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Axel W. E. Wismueller, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Axel W. E. Wismueller, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Imaging Sciences

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About Me

Dr. Axel W. E. Wismüller is one of the pioneers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in radiology. With a 25+ years outstanding leadership, funding and publication track record, he is one of very few individuals worldwide serving as both a clinically practicing radiologist and an internationally renowned...
Dr. Axel W. E. Wismüller is one of the pioneers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in radiology. With a 25+ years outstanding leadership, funding and publication track record, he is one of very few individuals worldwide serving as both a clinically practicing radiologist and an internationally renowned scientist, thus bridging the gap between fundamental research and clinical application of AI in radiology.

Dr. Wismüller is Professor of Radiology, Biomedical & Electrical Engineering. He is Director of the AI Radiology Laboratory at URMC. In his clinical practice, he serves as an Attending Radiologist for cardiothoracic and body imaging, including CT, MRI and ultrasound. Based on his dual professional qualification in both science and medicine, his funded research focuses on developing and clinically evaluating cutting-edge machine learning, AI and health informatics technologies to expedite patient- and provider-centered image interpretation, clinical understanding, and efficient health care management – with the overall goal to improve patient health and well-being.

Dr. Wismüller holds multiple national and international patents for his inventions of novel machine learning methods. He is author of >220 peer-reviewed scientific publications, holds US and European medical licenses, US and German Board Certifications in Diagnostic Radiology, and a state doctorate (Habilitation) with adjunct professorship at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich. Dr. Wismüller has recently been elected and honored as a Senior Member of the International Society for Optics (SPIE) for his outstanding contributions to AI in medical imaging. He has served as a founding faculty member of the Goergen Institute for Data Science.

Dr. Wismüller is widely known for clinical applications of his research, which most notably include a system for automatic analysis of chest radiographs, imaging biomarkers for breast cancer and brain tumor diagnosis, bone stability prediction in osteoporosis, and imaging assessment of neuroinflammatory disorders, such as MS.

Dr. Wismüller attended medical school in Munich, with additional clinical training at Yale University. He received his MD degree from Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 1992, which included a scientific dissertation in neurology. In addition, he received a MSc degree in Physics from LMU, which included a master's thesis on machine learning. From 1997 to 2007, he completed his radiology residency and a fellowship in Diagnostic Radiology at LMU Medical Center, where he founded and directed an interdisciplinary research laboratory on AI in radiology. In 2006, he received a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the highest-ranked German engineering school, TUM, for a PhD thesis on a novel machine learning algorithm invented by him (XOM), for which he holds national and international patents.

Dr. Wismüller has been the PI of a NIH R01 Award on exploring large-scale functional connectivity in the human brain. Supported by NIDA and its AIDS research program, the CRCNS program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and co-funded by the German Research Ministry, this international project led to fundamental discoveries in the field of brain connectivity analysis, which were published in highest-ranked neuroradiology journals NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Clinical.

As an active member of multiple societies in both medicine and engineering, e.g. ACR, RSNA and SPIE, Dr. Wismüller has served on numerous academic and administrative committees in both the US and Europe. He has successfully supervised scientific theses of >30 post-doctoral fellows, PhD and MSc students from engineering, computer science, mathematics, biology and academic medicine at both leading US and European universities. Besides NIH-funded awards, he has served as the PI in a multi-center CTSI translational research award and in several NYSTAR-funded public-private research projects with leading industry partners.


English, German

Certified Specialties

Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)

Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering (SMD) - Joint


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Radiology, General, University Hospitals. 2005 - 2007

Residency, Radiology, General, University Hospitals. 1997 - 2005

Graduate, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Munchen (Germany). 1990 - 1996

Residency, Internal Medicine, University Hospitals. 1989 - 1990


PhD | Technical University Of Munich (Germany). 2006

MD | Technical University Of Munich (Germany). 1989


Mangurian Foundation Research Award: Exploring Large-Scale Network Connectivity in the Human Brain. 2020

Goergen Institute for Data Science, Research Award: Deep Machine Learning for Radiomics in Cancer Diagnostics. 2018

Senior Membership Award for outstanding contributions in the field of Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging. 2016

Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health (NIH)/NIDA R01 Award. 2012 - 2015

Harry W. Fischer Funds Award, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2012

Upstate New York Translational Research Network (UNYTRN) Award. 2011

Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences (CEIS) Research Award: Computer-Aided Analysis of Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns. 2010

Charles and Janet Forbes Entrepreneurial Award for Biomedical Engineering Senior Design Project. 2008

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich Research Grant. 2003 - 2005

German Research Council (DFG) Graduate Research Program Award. 2000 - 2003

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Grant Award. 2000 - 2001

Institute of Phonetics Grant Award. 1999

Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation Grant Award. 1999

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Grant Award. 1998

Marconi Corporation Grant Award. 1998 - 1999

Hanns Seidel Foundation, Senior Laureate Fellow. 1997

Wacker Chemical Corporation Research Grant Award. 1996

Hanns Seidel Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship Award. 1996 - 1997

Hanns Seidel Foundation Scientific Conference Organization Grant Award. 1995

Sun Microsystems Corporation Scientific Conference Organization Grant Award. 1995

Hanns Seidel Foundation Undergraduate Fellowship Award. 1985 - 1989

State of Bavaria Scholarship Award for Outstanding Achievements. 1982 - 1986



Journal Articles

Early-stage COVID-19 pandemic observations on pulmonary embolism using nationwide multi-institutional data harvesting.

Wismüller A, DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Ali Vosoughi M, Gange C, Cortopassi IO, Bozovic G, Bankier AA, Batra K, Chodakiewitz Y, Xi Y, Whitlow CT, Ponnatapura J, Wendt GJ, Weinberg EP, Stockmaster L, Shrier DA, Shin MC, Modi R, Lo HS, Kligerman S, Hamid A, Hahn LD, Garcia GM, Chung JH, Altes T, Abbara S, Bader AS

NPJ digital medicine.. 2022 August 195 (1):120. Epub 08/19/2022.

Large-scale nonlinear Granger causality for inferring directed dependence from short multivariate time-series data.

Wismüller A, Dsouza AM, Vosoughi MA, Abidin A

Scientific reports.. 2021 April 911 (1):7817. Epub 04/09/2021.

Investigating Covid-19 Pandemic-Induced Effects on Detection of Emergent Clinical Imaging Findings by Large-Scale Tracking of Utilization and Reading Results for AI-Based Image Analysis Services

Axel Wismüller; Larry Stockmaster.

Proc. of SPIE. Accepted for publication. 2021; .

Large-scale Augmented Granger Causality (lsAGC) for Connectivity Analysis in Complex Systems: From Computer Simulations to Functional MRI (fMRI)

Axel Wismüller; M. Ali Vosoughi.

Proc. of SPIE. Accepted for publication. 2021; .

Network Connectivity Analysis in Complex Systems Using Large-Scale Non-Linear Granger Causality (lsNGC)

Axel Wismüller; Adora M. DSouza; M. Ali Vosoughi; Anas Z. Abidin.

Proc. of SPIE. Accepted for publication. 2021; .

Classification of Schizophrenia from Functional MRI Using Large-scale Extended Granger Causality

Axel Wismùller; M. Ali Vosoughi.

Proc. of SPIE. Accepted for publication. 2021; .

Large-Scale Extended Granger Causality for Classification of Marijuana Users From Functional MRI

M. Ali Vosoughi; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. Accepted for publication. 2021; .

Detecting cognitive impairment in HIV-infected individuals using mutual connectivity analysis of resting state functional MRI.

Abidin AZ, DSouza AM, Schifitto G, Wismüller A

Journal of neurovirology.. 2020 April 26 (2):188-200. Epub 01/07/2020.

Large-Scale Extended Granger Causality (lsXGC) for Classication of Autism Spectrum Disorder from Resting-State Functional MRI

Axel Wismüller; John J. Foxe; Seyed S. Saboksayr.

Proc. of SPIE. 2020; 113141Y.

A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial for Measuring Radiology Study Reporting Time on Artificial Intelligence-Based Detection of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Emergent Care Head CT

Axel Wismüller; Larry Stockmaster.

Proc. of SPIE. 2020; 113170M.

