URMC / Labs / Deane Lab / Publications Publications Bell RDWinkler EASingh ISagare APDeane RWu ZHoltzman DMBetsholtz CArmulik ASallstrom JBerk BCZlokovic BV Author Correction: Apolipoprotein E controls cerebrovascular integrity via cyclophilin A.; Nature. 2023 May 05. McQuaid CSolorzano ADickerson IDeane R Uptake of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein mediated by angiotensin converting enzyme 2 and ganglioside in human cerebrovascular cells.; Frontiers in neuroscience; Vol 17, pp. 1117845. 2023 Feb 16. Brady MMcQuaid CSolorzano AJohnson ACombs AVenkatraman CRahman ALeyva HKwok WEWood RWDeane R Spike protein multiorgan tropism suppressed by antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2.; Communications biology; Vol 4(1). 2021 Nov 22. Deane R Response to the letter, entitled "Role of hemagglutinin esterase protein in neurological manifestation of COVID-19".; Fluids and barriers of the CNS; Vol 18(1). 2021 Sep 03. McQuaid CBrady MDeane R SARS-CoV-2: is there neuroinvasion?; Fluids and barriers of the CNS; Vol 18(1). 2021 Jul 14. Brady MRahman ACombs AVenkatraman CKasper RTMcQuaid CKwok WEWood RWDeane R Cerebrospinal fluid drainage kinetics across the cribriform plate are reduced with aging.; Fluids and barriers of the CNS; Vol 17(1). 2020 Nov 30. Achariyar TMLi BPeng WVerghese PBShi YMcConnell EBenraiss AKasper TSong WTakano THoltzman DMNedergaard MDeane R Erratum to: Glymphatic distribution of CSF-derived apoE into brain is isoform specific and suppressed during sleep deprivation.; Molecular neurodegeneration; Vol 12(1). 2017 Jan 12. Achariyar TMLi BPeng WVerghese PBShi YMcConnell EBenraiss AKasper TSong WTakana THoltzman DMNedergaard MDeane R Glymphatic distribution of CSF-derived apoE into brain is isoform specific and suppressed during sleep deprivation.; Molecular neurodegeneration; Vol 11(1). 2016 Dec 08. Lundgaard ILu MLYang EPeng WMestre HHitomi EDeane RNedergaard M Glymphatic clearance controls state-dependent changes in brain lactate concentration.; Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2016 Aug 1. Peng WAchariyar TMLi BLiao YMestre HHitomi ERegan SKasper TPeng SDing FBenveniste HNedergaard MDeane R Suppression of glymphatic fluid transport in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.; Neurobiology of disease. 2016 May 24. Lee HXie LYu MKang HFeng TDeane RLogan JNedergaard MBenveniste H The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 35(31). 2015 Aug 5. Plog BADashnaw MLHitomi EPeng WLiao YLou NDeane RNedergaard M Biomarkers of Traumatic Injury Are Transported from Brain to Blood via the Glymphatic System.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 35(2). 2015 Jan 14. Iliff JJChen MJPlog BAZeppenfeld DMSoltero MYang LSingh IDeane RNedergaard M Impairment of glymphatic pathway function promotes tau pathology after traumatic brain injury.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 34(49). 2014 Dec 03. Kress BTIliff JJXia MWang MWei HSZeppenfeld DXie LKang HXu QLiew JAPlog BADing FDeane RNedergaard M Impairment of paravascular clearance pathways in the aging brain.; Annals of neurology; Vol 76(6). 2014 Dec. Petraglia ALPlog BADayawansa SChen MDashnaw MLCzerniecka KWalker CTViterise THyrien OIliff JJDeane RNedergaard MHuang JH The spectrum of neurobehavioral sequelae after repetitive mild traumatic brain injury: a novel mouse model of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.; Journal of neurotrauma; Vol 31(13). 2014 Jul 01. Lundgaard ILi BXie LKang HSanggaard SHaswell JDSun WGoldman SBlekot SNielsen MTakano TDeane RNedergaard M Direct neuronal glucose uptake heralds activity-dependent increases in cerebral metabolism.; Nature communications; Vol 6. 2015. Petraglia ALPlog BADayawansa SDashnaw MLCzerniecka KWalker CTChen MHyrien OIliff JJDeane RHuang JHNedergaard M The pathophysiology underlying repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in a novel mouse model of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.; Surgical neurology international; Vol 5. 