URMC / Research / Health Research /Clinical Trials / Study Details Trial Not Found The study you are looking for is not active at this time. Want to participate in this study? First Name * This field is required Middle Name Last Name * This field is required Phone Number Email I agree to be contacted by The University of Rochester Medical Center regarding participation in this study. *You must agree to be contacted to continue. Please call me during the day. Please call me during the evening. Message Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune arthritis. It is caused when the immune system (the body's defense system) is not working properly. Do you have a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis?YesNoDo you currently have 2 or more swollen or tender joints?YesNo Thank you very much. Based on your answers, you may be eligible for this study. Someone from our study staff will be contacting you. Sorry! You are not eligible for this trial. Oops! Something went wrong. Return to Search