Classification of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from Resting-State Functional MRI with Mutual Connectivity Analysis

Seyed S. Saboksayr, Adora M. DSouza, John J. Foxe, and Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2020; 11317.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Prediction Using Graph Convolutional Networks

Seyed S. Saboksayr; John J. Foxe; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2020; 113141U.

Automated diagnosis of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders using large-scale Granger causality analysis of resting-state functional MRI.

Chockanathan U, DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Schifitto G, Wismüller A

Computers in biology and medicine.. 2019 March 106 :24-30. Epub 01/15/2019.

Automated diagnosis of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders using large-scale Granger causality analysis of resting-state functional MRI

Udaysankar Chockanathan; Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2019; 106: 24-30.

A multivoxel pattern analysis framework with mutual connectivity analysis investigating changes in resting state connectivity in patients with HIV associated neurocognitive disorder

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2019; 62: 121-128.

Classification of autism spectrum disorder from resting-state fMRI with mutual connectivity analysis

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2019; 109531D.

Detecting connectivity changes in autism spectrum disorder using large-scale Granger causality

Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. Dsouza; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2019; 109490M.

Automated identification of thoracic pathology from chest radiographs with enhanced training pipeline

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2019; 109503F.

Investigating a quantitative radiomics approach for brain tumor classification

Anas Zainul Abidin; Irfaan Dar; Adora M. D'Souza; Edward P. Lin; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2019; 109530B.

Mutual connectivity analysis of resting-state functional MRI data with local models.

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Chockanathan U, Schifitto G, Wismüller A

NeuroImage.. 2018 September 178 :210-223. Epub 05/17/2018.

Deep transfer learning for characterizing chondrocyte patterns in phase contrast X-Ray computed tomography images of the human patellar cartilage.

Abidin AZ, Deng B, DSouza AM, Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Wismüller A

Computers in biology and medicine.. 2018 April 195 :24-33. Epub 02/09/2018.

Identification and functional characterization of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders with large-scale Granger causality analysis on resting-state functional MRI.

Chockanathan U, DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Schifitto G, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2018 February 10575 Epub 02/27/2018.

Regional autonomy changes in resting-state functional MRI in patients with HIV associated neurocognitive disorder

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10574.

Investigating directed functional connectivity between the resting state networks of the human brain using mutual connectivity analysis

Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10578.

Resilient modular small-world directed brain networks in healthy subjects with large-scale Granger causality analysis of resting-state functional MRI

Udaysankar Chockanathan; Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10578.

Identification and functional characterization of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders with large-scale Granger causality analysis on resting-state functional MRI

Udaysankar Chockanathan; Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10575.

Investigating large-scale Granger causality analysis in presence of noise and varying sampling rate

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Lutz Leistritz; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10578.

MRI tumor segmentation with densely connected 3D CNN

Lele Chen; Yue Wu; Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Axel Wismüller; Chenliang Xu.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018; 10574.

Alteration of brain network topology in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: A novel functional connectivity perspective

Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Lu Wang; Xing Qiu; Giovanni Schifitto; Axel Wismüller.

NeuroImage. Clinical. 2018; 17: 768-777.

Exploring connectivity with large-scale Granger causality on resting-state functional MRI.

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Leistritz L, Wismüller A

Journal of neuroscience methods.. 2017 August 1287 :68-79. Epub 06/16/2017.

Characterizing cartilage microarchitecture on phase-contrast x-ray computed tomography using deep learning with convolutional neural networks

Botao Deng; Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Paola Coan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017; 1013412.

Using large-scale Granger causality to study changes in brain network properties in the Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) stage of multiple sclerosis

Anas Z. Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Matilde Inglese; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017; 10137.

Identifying HIV associated neurocognitive disorder using large-scale Granger causality analysis on resting-state functional MRI

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Lutz Leistritz; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017; 10133.

Classification of micro-CT images using 3D characterization of bone canal patterns in human osteogenesis imperfecta

Anas Z. Abidin; Udaysankar Chockanathan; John Jameson; Robert Molthen; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017; 10134.

Investigating changes in resting-state connectivity from functional MRI data in patients with HIV associated neurocognitive disorder using MCA and machine learning

Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Udaysankar Chockanathan; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE- the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017; 10137.

Mutual Connectivity Analysis (MCA) Using Generalized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Nonlinear Functional Connectivity Network Recovery in Resting-State Functional MRI.

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Nagarajan MB, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2016 March 299788 Epub 1900 01 01.

Large-Scale Granger Causality Analysis on Resting-State Functional MRI.

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Leistritz L, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2016 March 9788 Epub 1900 01 01.

Investigating Changes in Brain Network Properties in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disease (HAND) using Mutual Connectivity Analysis (MCA).

Abidin AZ, D'Souza AM, Nagarajan MB, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2016 March 9788 Epub 1900 01 01.

Mutual connectivity analysis (MCA) using generalized radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear functional connectivity network recovery in resting-state functional MRI

Adora M. D'Souza; Anas Zainul Abidin; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2016; 9788: doi: 10.1117/12.2216900.

Large-scale Granger causality analysis on resting-state functional MRI

Adora M. D'Souza; Anas Zainul Abidin; Lutz Leistritz; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2016; 9788: doi: 10.1117/12.2217264.

Detecting altered connectivity patterns in HIV associated neurocognitive impairment using mutual connectivity analysis

Anas Zainul Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2016; 9788: doi: 10.1117/12.2217315.

Investigating changes in brain network properties in HIV-associated neurocognitive disease (HAND) using mutual connectivity analysis (MCA)

Anas Zainul Abidin; Adora M. DSouza; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2016; 9788: doi: 10.1117/12.2217317.

Assessing vertebral fracture risk on volumetric quantitative computed tomography by geometric characterization of trabecular bone structure

Walter A. Checefsky; Anas Z. Abidin; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2016; 9785: doi: 10.1117/12.2216898.

A Multivariate Granger Causality Concept towards Full Brain Functional Connectivity.

Schmidt C, Pester B, Schmid-Hertel N, Witte H, Wismüller A, Leistritz L

PloS one.. 2016 11 (4):e0153105. Epub 04/11/2016.

Detecting Altered connectivity patterns in HIV associated neurocognitive impairment using Mutual Connectivity Analysis.

Abidin AZ, D'Souza AM, Nagarajan MB, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2016 9788 Epub 03/29/2016.

Assessing vertebral fracture risk on volumetric quantitative computed tomography by geometric characterization of trabecular bone structure.

Checefsky WA, Abidin AZ, Nagarajan MB, Bauer JS, Baum T, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2016 9785 Epub 03/24/2016.

Volumetric quantitative characterization of human patellar cartilage with topological and geometrical features on phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography.

Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Huber MB, Diemoz PC, Wismüller A

Medical & biological engineering & computing.. 2015 November 53 (11):1211-20. Epub 07/04/2015.

Functional Connectivity Analysis in Resting State fMRI with Echo-State Networks and Non-Metric Clustering for Network Structure Recovery.

Wismüller A, DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Wang X, Hobbs SK, Nagarajan MB

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2015 March 9417 Epub 1900 01 01.

Volumetric Characterization of Human Patellar Cartilage Matrix on Phase Contrast X-Ray Computed Tomography.

Abidin AZ, Nagarajan MB, Checefsky WA, Coan P, Diemoz PC, Hobbs SK, Huber MB, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2015 February 9417 Epub 03/19/2015.

Nonlinear Functional Connectivity Network Recovery in the Human Brain with Mutual Connectivity Analysis (MCA): Convergent Cross-Mapping and Non-Metric Clustering.

Wismüller A, Abidin AZ, DSouza AM, Wang X, Hobbs SK, Leistritz L, Nagarajan MB

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2015 February 9417 Epub 03/17/2015.

Integrating dimension reduction and out-of-sample extension in automated classification of ex vivo human patellar cartilage on phase contrast X-ray computed tomography

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Axel Wismüller.

PLOS One. 2015; D-14-25225R1.

Nonlinear Functional Connectivity Network Recovery in the Human Brain with Mutual Connectivity Analysis (MCA): Convergent Cross-Mapping and Non-Metric Clustering

Axel Wismüller; Xixi Wang; Adora M. DSouza; Susan K. Hobbs; Lutz Leistritz; Mahesh B. Nagarajan.

