Gift Planning—A Legacy to Be Proud Of
Did you know that gift planning can be a great way to support Friends of Strong? Gift planning enables you to make a current or future gift to the Friends of Strong in ways that best meet your financial and philanthropic goals for yourself and loved ones.
Your support helps us better serve our patients, families and visitors—providing much-needed patient care equipment, such as wheel chairs and other comforting amenities.
Outright Gifts
Appreciated Securities
Make a gift of appreciated stock or mutual funds to Friends of Strong and take advantage of two tax benefits. Transfer securities, avoid capital gains tax and enjoy a charitable deduction when you itemize on your federal tax return.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Individuals 70.5 and older can make a charitable distribution directly from an Individual Retirement Account tax-free. A charitable distribution counts toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) up to $108,000 per person.
Deferred Gifts
Bequests and other Testamentary Gifts
A bequest to Friends of Strong is simple to accomplish and allows you to have a future impact. A provision in your will ensures that programs you care most about are supported. You can also name Friends of Strong as a beneficiary of retirement assets, life insurance or investment accounts. Already have Friends of Strong in your plans? Please let us know so we can thank you!
Life Income Gifts
Fund a charitable gift annuity and enjoy a charitable deduction today and fixed income for life for one or two beneficiaries. Fund a charitable remainder unitrust and enjoy a charitable deduction today and variable income for life or a term of years, for one, two or possibly more beneficiaries.
If you would like to learn more about giving to the Friends of Strong, please contact Melanie Oldfield at (585) 275-2420.
For more information about gift planning or to request sample will language or a personal life income gift illustration, contact: University of Rochester Office of Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning 1-800-MELIORA (800-635-4672) or 585-275-8894; by e-mail; or visit
Join the Wilson Society
When making a deferred gift to any area of the University, you are invited to join The Wilson Society, a growing group of individuals who are committed to ensuring a bright future for the University. For more information on becoming a member, please contact the Office of Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning at 1-800-MELIORA (800-635-4672) or 585-275-8894; by e-mail; or visit
patient- and family-centered care initiatives here at Strong. Since 1975, Friends of Strong
has given more than $15 million to departments and programs throughout
UR Medicine’s Strong Memorial Hospital.
Susan Sullivan | 7/12/2017