Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications
- Shamlaye CF, Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Cox C, Davidson PW, Choisy O, Cernichiari E, Choi A, Tanner MA, Clarkson TW. "The Seychelles Child Development Study on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children Following in Utero Exposure to Methylmercury From a Maternal Fish Diet: Background and Demographics". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 597-612.
- Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner M, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW. "Main Neurodevelopmental Study of Seychellois Children Following in Utero Exposure to Methylmercury From a Maternal Fish Diet: Outcome at Six Months". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 653-64.
- Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Cox C, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW. "A Pilot Neurodevelopmental Study of Seychellois Children Following in Utero Exposure to Methylmercury From a Maternal Fish Diet". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 629-38.
- Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Marsh DO, Cernichiari E, Lapham LW, Berlin M, Clarkson TW. "Summary of the Seychelles Child Development Study on the Relationship of Fetal Methylmercury Exposure to Neurodevelopment". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 711-16.
- Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Choisy O, Sloane-Reeves J, Marsh D, Cernichiari E, Choi A, et al. "Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Seychellois Children Sixty-Six Months After in Utero Exposure to Methylmercury From a Maternal Fish Diet: Pilot Study". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 639-52.
- Marsh DO, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Cernichiari E, Tanner MA, Lednar W, Shamlaye C, Choisy O, et al. "The Seychelles Study of Fetal Methylmercury Exposure and Child Development: Introduction". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 583-96.
- Lapham LW, Cernichiari E, Cox C, Myers GJ, Baggs RB, Brewer R, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW. "An Analysis of Autopsy Brain Tissue From Infants Prenatally Exposed to Methymercury". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 689-704.
- Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Marsh DO, Tanner MA, Berlin M, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, et al. "Longitudinal Neurodevelopmental Study of Seychellois Children Following in Utero Exposure to Methylmercury From Maternal Fish Ingestion: Outcomes at 19 and 29 Months". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 677-88.
- Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Choisy O, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Marsh DO, Berlin M, Tanner M, et al. "Neurodevelopmental Test Selection, Administration and Performance in the Main Seychelles Child Development Study". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16(4): 665-76.
- Clarkson TW. "Environmental Contaminants in the Food Chain". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1995; 61 (3 Suppl): 682S-6S.
- Cernichiari E, Toribara TY, Liang L, Marsh DO, Berlin MW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Choisy O, Davidson P, et al. "The Biological Monitoring of Mercury in the Seychelles Study". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 613-28.
- Cernichiari E, Brewer R, Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Lapham LW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Berlin M, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW. "Monitoring Methylmercury During Pregnancy: Maternal Hair Predicts Fetal Brain Exposure". Neurotoxicology. 1995; 16 (4): 705-10.