Proc. of SPIE. 2015; 9417(doi:10.1117/12.2082124).

Functional Connectivity Analysis in Resting State fMRI with Echo-State Networks and Non-Metric Clustering for Network Structure Recovery

Axel Wismüller; Adora M. DSouza; Anas Z. Abidin; Xixi Wang; Susan K. Hobbs; Mahesh B. Nagarajan.

Proc. of SPIE. 2015; 9417(doi:10.1117/12.2082106).

Investigating the use of mutual information and non-metric clustering for functional connectivity analysis on resting-state functional MRI

Xixi Wang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Anas Z. Abidin; Adora D'Souza; Susan K. Hobbs; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2015; 9417(doi:10.1117/12.2082565).

Characterizing trabecular bone structure for assessing vertebral fracture risk on volumetric quantitative computed tomography

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Walter A. Checefsky; Anas Z. Abidin; Halley Tsai; Xixi Wang; Susan K. Hobbs; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2015; 9417(doi:10.1117/12.2082059).

Volumetric characterization of human patellar cartilage matrix on phase contrast x-ray computed tomography

Anas Z. Abidin; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Walter A. Checefsky; Paola Coan; Paul C. Diemoz; Susan K. Hobbs; Markus B. Huber; Axel Wismüller.

Proc. of SPIE. 2015; 9417(doi:10.1117/12.2082084).

Characterizing Trabecular Bone structure for Assessing Vertebral Fracture Risk on Volumetric Quantitative Computed Tomography.

Nagarajan MB, Checefsky WA, Abidin AZ, Tsai H, Wang X, Hobbs SK, Bauer JS, Baum T, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2015 9417 Epub 03/17/2015.

Investigating the use of mutual information and non-metric clustering for functional connectivity analysis on resting-state functional MRI.

Wang X, Nagarajan MB, Abidin AZ, DSouza A, Hobbs SK, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2015 9417 Epub 03/17/2015.

Using Anisotropic 3D Minkowski Functionals for Trabecular Bone Characterization and Biomechanical Strength Prediction in Proximal Femur Specimens.

Nagarajan MB, De T, Lochmüller EM, Eckstein F, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2014 April 99038 Epub 1900 01 01.

Investigating the use of texture features for analysis of breast lesions on contrast-enhanced cone beam CT.

Wang X, Nagarajan MB, Conover D, Ning R, O'Connell A, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2014 April 99038 Epub 1900 01 01.

Predicting the Biomechanical Strength of Proximal Femur Specimens with Minkowski Functionals and Support Vector Regression.

Yang CC, Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Carballido-Gamio J, Bauer JS, Baum T, Eckstein F, Lochmüller EM, Link TM, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2014 March 139038 Epub 1900 01 01.

Pair-wise Clustering of Large Scale Granger Causality Index Matrices for Revealing Communities.

Wismüller A, Nagarajan MB, Witte H, Pester B, Leistritz L

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2014 March 139038 Epub 1900 01 01.

Improving bone strength prediction in human proximal femur specimens through geometrical characterization of trabecular bone microarchitecture and support vector regression.

Yang CC, Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Carballido-Gamio J, Bauer JS, Baum T, Eckstein F, Lochmüller E, Majumdar S, Link TM, Wismüller A

Journal of electronic imaging.. 2014 February 423 (1):013013. Epub 01/09/2014.

Computer-aided diagnosis for phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography: quantitative characterization of human patellar cartilage with high-dimensional geometric features.

Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Huber MB, Diemoz PC, Glaser C, Wismüller A

Journal of digital imaging.. 2014 February 27 (1):98-107. Epub 1900 01 01.

Phase contrast imaging X-ray computed tomography: Quantitative characterization of human patellar cartilage matrix with topological and geometrical features.

Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Huber MB, Diemoz PC, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2014 February 9038 Epub 03/13/2014.

Classification of small lesions on dynamic breast MRI: Integrating dimension reduction and out-of-sample extension into CADx methodology.

Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Schlossbauer T, Leinsinger G, Krol A, Wismüller A

Artificial intelligence in medicine.. 2014 January 60 (1):65-77. Epub 11/23/2013.

Improving bone strength prediction in human proximal femur specimens through geometrical characterization of trabecular bone micro-architecture and support vector regression

Chien-Chun Yang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Julio Carballido-Gamio; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Felix Eckstein; Eva Lochmüller; Sharmila Majumdar; Thomas M. Link; Axel Wismüller.

Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2014; 23(1): 013013, doi:10.1117/1.JEI.23.1.013013.

Classification of small lesions on dynamic breast MRI: Integrating dimension reduction and out-of-sample extension into CADx methodology

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2014; 60(1): 65-77.

Classification of small lesions in dynamic breast MRI: Eliminating the need for precise lesion segmentation through spatio-temporal analysis of contrast enhancement over time.

Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Schlossbauer T, Leinsinger G, Krol A, Wismüller A

Machine vision and applications.. 2013 October 124 (7)Epub 1900 01 01.

Computer-aided diagnosis in phase contrast imaging X-ray computed tomography for quantitative characterization of ex vivo human patellar cartilage.

Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Huber MB, Diemoz PC, Glaser C, Wismuller A

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.. 2013 October 60 (10):2896-903. Epub 06/05/2013.

Introducing Anisotropic Minkowski Functionals and Quantitative Anisotropy Measures for Local Structure Analysis in Biomedical Imaging.

Wismüller A, De T, Lochmüller E, Eckstein F, Nagarajan MB

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2013 March 298672 Epub 1900 01 01.

Predicting the Biomechanical Strength of Proximal Femur Specimens through High Dimensional Geometric Features and Support Vector Regression.

Yang CC, Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Carballido-Gamio J, Bauer JS, Baum T, Eckstein F, Lochmüller E, Majumdar S, Link TM, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2013 March 8672 Epub 1900 01 01.

Classification of Small Lesions in Breast MRI: Evaluating The Role of Dynamically Extracted Texture Features Through Feature Selection.

Nagarajan MB, Huber MB, Schlossbauer T, Leinsinger G, Krol A, Wismüller A

Journal of medical and biological engineering.. 2013 January 133 (1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Classification of small lesions in dynamic breast MRI: eliminating the need for precise lesion segmentation through spatio-temporal analysis of contrast enhancement

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Machine Vision and Applications. 2013; 24(7): 1371-1381.

Classification of small lesions on breast MRI: evaluating the role of dynamically extracted texture features through feature selection

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 2013; 33(1): 59-68.

3D segmentation of abdominal CT imagery with graphical models, conditional random fields and learning

Chetan Bhole; Christopher Pal; David Rim; Axel Wismüller.

Machine Vision and Applications. 2013; : doi: 10.1007/s00138-013-0497-x.

Computer-aided diagnosis for phase-contrast x-ray computed tomography: quantitative characterization of human patellar cartilage with high-dimensional geometric features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Christian Glaser; Axel Wismüller.

Journal of Digital Imaging. 2013; : DOI: 10.1007/s10278-013-9634-3.

Computer-aided diagnosis in phase contrast imaging x-ray computed tomography for quantitative characterization of ex vivo human patellar cartilage

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Christian Glaser; Axel Wismüller.

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2013; 60(10): 2896-2903.

Integrating dimension reduction and out-of-sample extension in automated classification of ex vivo human patellar cartilage on phase contrast x-ray computed tomography

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Axel Wismüller.

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2013; : In review.

Using anisotropic 3D Minkowski functionals for trabecular bone characterization and biomechanical strength prediction in proximal femur specimens

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Ttitas De; Eva M. Lochmüller; Felix Eckstein; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE: Accepted for publication at SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. 2013; .

Investigating the use of texture features for analysis of breast lesions on contrast-enhanced cone beam CT

Xixi Wang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; David Conover; Ruola Ning; Avice O'Connell; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE: Accepted for publication at SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. 2013; .

Predicting the biomechanical strength of proximal femur specimens with Minkowski functionals and support vector regression

Chien-Chung Yang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Julio Carballido-Gamio; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Felix Eckstein; Eva M. Lochmüller; Thomas M. Link; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE: Accepted for publication at SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. 2013; .