2014. Iliff JJWang MZeppenfeld DMVenkataraman APlog BALiao YDeane RNedergaard M Cerebral arterial pulsation drives paravascular CSF-interstitial fluid exchange in the murine brain.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 33(46). 2013 Nov 13. Xie LKang HXu QChen MJLiao YThiyagarajan MO'Donnell JChristensen DJNicholson CIliff JJTakano TDeane RNedergaard M Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain.; Science (New York, N.Y.); Vol 342(6156). 2013 Oct 18. Singh ISagare APComa MPerlmutter DGelein RBell RDDeane RJZhong EParisi MCiszewski JKasper RTDeane R Low levels of copper disrupt brain amyloid-β homeostasis by altering its production and clearance.; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 110(36). 2013 Sep 03. Rangroo Thrane VThrane ASPlog BAThiyagarajan MIliff JJDeane RNagelhus EANedergaard M Paravascular microcirculation facilitates rapid lipid transport and astrocyte signaling in the brain.; Scientific reports; Vol 3. 2013. Iliff JJWang MLiao YPlogg BAPeng WGundersen GABenveniste HVates GEDeane RGoldman SANagelhus EANedergaard M A paravascular pathway facilitates CSF flow through the brain parenchyma and the clearance of interstitial solutes, including amyloid β.; Science translational medicine; Vol 4(147). 2012 Aug 15. Bell RDWinkler EASingh ISagare APDeane RWu ZHoltzman DMBetsholtz CArmulik ASallstrom JBerk BCZlokovic BV Apolipoprotein E controls cerebrovascular integrity via cyclophilin A.; Nature; Vol 485(7399). 2012 May 16. Deane RSingh ISagare APBell RDRoss NTLaRue BLove RPerry SPaquette NDeane RJThiyagarajan MZarcone TFritz GFriedman AEMiller BLZlokovic BV A multimodal RAGE-specific inhibitor reduces amyloid β-mediated brain disorder in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 122(4). 2012 Apr. Polesskaya OSilva JSanfilippo CDesrosiers TSun AShen JFeng CPolesskiy ADeane RZlokovic BKasischke KDewhurst S Methamphetamine causes sustained depression in cerebral blood flow.; Brain research; Vol 1373. 2011 Feb 10. Sagare APDeane RZetterberg HWallin ABlennow KZlokovic BV Impaired lipoprotein receptor-mediated peripheral binding of plasma amyloid-β is an early biomarker for mild cognitive impairment preceding Alzheimer's disease.; Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD; Vol 24(1). 2011. Zlokovic BVDeane RSagare APBell RDWinkler EA Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1: a serial clearance homeostatic mechanism controlling Alzheimer's amyloid β-peptide elimination from the brain.; Journal of neurochemistry; Vol 115(5). 2010 Dec. Bell RDWinkler EASagare APSingh ILaRue BDeane RZlokovic BV Pericytes control key neurovascular functions and neuronal phenotype in the adult brain and during brain aging.; Neuron; Vol 68(3). 2010 Nov 04. Zhu DWang YSingh IBell RDDeane RZhong ZSagare AWinkler EAZlokovic BV Protein S controls hypoxic/ischemic blood-brain barrier disruption through the TAM receptor Tyro3 and sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor.; Blood; Vol 115(23). 2010 Jun 10. Menon PDeane RSagare ALane SMZarcone TJO'Dell MRYan CZlokovic BVBerk BC Impaired spine formation and learning in GPCR kinase 2 interacting protein-1 (GIT1) knockout mice.; Brain research; Vol 1317. 2010 Mar 4. Zhong ZIlieva HHallagan LBell RSingh IPaquette NThiyagarajan MDeane RFernandez JALane SZlokovic ABLiu TGriffin JHChow NCastellino FJStojanovic KCleveland DWZlokovic BV Activated protein C therapy slows ALS-like disease in mice by transcriptionally inhibiting SOD1 in motor neurons and microglia cells.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 119(11). 2009 Nov. Deane RBell RDSagare AZlokovic BV Clearance of amyloid-beta peptide across the blood-brain barrier: implication for therapies in Alzheimer's disease.; CNS & neurological disorders drug targets; Vol 8(1). 2009 Mar. Guo HSingh IWang YDeane RBarrett TFernández JAChow NGriffin JHZlokovic BV Neuroprotective activities of activated protein C mutant with reduced anticoagulant activity.; The European journal of neuroscience; Vol 29(6). 