019 October 1 (4):e190008. Epub 10/31/2019.
Chaturvedi A, Rajiah P, Chaturvedi A
Clinical imaging.. 2019 53 :78-88. Epub 10/06/2018.
Rajiah P, MacNamara J, Chaturvedi A, Ashwath R, Fulton NL, Goerne H
Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.. 2019 39 (5):1238-1263. Epub 08/02/2019.
Chaturvedi A, Rajiah P, Croake A, Saboo S, Chaturvedi A
Insights into imaging.. 2018 December 9 (6):989-1005. Epub 11/27/2018.
Goerne H, Chaturvedi A, Partovi S, Rajiah P
VASA. Zeitschrift für Gefässkrankheiten.. 2018 August 47 (5):361-375. Epub 05/28/2018.
Chaturvedi A, Vargas D, Ocazionez D
Emergency radiology.. 2018 June 25 (3):321-328. Epub 03/22/2018.
Chaturvedi A, Klionsky NB, Nadarajah U, Chaturvedi A, Meyers SP
Insights into imaging.. 2018 June 9 (3):343-355. Epub 04/03/2018.
Chaturvedi A, Chaturvedi A, Stanescu AL, Blickman JG, Meyers SP
Insights into imaging.. 2018 February 9 (1):103-118. Epub 01/22/2018.
Chaturvedi A, Gange C, Sahin H, Chaturvedi A
Journal of clinical imaging science.. 2018 8 :10. Epub 03/12/2018.
Chaturvedi A, Franco A, Chaturvedi A, Klionsky NB
Clinical imaging.. 2018 52 :216-225. Epub 07/21/2018.
Ocazionez D, Shroff GS, Vargas D, Dicks D, Chaturvedi A, Nachiappan AC, Murillo H, Baxi A, Restrepo CS
Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MR.. 2017 December 38 (6):584-593. Epub 08/04/2017.
A man with chest pain and acute ST elevations on electrocardiogram.
Miller EO, Krishnamoorthy VK, Ling FSK, Chaturvedi A, Cameron SJ.
BMJ. 2017; .
Identification of Left Ventricle Failure on non-ECG gated Pulmonary CTA: Diagnostic significance of decreased aortic & left ventricle enhancement.
Chaturvedi A, Thompson J, Kaproth-Joslin K, Schwarz KQ, Hobbs SK, Krishnamoorthy V, Chaturvedi A, Baran T.
Emerg Radiol. 2017; .
Traumatic Rib Injury: Patterns, Imaging Pitfalls, complications, and Treatment.
Talbot BS*, Gange CP Jr, Chaturvedi A, Klionsky N, Hobbs SK, Chaturvedi A.
Radiographics. 2017; 37(2): 628-651.
Every Second Counts: Signs of a Failing Heart on Thoracic CT in the ED.
Maldow DJ, Chaturvedi A, Kaproth-Joslin K.
Emerg Radiol. 2017; 24(3): 311-317.
Beyond bronchitis: a review of the congenital and acquired abnormalities of the bronchus. Insights Imaging.
Marini T, Hobbs SK, Chaturvedi A, Kaproth-Joslin K.
Insights Imaging. 2017; 8(1): 141-153.
Contrast opacification on thoracic CT angiography: challenges and solutions. Insights Imaging.
Chaturvedi A, Oppenheimer D, Rajiah P, Kaproth-Joslin KA, Chaturvedi A.
Insights Imaging. 2017; 8(1): 127-140.
MRI evaluation prior to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI): When to acquire and how to interpret
Chaturvedi A, Hobbs SK, Ling FS, Chaturvedi A, Knight P.
Insights Imaging. 2016; 7(2): 245-54.
Horizontal Long Axis Imaging Plane for Evaluation of Right Ventricular Function on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Chaturvedi A, Whitnah J, Maki JH, Baran T, Mitsumori LM.
J Clin Imaging Science. 2016; 6(52).