Phase contrast imaging X-ray computed tomography: Quantitative characterization of human patellar cartilage matrix with topological and geometrical features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE: Accepted for publication at SPIE Medical Imaging 2014. 2013; .

Characterizing healthy and osteoarthritic knee cartilage on phase contrast CT with geometric texture features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan, Paola Coan, Markus B. Huber, Paul C. Diemoz; Christian Glaser; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2013; 8672: 1J1-1J8.

Introducing anisotropic Minkowski functionals and quantitative anisotropy measures for local structure analysis in biomedical imaging

Axel Wismüller; Ttitas De; Eva M. Lochmüller; Felix Eckstein; Mahesh B. Nagarajan.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2013; 8672: 0I1-0I8.

Predicting the biomechanical strength of proximal femur specimens through high dimensional geometric features and support vector regression

Chien-Chun Yang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Julio Carballido-Gamio; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Felix Eckstein; Eva M. Lochmüller; Sharmila Majumdar; Thomas M. Link; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2013; 8672: 1K1-1K8.

Phase contrast computed tomography: classification of osteoarthritic and healthy chondrocyte patterns in human patella cartilage through local scaling properties

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Paul C. Diemoz; Christian Glaser; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting: Accepted for publication. 2013; .

Evaluating proximal femur bone strength prediction by advanced characterization of trabecular microarchitecture using scaling index computation and support vector regression

Chien-Chun Yang; Markus B. Huber; Julio Carballido-Gamio; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Felix Eckstein; Eva M. Lochmüller; Sharmila Majumdar; Thomas M. Link; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting: Accepted for publication. 2013; .

Characterizing healthy and osteoarthritic knee cartilage on phase contrast CT with geometric texture features.

Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Huber MB, Diemoz PC, Glaser C, Wismüller A

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering.. 2013 8672 Epub 03/29/2013.

Texture feature ranking with relevance learning to classify interstitial lung disease patterns.

Huber MB, Bunte K, Nagarajan MB, Biehl M, Ray LA, Wismüller A

Artificial intelligence in medicine.. 2012 October 56 (2):91-7. Epub 09/23/2012.

Texture feature ranking with relevance learning to classify interstitial lung disease patterns

Markus B. Huber; Kerstin Bunte; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Michael Biehl; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2012; 56(2): 91-97.

Classification of small lesions on dynamic breast MRI: integrating dimension reduction and out-of-sample extension into CADx methodology

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2012; : In review.

Characterization of healthy and osteoarthritic chondrocyte cell patterns on phase contrast CT images of the knee cartilage matrix.

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Chien-Chun Yang; Christian Glaser; Maximilian F. Reiser; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2012; 8317(831720).

Predicting the biomechanical strength of proximal femur specimens with bone mineral density features and support vector regression

Markus B. Huber; Chien-Chun Yang; Julio Carballido-Gamio; Jan S. Bauer; Thomas Baum; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Felix Eckstein; Eva-Maria Lochmüller; Sharmila Majumdar; Thomas M. Link; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2012; 8315(83151W).

Bone mineral density features and support vector regression for predicting the biomechanical strength of proximal femur specimens

Markus B. Huber; Chien-Chun Yang; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Felix Eckstein; Axel Wismüller.

Center of Emerging and Innovative Sciences University Technology Showcase. 2012; .

Prediction of biomechanical properties of trabecular bone in MR images with geometric features and support vector regression.

Huber MB, Lancianese SL, Nagarajan MB, Ikpot IZ, Lerner AL, Wismuller A

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.. 2011 June 58 (6):1820-6. Epub 02/28/2011.

Performance of topological texture features to classify fibrotic interstitial lung disease patterns.

Huber MB, Nagarajan MB, Leinsinger G, Eibel R, Ray LA, Wismüller A

Medical physics.. 2011 April 38 (4):2035-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Computational intelligence in biomedical imaging: multidimensional analysis of spatio-temporal patterns

Axel Wismüller.

Computer Science Research and Development. 2011; 26(1-2): 15-37.

Neighbor embedding XOM for dimension reduction and visualization

Kerstin Bunte; Barbara Hammer; Thomas Villmann; Michael Biehl; Axel Wismüller.

Neurocomputing. 2011; 74(9): 1340-1350.

Performance of topological texture features to classify interstitial lung disease patterns

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Medical Physics. 2011; 38(4): 2035-2044.

Prediction of biomechanical properties of trabecular bone in MR images with geometric features and support vector regression.

Markus B. Huber; Sarah L. Lancianese; Imoh Ikpot; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Amy L. Lerner; Axel Wismüller.

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2011; 58(6): 1820-1826.

Quantitative analysis of tumor matrix patterns through statistical and topological texture features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Xiaoxing Han; Markus B. Huber; Thomas H. Foster; Edward B. Brown; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7965(79651E).

Texture feature selection with relevance learning to classify interstitial lung disease patterns

Markus B. Huber; Kerstin Bunte; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Michael Biehl; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7963(796318).

Estimating local scaling properties for the classification of interstitial lung disease patterns

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7963(79631Q).

Lesion classification on breast MRI through topological characterization of morphology over time

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Lawrence A. Ray; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7963(79631U).

Modified total variation norm for the maximum a posteriori ordered subsets expectation maximization reconstruction in fan-beam SPECT brain perfusion imaging

Andrzej Krol; Zhaoxia Yang; Yuesheng Xu; Axel Wismüller; David H. Feiglin.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7961(796140).

Modified total variation norm for the maximum a posteriori ordered subsets expectation maximization reconstruction in fan-beam SPECT brain perfusion imaging

Andrzej Krol; Zhaoxia Yang; Yuesheng Xu; Axel Wismüller; David H. Feiglin.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2011; 7961(796140).

Computer-aided analysis of interstitial lung disease patterns in chest computer tomography

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Center of Emerging and Innovative Sciences University Technology Showcase. 2011; .

Estimating local scaling properties for tissue classification in chest CT

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Roger Eibel; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2011; SSM19-05.

Dynamic quantification of lesion enhancement patterns in dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI using topological texture features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Andrzej Krol; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2011; LL-PHS-SU1B.

Phase contrast computed tomography: computer-aided image analysis of osteoarthritic and healthy chondrocyte patterns in human patella cartilage

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Paola Coan; Markus B. Huber; Christian Glaser; Maximilian F. Reiser; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2011; LL-PHS-SU1A.

Adaptive local dissimilarity measures for discriminative dimension reduction of labeled data

Kerstin Bunte; Barbara Hammer; Axel Wismüller; Michael Biehl.

Neurocomputing. 2010; 73(7-9): 1074-1092.

Model-free functional MRI analysis for detecting low-frequency functional connectivity in the human brain

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Dorothee P. Auer; Gerda Leinsinger.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2010; 7624(76241M): DOI: 10.1117/12.843014.

Exploratory observation machine (XOM) with Kullback-Leibler divergence for dimensionality reduction and visualization (PDF)

Kerstin Bunte; Barbara Hammer; Thomas Villmann; Michael Biehl; Axel Wismüller.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2010; .

Classification of interstitial lung disease patterns with topological texture features

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2010; 7624(762410): DOI: 10.1117/12.844318.

Prediction of biomechanical trabecular bone properties with geometric features using MR imaging

Markus B. Huber; Sarah L. Lancianese; Imoh Ikpot; Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Amy L. Lerner; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2010; 7626(76261O): DOI: 10.1117/12.845022.

Analysis of breast lesions on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images using high dimensional texture features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2010; 7624(76241G): DOI: 10.1117/12.844552.

Identification of relevant texture features for the classification of interstitial lung disease patterns

Markus B. Huber; Kerstin Bunte; Mahesh Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2010; SSA19-09.

Prediction of biomechanical trabecular bone properties with geometric features using MR imaging

Markus B. Huber; Sarah Lancianese; Imoh Ikpot; Mahesh Nagarjan; Amy L. Lerner; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2010; SSM22-01.

Enhancing predictions of trabecular bone yield strength through MR imaging

Imoh Z. Ikpot; Markus B. Huber; Sarah L. Lancianese; Mahesh Nagarajan; Amy L. Lerner; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Fall Meeting. 2010; .

Predicting trabecular bone biomechanical and micro-CT properties by applying geometric features to MR images

Imoh Z. Ikpot; Markus B. Huber; Sarah L. Lancianese; Amy L. Lerner; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2010; : 333.

