Tong Tong Wu, PhD
Director of Master's Programs
Ph.D. (2006) University of California, Los Angeles
Contact Information
- University of Rochester
Dept of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
265 Crittenden Boulevard, CU 420630
Rochester, New York 14642-0630
Office: Saunders Research Building 4141
Phone: (585) 276-6858
Fax: (585) 273-1031
Research Interests
As a biostatistician, Dr. Tong Tong Wu’s research interests include high-dimensional data analysis, survival analysis, machine learning, computational statistics, and computational biology. She is also interested in statistical applications and collaborations in various health, medical, and scientific areas, such as cancer, HIV, epidemiology, dental, and medical engineering.
Selected Publications
(*: joint first or senior authors; $: corresponding author; **: advisee/trainee of Dr. Wu)
Click here for the full list of publications
Statistical Papers
- Leon, S.** and Wu, T.T.$ (2024) Comparison of Longitudinal Trajectories Using a High-dimensional Partial Linear Semiparametric Mixed-Effects Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, accepted.
- Landeros, A., Ko, S., Chang, J., Wu, T.T., and Lange, K. (2025) Sparse vertex discriminant analysis: Variable selection for biomedical classification applications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, accepted.
- Yang, L.** and Wu, T.T.$ (2023) Model-Based Clustering of High-Dimensional Longitudinal Data via Regularization. Biometrics, Volume 79(2), 761-774.
- Yang, L.**, Young, D.R.$, and Wu, T.T.$ (2022) Clustering of Longitudinal Physical Activity Trajectories Among Young Females with Selection of Associated Factors. PLOS ONE, 17(5):e0268376.
- Leon, S.**, Ren, J.**, Choe, R., and Wu, T.T. (2022) Semiparametric Mixed-Effects Model for Analysis of Non-invasive Longitudinal Hemodynamic Responses During Bone Graft Healing. PLOS ONE, 17(4):e0265471.
- Chang, J., Chen, S., Tang, C.Y., and Wu, T.T. (2021) (alphabetic order) High-Dimensional Empirical Likelihood Inference. Biometrika, Volume 108(1), 127-147.
R code of a toy example: demo_rev - Chang, J., Tang, C.Y., and Wu, T.T. (2018) A New Scope of Penalized Empirical Likelihood with High-Dimensional Estimating Equations. Annals of Statistics, Volume 46, 3185--3216.
Collaborative Papers
- Wu, T.T.#, Finkel, R.S., Siskind, C.E., Feely, S., Burns, J., Reilly, M.M., Muntoni, F., Milev, E., Estilow, T., Shy, M.E., Ramchandren, S., Childhood CMT Study Group of the Inherited Neuropathy Consortium (2023) Validation of the parent-proxy version of the pediatric Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease quality of life instrument for children aged 0-7 years. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, Volume 28(3), 382-389.
- Manning, S.**, Xiao, J., Li, Y.$, Saraithong, P., Paster, B.J., Chen, G., Wu, Y., and Wu, T.T.$ (2023) Novel clustering methods identified three caries status-related clusters based on oral microbiome in Thai mother-child dyads. Genes, Volume 14(3):641.
- Wu, T.T.#, Sohn, M., Manning, S., Beblavy, R., Gill, S., Quataert, S., Vasini, S., Jang, H., Zeng, Y., Bruno, J., Vazquez, A., Fiscella, K., and Xiao, J. (2023) Metagenomic Analysis Examines Oral Microbiome Changes and Interplay with Immune Response Following Prenatal Total Oral Rehabilitation. Journal of Translational Medicine, Volume 21(1):172.
- Wu, T.T.#, Finkel, R., Siskind, C., Feely, S., Burns, J., Reilly, M., Muntoni, F., Estilow, T., Shy, M., and Ramchandren, S. (2023) Validation of the Parent-Proxy Pediatric Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Quality of Life Outcome Measure. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, Volume 28(2), 237-251.
- Wu, T.T.#, Xiao, J.,Manning, S.**, Saraithong, P., Pattanaporn, K., Paster, B., Chen, G., Vasani, S., Zeng, Y., Gilbert, C., and Li, Y. (2022) Multimodal data integration reveals mode of delivery and snack consumption outrank salivary microbiome in association with caries outcome in Thai children. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Volume 12:881899.
- Ramchandren, S., Wu, T.T.#, Finkel, R., Siskind, C., Feely, S., Burns, J., Reilly, M., Estilow, T., Shy, M., Bacon, C., Shy, R., Cornett, K., Muntoni, F., Day, J., Lloyd, T., Sumner, C., Herrmann, D., Kirk, C., and Yum, S. (2021) Development and Validation of the Pediatric CMT Quality of Life Outcome Measure. Annals of Neurology, Volume 89(2), 369-379.
- Wu, T.T.$, Xiao, J., Sohn, M., Fiscella, K., Gilbert, C., Grier, A., Gill, A., and Gill, S. (2021) Machine learning approach identified multiplatform factors for caries prediction in child-mother dyads. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Volume 11:727630.
- Chen, W.**, Fitzpatrick, J., Sozio, S.M., Jaar, B.G., Estrella, M.M., Riascos-Bernal, D.F., Wu, T.T.#, Qiu, Y., Kurland, I.J., Dubin, R.F., Chen, Y., Parekh, R.S., Bushinsky, D.A., and Sibinga, N. (2021) Identification of Novel Biomarkers and Pathways for Coronary Artery Calcification in Nondiabetic Patients on Hemodialysis Using Metabolomic Profiling. Kidney360, Volume 2(2), 279-289
- Ren, J.**, Ramirez, G.A., Proctor, A.R., Wu, T.T.#, Benoit, D., and Choe, R. (2020) Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging for Longitudinal Monitoring of Vascularization during Mouse Femoral Graft Healing. Biomedical Optics Express, Volume 11(10), 5442-5455.