2009 Mar. Bell RDDeane RChow NLong XSagare ASingh IStreb JWGuo HRubio AVan Nostrand WMiano JMZlokovic BV SRF and myocardin regulate LRP-mediated amyloid-beta clearance in brain vascular cells.; Nature cell biology; Vol 11(2). 2009 Feb. Deane RLaRue BSagare APCastellino FJZhong ZZlokovic BV Endothelial protein C receptor-assisted transport of activated protein C across the mouse blood-brain barrier.; Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism; Vol 29(1). 2009 Jan. Deane RSagare AHamm KParisi MLane SFinn MBHoltzman DMZlokovic BV apoE isoform-specific disruption of amyloid beta peptide clearance from mouse brain.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 118(12). 2008 Dec. Zhong ZDeane RAli ZParisi MShapovalov YO'Banion MKStojanovic KSagare ABoillee SCleveland DWZlokovic BV ALS-causing SOD1 mutants generate vascular changes prior to motor neuron degeneration.; Nature neuroscience; Vol 11(4). 2008 Apr. Deane RSagare AZlokovic BV The role of the cell surface LRP and soluble LRP in blood-brain barrier Abeta clearance in Alzheimer's disease.; Current pharmaceutical design; Vol 14(16). 2008. Sagare ADeane RBell RDJohnson BHamm KPendu RMarky ALenting PJWu ZZarcone TGoate AMayo KPerlmutter DComa MZhong ZZlokovic BV Clearance of amyloid-beta by circulating lipoprotein receptors.; Nature medicine; Vol 13(9). 2007 Sep. Bell RDSagare APFriedman AEBedi GSHoltzman DMDeane RZlokovic BV Transport pathways for clearance of human Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide and apolipoproteins E and J in the mouse central nervous system.; Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism; Vol 27(5). 2007 May. Deane RZlokovic BV Role of the blood-brain barrier in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.; Current Alzheimer research; Vol 4(2). 2007 Apr. Takano THan XDeane RZlokovic BNedergaard M Two-photon imaging of astrocytic Ca2+ signaling and the microvasculature in experimental mice models of Alzheimer's disease.; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol 1097. 2007 Feb. Chow NBell RDDeane RStreb JWChen JBrooks AVan Nostrand WMiano JMZlokovic BV Serum response factor and myocardin mediate arterial hypercontractility and cerebral blood flow dysregulation in Alzheimer's phenotype.; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 104(3). 2007 Jan 16. Deane RZlokovic BV Role of the blood-brain barrier in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease; Current Alzheimer's Research; Vol 4, pp. 191-197. 2007 Jan 01. Sagare AFriedman AEBedi GDeane RZlokovic BV Transport pathways for clearance of human Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide and apolipoproteins E and J.; J Cerebral Blood flow and Metabolism; Vol 27, pp. 909-918. 2007 Jan 01. Deane RZlokovic BV Role of the blood-brain barrier in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease; Current Alzheimer's Research; Vol 4, pp. 191-197. 2007 Jan 01. Cheng TPetraglia ALLi ZThiyagarajan MZhong ZWu ZLiu DMaggirwar SBDeane RFernández JALaRue BGriffin JHChopp MZlokovic BV Activated protein C inhibits tissue plasminogen activator-induced brain hemorrhage.; Nature medicine; Vol 12(11). 2006 Nov. Kassem NADeane RSegal MBPreston JE Role of transthyretin in thyroxine transfer from cerebrospinal fluid to brain and choroid plexus; American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative & Comparative Physiology; Vol 291(5), pp. 1310-1315. 2006 Jan 01. Deane RSagare AHamm KParisi MLaRue BGuo HWu ZHoltzman DMZlokovic BV IgG-assisted age-dependent clearance of Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide by the blood-brain barrier neonatal Fc receptor.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 25(50). 2005 Dec 14. Cirrito JRDeane RFagan AMSpinner MLParsadanian MFinn MBJiang HPrior JLSagare ABales KRPaul SMZlokovic BVPiwnica-Worms DHoltzman DM P-glycoprotein deficiency at the blood-brain barrier increases amyloid-beta deposition in an Alzheimer disease mouse model.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 115(11). 2005 Nov.