Recent advances in nonlinear dimensionality reduction, manifold and topological learning (PDF)

Axel Wismüller; John-Aldo Lee; Michel Verleysen; Michael Aupetit.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2010; .

Small lesions evaluation based on unsupervised cluster analysis of signal-intensity time courses in dynamic breast MRI

Anke Meyer-Baese; Thomas Schlossbauer; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller.

International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. 2009; Vol. 2009: Article 31.

Segmentation with neural networks

Axel Wismüller.

In: Isaac N. Bankman (Ed.) Handbook of Medical Imaging. 2009; Academic Press(2nd Edition. ISBN 0-12-077790-8): 113-143.

A Computational Framework for Exploratory Data Analysis in Biomedical Imaging

Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2009; 7262(726206).

The exploration machine – a novel method for analyzing high-dimensional data in computer-aided diagnosis

Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2009; 7260(72600G): DOI: 10.1117/12.813892.

Application and evaluation of a motion compensation technique to breast MRI

Frank Steinbrücker; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Axel Wismüller; Thomas Schlossbauer.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2009; 7347(73470J): DOI: 10.1117/12.818559.

The exploration machine – a novel method for structure-preserving dimensionality reduction (PDF)

Axel Wismüller.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2009; : 59-64.

A computational framework for exploratory data analysis (PDF)

Axel Wismüller.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2009; : 547-552.

The exploration machine – a novel method for data visualization

Axel Wismüller.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009; 5629: 344-352, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02397-2_39.

A computational framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction and clustering

Axel Wismüller.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009; 5629: 334-343, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02397-2_38.

Classification of interstitial lung disease patterns with topological texture features

Markus B. Huber; Mahesh Nagarajan; Gerda Leinsinger; Lawrence A. Ray; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2009; : 468.

Classification of benign and malignant lesion character in breast MRI using topological texture features

Mahesh B. Nagarajan; Markus B. Huber; Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Axel Wismüller.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2009; : 607.

Neural network analysis of side-specific 99mTc MAG3 renal scintigraphy in children

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Claudia Krammer; Thomas Schlossbauer; Maximilian Reiser; Gerda Leinsinger.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2009; : 603-604.


Meyer-Baese A, Lange O, Schlossbauer T, Wismüller A

Proceedings. 2008 October 122008 :3000-3003. Epub 1900 01 01.

Classification of small contrast enhancing breast lesions in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging using a combination of morphological criteria and dynamic analysis based on unsupervised vector-quantization.

Schlossbauer T, Leinsinger G, Wismuller A, Lange O, Scherr M, Meyer-Baese A, Reiser M

Investigative radiology.. 2008 January 43 (1):56-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Classification of small contrast enhancing breast lesions in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging using a combination of morphological criteria and dynamic analysis based on unsupervised vector quantization

Thomas Schlossbauer; Gerda Leinsinger; Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Michael Scherr; Anke Meyer-Baese; Maximilian Reiser.

Investigative Radiology. 2008; 43(1): 56-64.

Dependent component analysis applied to lesions' characterization in breast MRI

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Oliver Lange; Thomas Schlossbauer; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2008; 6979(69790D).

Detecting low-frequency functional connectivity in resting state fMRI of the human brain using neural network clustering techniques

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Thomas M. Meindl; Thomas Schlossbauer; Dorothee P. Auer; Sven E. Ekholm; Karl Kasischke; Giovanni Schifitto; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Maximilian F. Reiser; Nicholas Kuzma; Jianhui Zhong; Per-Lennart Westesson.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2008; .

Human vocal tract analysis by in vivo 3D MRI during phonation: a complete system for imaging, quantitative modeling, and speech synthesis

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Phil Hoole; Gerda Leinsinger; Maximilian F. Reiser; Per-Lennart Westesson.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008; 5242: 306-312.

Computer-aided segmentation for in vivo 3D human vocal tract analysis during phonation

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Gerda Leinsinger; Phil Hoole; Rick Waugh; Nicholas Kuzma; David Waldman; Maximilian F. Reiser; Thomas Schlossbauer; Thomas Meindl; Jianhui Zhong; Sven Ekholm; Per-Lennart Westesson.

Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Fall Meeting. 2008; .

How to improve the diagnostic quality of computer-aided diagnosis in dynamic breast MRI by neural network vector quantization

Axel Wismüller; Gerda Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Jan-Oliver Janda; Thomas Schlossbauer; Maximilan F. Reiser; Thomas Meindl; Sven Ekholm; Karl Kasischke; Giovanni Schifitto; Nicholas Kuzma; Per-Lennart Westesson; James Ewing; David Waldman.

Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Fall Meeting. 2008; .

Computer-aided segmentation and 3D analysis of in vivo MRI examinations of the human vocal tract during phonation

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Phil Hoole; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Anke Meyer-Baese; Maximilian F. Reiser.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2008; 6916(69160T): DOI: 10.1117/12.770836.

Intelligent computer-aided diagnosis system for breast MRI combining kinetic and morphological aspects

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Oliver Lange.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2008; 6961(69610K).

[Cardiac arrest following blunt chest injury. Emergency thoracotomy without ifs or buts?].

Leidel BA, Kanz KG, Kirchhoff C, Bürklein D, Wismüller A, Mutschler W

Der Unfallchirurg.. 2007 October 110 (10):884-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

Analysis of dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI time series based on unsupervised clustering methods.

Anke Meyer-Baese; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller; Monica K. Hurdal.

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 2007; 11(5): 563-573.

Unsupervised clustering of fMRI and MRI time series

Anke Meyer-Baese; Axel Saalbach; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller.

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2007; 2: 295–310.

Neural network vector quantization improves the diagnostic quality of computer-aided diagnosis in dynamic breast MRI

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Baese; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Thomas Schlossbauer; Maximilian F. Reiser.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2007; 6514(65141F): DOI: 10.1117/12.708819.

Cardiac arrest following blunt chest injury. Emergency thoracotomy without ifs or buts? [In German: Kreislaufstillstand nach stumpfem Thoraxtrauma]

B. A. Leidel; K. G. Kanz; C. Kirchhoff; D. Bürklein, A. Wismüller; W. Mutschler.

Der Unfallchirurg. 2007; 110(10): 884-890.

Analysis of dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI time series based on unsupervised clustering methods

Anke Meyer-Baese; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller; Monika K. Hurdal.

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 2007; 11(5): 563.

Computer science in biomedicine: multidimensional analysis of spatio-temporal patterns

Axel Wismüller.

Thesis for 'Habilitation' procedure, Department of Clinical Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. 2007; .

Monthly intravenous methylprednisolone in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis - reduction of enhancing lesions, T2 lesion volume and plasma prolactin concentrations.

Then Bergh F, Kümpfel T, Schumann E, Held U, Schwan M, Blazevic M, Wismüller A, Holsboer F, Yassouridis A, Uhr M, Weber F, Daumer M, Trenkwalder C, Auer DP

BMC neurology.. 2006 May 236 :19. Epub 05/23/2006.

Cluster analysis of signal-intensity time course in dynamic breast MRI: does unsupervised vector quantization help to evaluate small mammographic lesions?

Leinsinger G, Schlossbauer T, Scherr M, Lange O, Reiser M, Wismüller A

European radiology.. 2006 May 16 (5):1138-46. Epub 01/18/2006.

Cluster analysis of dynamic cerebral contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI time-series.

Wismüller A, Meyer-Baese A, Lange O, Reiser MF, Leinsinger G

IEEE transactions on medical imaging.. 2006 January 25 (1):62-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cluster analysis of dynamic cerebral contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI time-series

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Maximilian F. Reiser; Gerda L. Leinsinger.

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2006; 25(1): 62-73.

Segmentation and classification of dynamic breast MR image data (PDF)

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Oliver Lange; Thomas Schlossbauer; Maria Kallergi; Maximilian F. Reiser; Gerda Leinsinger.

Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2006; 15: Article 013020.

Cluster analysis of signal-intensity time course in dynamic breast MRI: does unsupervised vector quantization help to evaluate small mammographic lesions?

