The Core Facilities provide services to all researchers at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Balance Disorders and Dizziness Clinic
Patients suffering from dizziness can receive specialized testing to diagnose balance and orientation disorders. The standard tests include video- or electro-nystagmography (VNG/ENG) with head rotation, rotatory testing, and posturography. These tests are performed automatically on all patients referred for balance testing, unless special requests are made by your physician, or limitations are imposed by insurance. Tests are performed by a trained technician and interpreted by the Lab Director, Gary D. Paige, M.D., Ph.D. More info...
Electronics & Mechanical Shop
The Electronic & Mechanical Shop supports equally essential and more demanding services. Given our strengths in systems and behavioral neurobiology, the majority of our labs are heavily technocentric, with substantial proportions of custom devices (mechanical and electronic) yielding capabilities that are tailored to the goals and style of each lab. All other labs share some of these same attributes, and all require equipment repair and maintenance over time, modifications dictated by experimental needs, and the construction of electronic and mechanical components and devices on a semi-regular basis. The Shop provides centralized, high quality, and innovative services to support these essential needs.
Animal Research Unit
The Animal Research Unit in the Department of Neuroscience is a shared facility for use by departmental investigators. The Unit includes a dedicated surgical suite that serves a collaborative research community in order to serve research goals as well as share novel ideas, techniques and resources. The personnel are highly trained, and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of standard IACUC protocols. The three room surgical suite contains the state of the art equipment necessary for the implementation of an aseptic environment, anesthesia, intra-operative monitoring, and post surgical care.
For scheduling please see the surgical suite scheduling calendar.
Small Animal Behavior Room
The NSC Department also maintains the Small Animal Behavior Room (6-7543), on the sixth floor near the yellow elevators. The Small Animal Behavior Room is available for use by Department personnel, for experiments with living mice, rats or other small mammals if their own laboratory facilities lack the necessary space or isolation. Note that all experiments using live animals must be approved in advance by UCAR, and protocols performed in the Small Animal Behavior Room must comply with these rules. No dissections or euthanasia are permitted in the room. Users are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the facility to avoid cross-contamination between 2-way Vivarium rooms. Vivarium cleaning supplies are provided.
To obtain key card access to Room 6-7543, please contact Prof. O'Banion, Prof. Luebke, or Prof. White. For scheduling please see the SABR scheduling calendar.
Technology Services
Our main responsibility is to develop automated lab systems for stimulus and behavioral control, data acquisition, and data analysis. We design, construct, and repair lab components and devices. We are happy to provide the following services for the Department of Neuroscience and for its research Programs and Centers.
- Hardware and Software Purchases
- Hardware and Software Installation
- Hardware and Software Troubleshooting
- Web Support (Internet)
- Multimedia Support