Lesions involving the outer surface of the bone in children: a pictorial review.
Chaturvedi A, Ranasinghe RA, Chaturvedi A, Meyers SP.
Insights Imaging. 2016; 7(6): 763-778.
Quantitating aortic regurgitation by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: significant variations due to slice location and breath holding.
Chaturvedi A, Hamilton-Craig C, Cawley PJ, Mitsumori LM, Otto CM, Maki JH.
Eur Radiol. 2016; 26(9): 3180-9.
Multidimensional Evaluation of Tracheobronchial Disease in Adults. Insights Imaging.
Sims SE, Li F, Lostracco T, Chaturvedi A, Son H, Wandtke J, Hobbs S.
Insights Imaging. 2016; 7(3): 431-48.
Demystifying the persistent pneumothorax: role of imaging.
Chaturvedi A, Lee S, Klionsky N, Chaturvedi A.
Insights Imaging. 2016; 7(3): 411-29.
Comprehensive Imaging Review of the Superior Vena Cava.
Sonavane, SK; Milner, DM; Singh, SP; Abdel, Aal AK; Shahir, KS; Chaturvedi, A.
Radiographics. 2015; 35(7): 1973-92.
Percutaneous closure of Right Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm.
Alkhouli, M; Waits, B; Chaturvedi, A; Ling, FS.
JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015; 8(9): 147-8.
Computer-Assisted Evaulation of Contrast Kinetics for Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Chaturvedi, A; Bhargava, P; Kolokythas, O; Mitsumori, LM; Maki, JH.
Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2015; 44(1): 8-14.
Quantitating aortic regurgitation by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: significant variations due to slice location and breath holding.
Chaturvedi A, Hamilton-Craig C, Cawley PJ, Mitsumori LM, Otto CM, Maki JH.
Eur Radiol. 2015; .
Imaging Adults on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
Lee, S; Chaturvedi, A.
Insights Imaging. 2014; 5(6): 731-42.
Looking Beyond the Thrombus: Essentials of Pulmonary Artery Imaging on CT.
Khadir, MM; Chaturvedi, A; Nguyen, MS; Wandtke, JC; Hobbs, S; Chaturvedi, A.
Insights Imaging. 2014; 5(4): 493-506.
Pediatric Distal Forearm and Wrist Injury: An Imaging Review.
Little, JT; Klionsky, NB; Chaturvedi, A; Soral, A; Chaturvedi, A.
Radiographics. 2014; 34(2): 472-90.
Chaturvedi A, Lau R, Kicska G, Reddy GP.
MR findings in Iatrogenic Gerbode defect. 2013; 29(1): 3-4.
Chaturvedi A, Dubinsky TJ, Maki JH.
International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2012; 28(2): 429-30.
Chaturvedi A, Vummidi D, Shuman WP, Dubinsky TJ, Maki JH.
J Thorac Imaging. 2012; 27(1): W8-9.
Paritosh C. Khanna PC, Ramesh S. Iyer RS, Chaturvedi Apeksha, Mahesh M. Thapa, Chaturvedi Abhishek, Gisele E. Ishak, Dennis W, Shaw W.
American Journal of Roentgenology. 2011; 197(6): 1449-59.
Pulmonary Nodules and Masses
Chaturvedi, A.
Radiology Review Course. 2011; .
Imaging bithalamic pathology in the pediatric brain: demystifying a diagnostic conundrum.
Khanna PC, Iyer RS, Chaturvedi A, Thapa MM, Chaturvedi A, Ishak GE, Shaw DW.
AJR AM J Roentgenol. 2011; 197(6): 1449-59.
Usefulness of Delayed Enhanced MRI in Evaluating Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma
Khadir, MM; Hobbs, S; Chaturvedi, A.
NASCI Case in Point. .
Gastropleural fistula with aortic intramural involvement.
Gupta A, Chaturvedi A, Fultz P, Hobbs SK.
J Clin Imaging Science. .
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