Gerda Leinsinger; Thomas Schlossbauer; Michael Scherr; Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Maximilian Reiser; Axel Wismüller.

European Radiology. 2006; 16(5): 1138-1146.

Monthly intravenous methylprednisolone in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis - reduction of enhancing lesions, T2 lesion volume and plasma prolactin concentrations

Florian Then Bergh; Tania Kümpfel; Erina Schumann; Ulrike Held; Michaela Gottschalk; Mirjana Blazevic; Axel Wismüller; Florian Holsboer; Alexander Yassouridis; Manfred Uhr; Frank Weber; Martin Daumer; Claudia Trenkwalder; Dorothee P. Auer.

BMC Neurology. 2006; 6(19).

A flexible machine learning image analysis system for high-precision computer-assisted segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets in patients with multiple sclerosis

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Baese; Johannes Behrends; Oliver Lange; Mirjana Jukic; Maximilian Reiser; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. 2006; : 1328-1331, DOI: 10.1109/ISBI.2006.1625171.

Detecting low-frequency functional connectivity in fMRI using unsupervised clustering algorithms

Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2006; 6247(62470M): DOI: 10.1117/12.660669.

Exploratory morphogenesis: a novel computational framework for self-organization – cross-fertilization between electrical, biomedical, and computer engineering

Axel Wismüller.

Ph.D. thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany. 2006; .

Computerassistierte Diagnose in der dynamischen Mamma-MRT: Kann maschinelles Lernen durch neuronale Netze die diagnostische Qualität der Analyse suspekter Läsionen verbessern?

Axel Wismüller; Gerda Leinsinger; Thomas, Schloßbauer; Anke Meyer-Baese; Dominik R. Dersch; Oliver Lange; Raffaela Wiegard; Maximilian Reiser.

RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2006; 178(S 1): VO_224_1.

Tumor feature visualization with unsupervised learning.

Nattkemper TW, Wismüller A

Medical image analysis.. 2005 August 9 (4):344-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tumor feature visualization with unsupervised learning

Tim Wilhelm Nattkemper; Axel Wismüller.

Medical Image Analysis. 2005; 9(4): 344-351.

Medical image compression using topology-preserving neural networks

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Karsten Jancke; Axel Wismüller; Simon Foo; Thomas Martinetz.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2005; 18(4): 383-392.

Brain volume quantification by neural network based segmentation of multispectral MRI data in patients with multiple sclerosis

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Baese; Johannes Behrends; Mirjana Blazevic; Dorothee Auer; Maximilian Reiser.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2005; : 527-528.

Application of unsupervised clustering methods to biomedical image analysis

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Peter Gruber; Fabian J. Theis; Axel Wismüller; Helge Ritter.

Proceedings of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM). 2005; : 621-628.

An adaptive extended colour scale for comparison of pseudo colouring techniques for DCE-MRI data

Thorsten Twellmann; Oliver Lichte; Axel Saalbach; Axel Wismüller; Tim W. Nattkemper.

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 2005; : 312-316, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26431-0_64.

A hyperbolic topographic mapping for proximity data

Axel Saalbach; Thorsten Twellmann; Tim W. Nattkemper; Axel Wismüller; Jörg Ontrup; Helge Ritter.

Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2005; 453(155): 106-111.

An adaptive extended colour scale for comparison of pseudo colouring techniques for DCE-MRI data

Thorsten Twellmann; Oliver Lichte; Axel Saalbach; Axel Wismüller; Tim W. Nattkemper.

2005; : 312-316, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26431-0_64.

Quantitative Beurteilung explorativer Methoden zur Datenanalyse in der funktionellen MRT

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Gerda Leinsinger; Anke Meyer-Baese; Dorothee Auer; Dominik Dersch; Johannes Behrends; Maximilian Reiser.

RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2005; 177(S 01): VO_3044.

Computerunterstützte Bildanalyse in der dynamischen Perfusions-MRT des Gehirns durch Vektorquantisierung mit neuronalen Netzen

Axel Wismüller; Gerda Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Baese; Dominik Dersch; Johannes Behrends; Stefan Wirth; Maximilian Reiser.

RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2005; 177(S 01): VO_3125.

Analysis of dynamic cerebral contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI time-series based on unsupervised clustering methods

Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Axel Wismüller; Monika Hurdal.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2005; 5818: 26-37, DOI: 10.1117/12.601005.

Model-free functional MRI analysis using topographic independent component analysis.

Meyer-Bäse A, Lange O, Wismüller A, Ritter H

International journal of neural systems.. 2004 August 14 (4):217-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

Model-free functional MRI analysis based on unsupervised clustering.

Wismüller A, Meyer-Bäse A, Lange O, Auer D, Reiser MF, Sumners D

Journal of biomedical informatics.. 2004 February 37 (1):10-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fully-automated biomedical image segmentation by self-organized model adaptation

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Johannes Behrends; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Maximilian Reiser; Helge Ritter.

Neural Networks. 2004; 17(8-9): 1327-1344.

Model-free functional MRI analysis based on unsupervised clustering

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Oliver Lange; Dorothee Auer; DeWitt Sumners.

Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2004; 37(1): 10-18.

Comparison of two exploratory data analysis methods for fMRI: unsupervised clustering vs. independent component analysis

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange.

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 2004; 8(3): 387-398.

Model-free functional MRI analysis using topographic independent component analysis

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller; Helge Ritter.

International Journal of Neural Systems. 2004; 14(4): 217-228.

Fast K-dimensional tree-structured vector quantization encoding method for image compression

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Michael Georgiopoulos; Karsten Jancke; Axel Wismüller.

Optical Engineering. 2004; 43(5): 1012-1013.

Local exponential stability of competitive neural networks with different time scales

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Sergei Pilyugin; Axel Wismüller; Simon Foo.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2004; 17(3): 227-232.

Data partitioning and independent component analysis techniques applied to fMRI

Axel Wismueller; Anke Meyer-Base; Oliver Lange; Thomas D. Otto; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2004; 5439: 104-115, DOI: 10.1117/12.542219.

Computer-aided diagnosis in breast MRI based on unsupervised clustering techniques

Anke Meyer-Baese; Axel Wismueller; Oliver Lange; Gerda Leinsinger.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2004; 5421: 29-37, DOI: 10.1117/12.542249.

Model-free functional MRI analysis using improved fuzzy cluster analysis techniques

Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Baese; Axel Wismueller; Monica Hurdal; DeWitt Sumners; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2004; 5421: 19-28, DOI: 10.1117/12.541778.

Computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging: machine learning and pattern recognition

Axel Wismüller; Maximilian Reiser.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2004; : 457.

Computer-aided diagnosis in dynamic breast MRI: Can machine learning improve the diagnostic accuracy in suspicious lesions?

Axel Wismüller; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Raffaela Wiegard; Oliver Lange; Maximilian Reiser.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2004; : 449.

Quantitative evaluation of unsupervised functional MRI data analysis methods

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Dorothee Auer; Maximilian Reiser.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2004; : 538.

Dynamic perfusion-weighted brain MRI analysis by neural network vector quantization

Axel Wismüller; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Anke Meyer-Bäse; Maximilian Reiser.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2004; : 538-539.

Clustering of dependent components: a new paradigm for fMRI signal detection

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Fabian J. Theis; Oliver Lange; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2004; : 1947-1952.

Fully automated biomedical image segmentation by self-organized model adaption

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Johannes Behrends; Anke Meyer-Baese; Maximilian Reiser; Helge Ritter.

Neural Networks. 2004; 17: 1327-1344.

Comparison of two exploratory data analysis methods for fMRI

Axel Wismüller; Anke Meyer-Bäse.

Proceedings of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposion. 2004; .

Model-free functional MRI analysis using tree-dependent and topographic independent component analysis

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of the SPIE Defense and Security Symposion. 2004; .

Visualisation of breast tumour DCE-MRI data using LLE

Claudio Varini; Tim Wilhelm Nattkemper; Andreas Degenhard; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA). 2004; : 97-100.

Breast MRI data analysis by LLE

Claudio Varini; Tim W. Nattkemper; Andreas Degenhard; A. Wismüller.

Proceedings IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2004; 3: 2449-2454.

Detection of suspicious lesions in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI data

Thorsten Twellmann; Axel Saalbach; C. Muller; Tim W. Nattkemper; Axel Wismüller.

26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2004; 1: 454-457.

Nutzen und Effizienz einer institutseigenen EDV-Gruppe in einer vollständig digitalisierten Röntgenabteilung

Marcus Treitl; Stefan Wirth; Axel Wismüller; Klaus J. Pfeifer; Maximilian Reiser.

RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2004; 176(S 1): VO_2026.

Empfehlungen zur Archivierung radiologischer Bilddaten auf der Basis einer Analyse der Zugriffszeiten verschiedener PACS-Archivierungsebenen

Stefan Wirth; Marcus Treitl; Axel Wismüller; Klaus J. Pfeifer; Maximilian Reiser.

RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2004; 176(S 1): VO_2021.

Theory and applications of neural maps. (PDF)

Thomas Villmann; Udo Seiffert; Axel Wismüller.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2004; .

Publication Link (PDF)

Eva M. Schumann; Tanja Kümpfel; T. Schirmer; Miriana Blazevic; Johannes Behrends; Axel Wismüller; Claudia Trenkwalder; Dorothee P. Auer.

Interrelation between MR based surrogate markers of multiple sclerosis, disease severity and altered

Fully automated biomedical image segmentation by self-organized model adaptation.

Wismüller A, Vietze F, Behrends J, Meyer-Baese A, Reiser M, Ritter H

Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society.. 2004 17 (8-9):1327-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Detection of suspicious lesions in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI data.

Twellmann T, Saalbach A, Müller C, Nattkemper TW, Wismüller A

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2004 2006 :454-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

[Volumetric MRI for evaluation of regional pattern and progressin of neocortical degeneration in Alzheimer's disease].

Leinsinger G, Teipel S, Wismüller A, Born C, Meindl T, Flatz W, Schönberg S, Pruessner J, Hampel H, Reiser M

Der Radiologe.. 2003 July 43 (7):537-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Volumetric MRI for evaluation of regional pattern and progression of neocortical degeneration in Alzheimer's disease [In German: MR-Volumetrie zur Darstellung von Verteilung und zeitlicher Abfolge neokortikaler Degeneration bei Morbus Alzheimer]

Gerda Leinsinger; Stefan Teipel; Axel Wismüller; Christine Born; Thomas Meindl; W. Flatz; Stefan Schönberg; Jens Pruessner; Harald Hampel; Maximilian Reiser.

Der Radiologe. 2003; 43(7): 537-542.

High-precision computer-assisted segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets in patients with multiple sclerosis by a flexible machine learning image analysis approach

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Oliver Lange; Miriana Jukic; Klaus Hahn; Maximilian F. Reiser; Dorothee Auer.

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 2003; : 403-407.

Model-free functional MRI analysis using transformation-based methods

Thomas D. Otto; Anke Meyer-Baese; Monica Hurdal; DeWitt Sumners; Axel Wismüller; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2003; 5102: 156-167, DOI: 10.1117/12.487368.

Model-free functional MRI analysis using cluster-based methods

Thomas D. Otto; Anke Meyer-Baese; Monica Hurdal; DeWitt Sumners; Dorothee Auer; Axel Wismüller.

Proceedings of SPIE. 2003; 5103: 17-24, DOI: 10.1117/12.487254.

Topographic independent component analysis for fMRI signal detection

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Dorothee Auer; Axel Wismüller.

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2003; 1: 601-605, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2003.1223428.

Model-free fMRI analysis using topographic independent component analysis

Anke Meyer-Bäse; Thomas Otto; Thomas Martinetz; Dorothee Auer; Axel Wismüller.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2003; : 509-514.

Digital Image Processing with Neural Networks (PDF)

Axel Wismüller; Udo Seiffert.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2003; .

Ein System zur Bildanalyse des menschlichen Vokaltraktes

Johannes Behrends; Axel Wismüller; Phil Hoole.

Fortschritte der Akustik. 2003; 23: 762-763.

Cluster analysis of biomedical image time-series

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn; Benno Pütz; Dorothee Auer.

International Journal of Computer Vision. 2002; 46(2): 103-128.

The deformable feature map – a novel neurocomputing algorithm for adaptive plasticity in pattern analysis

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Johannes Behrends; Klaus Hahn; Helge Ritter.

Neurocomputing. 2002; 48(1-4): 107-139.

Exploratory data analysis in medicine and bioinformatics (PDF)

Axel Wismüller; Thomas Villmann.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2002; .

Neural network analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI mammography

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Gerda L. Leinsinger.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2001; 2130: 1000-1005.

Analysis of dynamic perfusion MRI data by neural networks (PDF)

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Gerda L. Leinsinger.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2001; : 19-24.

Flexible machine learning image analysis for high-precision computer-assisted segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets in patients with multiple sclerosis

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Oliver Lange; Mirjana Jukic; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2001; 221(Suppl.): 460.

Automatic segmentation of cerebral contours in multispectral MRI data sets of the human brain by self-organizing neural networks

Axel Wismüller; Johannes Behrends; Oliver Lange; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Frank Vietze; Klaus Hahn; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2001; 221(Suppl.): 461.

Visualization of supervised functional MRI data processing methods by unsupervised cluster analysis

Axel Wismüller; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Christoff Goessl; Dorothee Auer; Klaus Hahn; Dominik R. Dersch.

Organization for Human Brain Mapping. 2001; .

Evaluation of the motor cortex using fMRI and image processing with self-organized cluster analysis by deterministic annealing

Gerda L. Leinsinger; Axel Wismüller; Peer Joechel; Oliver Lange; Dirk T. Heiss; Klaus Hahn.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2001; 221(Suppl.): 487.

Foundations of Conventional X-ray Imaging (Projection Radiography) [In German: Methodische Grundlagen der konventionellen Röntgendiagnostik (Projektionsradiographie)]

Axel Wismüller; Claudia Schmid; Klaus Jürgen Pfeifer.

In: Gerda Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn (Eds.): Indications for Diagnostic Imaging [In German: Indikationen zur bildgebenden Diagnostik]. 2001; : 9-30, ISBN 3-540-67130-7.

Visualization of supervised functional MRI data processing methods by unsupervised cluster analysis

Axel Wismüller; Oliver Lange; Johannes Behrends; Dominik R. Dersch; Christoff Goessl; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

NeuroImage. 2001; 13(6): 285.

Quantitative comparison of automatic and interactive methods for MRI-SPECT image registration of the brain based on 3-dimensional calculation of error.

Pfluger T, Vollmar C, Wismüller A, Dresel S, Berger F, Suntheim P, Leinsinger G, Hahn K

Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.. 2000 November 41 (11):1823-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Quantitative comparison of automatic and interactive methods for MRI-SPECT image registration of the brain based on 3-dimensional calculation of error

Thomas Pfluger; Christian Vollmar; Axel Wismüller; Stefan Dresel; Frank Berger; Patrick Suntheim; Gerda Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn.

Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2000; 41(11): 1823-1829.

Neural network processing in contrast-enhanced MRI mammography – unsupervised cluster analysis of signal dynamics time-series by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Dominik R. Dersch; Oliver Lange; Michael Scherr; Klaus Hahn; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2000; 217 (P)(Suppl.): 208-209.

Unsupervised cluster analysis as a visualization strategy for supervised functional MRI data processing methods

Axel Wismüller; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Oliver Lange; Christoff Gössl; Dorothee Auer; Klaus Hahn; Dominik R. Dersch; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2000; 217 (P)(Suppl.): 209.

A neural network approach to adaptive pattern analysis – the deformable feature map

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Helge Ritter.

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 2000; : 189-194.

Analysis of tongue configuration in multi-speaker, multi-volume MRI data (PDF)

Phil Hoole; Axel Wismüller; Gerda Leinsinger; Christian Kroos; Anja Geumann; Michiko Inoue.

Proceedings of the 5th Seminar on Speech Production (SPS5) & CREST Workshop on Models of Speech Production. 2000; : 157-160.

Quantiative comparison of interactive and automatic methods for MRI-SPECT image registration of the brain based on three-dimensional calculation of error

Thomas Pfluger; Christian Vollmar; Axel Wismüller; Stefan Dresel; Klaus Hahn; P. A. Winkler; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 2000; 217 (P)(Suppl.): 453-454.

Elastic distortion of deformable feature maps for fully-automatic segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets of the human brain

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda Leinsinger; Johannes Behrends; Helge Ritter; Klaus Hahn.

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 2000; : 116-120, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-59757-2_22.

Hierarchical clustering of functional MRI time-series by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2000; 1933: 49-54, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-39949-6_8.

Quantitative comparison of interactive and automatic methods for MRI-SPECT image registration of the brain based on three-dimensional calculation of error

Thomas Pfluger; Christian Vollmar; Axel Wismüller; Stefan Dresel; Klaus Hahn; P. A. Winkler.

Radiology. 2000; 217: 453-454.

fMRI time-series analysis without knowledge of the stimulus: hierarchical unsupervised clustering by deterministic annealing.

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Frank Vietze; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn.

European Radiology. 1999; 9(Suppl. 1): 279.

Neural network segmentation and volumetry of multispectral MRI data sets of the human brain

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Thomas Pfluger; Klaus Hahn.

European Radiology. 1999; 9(Suppl. 1): 333.

Fully automatic multispectral MRI segmentation of the human brain by self-organized elastic matching of deformable feature maps

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Helge Ritter; Klaus Hahn.

European Radiology. 1999; 9(Suppl. 1): 333-334.

A neural network approach to adaptive pattern analysis – the deformable feature map

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Helge Ritter.

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Neural Networks in Applications. 1999; : 63-68.

Vollautomatische Segmentierung multispektraler MRT-Datensätze des menschlichen Gehirns durch elastische Verzerrung deformierbarer Merkmalskarten

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Helge Ritter; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Dirk T. Heiss; Thomas Pfluger; Klaus Hahn.

Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 1999; Suppl. 1: 37.

Funktionelle MRT des Handmotorkortex: Effekt von Kraft und Frequenz der Fingerbewegungen auf die kortikale Aktivität

Dirk Heiss; Carmen Rehnböck; Adrian Danek; Axel Wismüller; Klaus Hahn.

Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 1999; Suppl. 1: 84.

fMRI time-series analysis by hierarchical deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

5th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping. 1999; 9(6): 25.

Effects of force and frequency of finger movements on cortical activity in functional MR imaging

Gerda L. Leinsinger; Dirk Heiss; Carmen Rehnböck; Axel Wismüller; Adrian Danek; Gerhard Hamann; Klaus Hahn.

5th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping. 1999; 9(6): 481.

Analysis of functional MRI time-series by neural networks - hierarchical clustering by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda L. Leinsinger; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of the ISCB-GMDS'99. 1999; : 500.

The deformable feature map – fully-automatic multispectral MRI segmentation of the human brain by self-organized elastic matching

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Helge Ritter.

Proceedings of the ISCB-GMDS'99. 1999; : 501.

Adaptive self-organized template matching of the gray-level feature space for automatic segmentation of multispectral MRI data of the human brain

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda Leinsinger; Helge Ritter; Klaus Hahn; et al.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 1999; 213 (P)(Suppl.): 364.

Self-organization of feature detectors in time-sequences (SOFT) – a neural network approach to multidimensional signal analysis

Axel Wismüller; Herbert Jaeger; Helge Ritter; Dominik R. Dersch; Günther Palm.

Proceedings of the IEEE World Conference on Computational Intelligence. 1998; 1: 575-580, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.1998.682331.

The deformable feature map – adaptive plasticity in function approximation

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Klaus Hahn; Helge Ritter.

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. 1998; 1: 123-128.

Hierarchical unsupervised clustering of fMRI time-series by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of the Seventh Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1998; : 412.

A neural network approach to functional MRI pattern analysis - clustering of time-series by hierarchical vector quantization

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. 1998; 2: 857-862.

Neural network analysis of functional MRI time-series - hierarchical clustering by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 1998; : 402-406, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-58775-7_79.

Hierarchical clustering of fMRI time-series by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

4th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping. 1998; 7(4): 593.

A neural network approach to functional MRI data analysis - clustering of fMRI time-Series by deterministic annealing

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Bernadette Lipinski; Klaus Hahn; Dorothee Auer.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Neural Networks in Applications NN'98. 1998; .

Self-organized fully automatic MRI segmentation of the human brain by elastic matching of deformable feature maps

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Helge Ritter; Gerda Leinsinger; Dirk T. Heiss; Thomas Pfluger; Klaus Hahn.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 1998; 209(Suppl.): 426.

Automatische Segmentierung multispektraler MR-Datensätze durch neuronale Netze

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda Leinsinger; Thomas Pfluger; Dirk T. Heiss; Klaus Hahn.

Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 1998; : 7.

3-D-Image Fusion (MRT und ECD-SPECT) des Gehirns: Ermittlung des Überlagerungsfehlers bei drei verschiedenen Matching Algorithmen

Thomas Pfluger; Christian Vollmar; Klaus Tatsch; Gerda Leinsinger; Dirk T. Heiss; Axel Wismüller; Klaus Hahn.

Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 1998; : 8.

Automatic segmentation and volumetry of multispectral MRI data sets of the human brain by self-organizing neural networks

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze; Dominik R. Dersch; Gerda Leinsinger; Dirk T. Heiss; Thomas Pfluger; Klaus Hahn.

Radiological Society of North America Scientific Meeting. 1998; 209(Suppl.): 399.

Multimodal image fusion – concepts, methods, evaluation of error [In German: Multimodale Bildfusion – Konzepte, Methoden, Fehlerbestimmung]

Axel Wismüller; Frank Vietze.

Technical Report, Department of Radiology, City Center Hospital, University of Munich. 1998; .

Neural network computation in biomedical research: chances for conceptual cross-fertilization

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch.

Theory in Biosciences. 1997; 116: 229-240.

Pattern recognition in neural architecture: phoneme classification in contiuous speech [In German: Mustererkennung in neuronaler Architektur: Phonemklassifikation in kontinuierlichem Sprachfluß]

Axel Wismüller.

Master Thesis (Diplomarbeit), Technical University of Munich. 1996; .

Spracherkennung in neuronaler Architektur: sprecherunabhängige Phonemklassifikation in kontinuierlichem Lautfluß

Axel Wismüller; Dominik R. Dersch; Sebastian Albrecht; Paul Tavan.

In: Axel Wismüller and Dominik R. Dersch (Eds.), Symposion über biologische Informationsverarbeitung und Neuronale Netze. 1995; : 195-204.

On the clinical phenomenology of traumatic lesions of the brachial plexus [In German: Zur klinischen Phänomenologie traumatischer Armplexusläsionen]

Axel Wismüller.

Doctorate Thesis, Technical University of Munich. 1992; .


Handbook of Medical Imaging (2009)

Chapter: Segmentation with Neural Networks

Authors: Axel Wismüller

Publisher: Academic Press;, Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg 2009

Computer Science in Biomedicine: Multidimensional Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Patterns. Thesis for State Doctorate (Habilitation) (2007)

Authors: Axel Wismüller

Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU);, Munich, Germany 2007

Exploratory Morphogenesis: A Novel Computational Framework for Self-Organization – Cross-Fertilization between Electrical, Biomedical, and Computer Engineering. Ph.D. Doctorate Thesis (2006)

Authors: Axel Wismüller

Publisher: Technical University of Munich (TUM);, Munich, Germany 2006

Pattern Recognition in Neural Architecture: Phoneme Classification in Continuous Speech. [In German: Mustererkennung in neuronaler Architektur] Master's Thesis in Physics (1996)

Authors: Axel Wismüller

Publisher: Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU);, Munich, Germany 1996

Symposion on Biological Information Processing and Neural Networks (SINN'95), Lindau am Bodensee, June 23-25, 1995 (1996)

Authors: Axel Wismüller and Dominik R. Dersch (Eds.)

Publisher: The Hanns Seidel Foundation Scientific Contribution Series;, Munich, Germany 1996

On the Clinical Phenomenology of Traumatic Lesions of the Brachial Plexus. [In German: Zur klinischen Phänomenologie traumatischer Armplexusläsionen] Doctorate Thesis in Neurology (1992)

Authors: Axel Wismüller

Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, Technical University of Munich (TUM);, Munich, Germany 1992

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