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Carla Ray Jungquist, NP



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Sleep Disorders Center - Canandaigua

Thompson Canandaigua Professional Center
3170 West Street, Suite 275
Canandaigua, NY 14424

About Me

Carla received their NP degree from University of Rochester in 1995 and her PhD in Health Services Research in 2008. She has an Associate Professor of Nursing and Lead of the Nurse Practitioner Program at the University Buffalo School of Nursing from 2010-2021. She has published over 50 manuscripts ...
Carla received their NP degree from University of Rochester in 1995 and her PhD in Health Services Research in 2008. She has an Associate Professor of Nursing and Lead of the Nurse Practitioner Program at the University Buffalo School of Nursing from 2010-2021. She has published over 50 manuscripts in professional journals and is one of the authors of the Session-by-Session Treatment Manual for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. She joined the UR Sleep Center in 2009. Name's clinical interest focuses on Sleep Disordered Breathing and the effect the opioids and sedating medications have on breathing during sleep. At the UR Sleep Center, she diagnoses and treats all sleep disorders including sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, and narcolepsy/idiopathic hypersomnia."

Certified Specialties

Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health - American Nurses Credentialing Center



PhD | University of Rochester. 2009

MS | University of Rochester. Nurse Practitioner. 1997


Journal Articles

Association of Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Worse Oral Mucositis and Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy.

Iovoli AJ, Smith K, Yu H, Kluczynski MA, Jungquist CR, Ray AD, Farrugia MK, Gu F, Singh AK

Cancers.. 2024 March 2916 (7)Epub 03/29/2024.

Corrigendum to "Efficacy of Precise Foot Massage Therapy on Pain and Anxiety Following Cardiac Surgery: Pilot Study" [Pain Management Nursing 21/4 (2020) 314-322].

Alameri R, Dean G, Castner J, Volpe E, Elghoneimy Y, Jungquist C

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2024 February 25 (1):100. Epub 09/09/2023.

Electronic health record competency in graduate nurses: A grounded theory study.

Weinschreider J, Tenzek K, Foltz-Ramos K, Jungquist C, Livingston JA

Nurse education today.. 2024 January 132 :105987. Epub 10/11/2023.

Incidence of postoperative opioid-induced respiratory depression episodes in patients on room air or supplemental oxygen: a post-hoc analysis of the PRODIGY trial.

Doufas AG, Laporta ML, Driver CN, Di Piazza F, Scardapane M, Bergese SD, Urman RD, Khanna AK, Weingarten TN,

BMC anesthesiology.. 2023 October 423 (1):332. Epub 10/04/2023.

Deep learning classification of capnography waveforms: secondary analysis of the PRODIGY study.

Conway A, Goudarzi Rad M, Zhou W, Parotto M, Jungquist C

Journal of clinical monitoring and computing.. 2023 October 37 (5):1327-1339. Epub 05/13/2023.

An Educational Intervention to Improve Comfort with Applying and Interpreting Transcutaneous CO and End-tidal CO Monitoring in the PACU.

Atherton P, Jungquist C, Spulecki C

Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. 2022 December 37 (6):781-786. Epub 06/09/2022.

Association Between Race and Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression: An International Post Hoc Analysis of the Prediction of Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression In Patients Monitored by Capnography Trial.

Sim MA, Seet E, Khanna AK, Weingarten TN, Liew L, Law LS, Liu KE, Di Piazza F, Ti LK,

Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2022 November 1135 (5):1097-1105. Epub 03/29/2022.

Electronic Health Record Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Among Newly Graduated Nurses: A Scoping Review.

Weinschreider J, Sisk H, Jungquist C

Journal of continuing education in nursing.. 2022 November 53 (11):505-512. Epub 11/01/2022.

Nurses' Experience and Perception of Technology Use in Practice: A Qualitative Study Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model.

Gaughan MR, Kwon M, Park E, Jungquist C

Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.. 2022 July 140 (7):478-486. Epub 07/01/2022.

Patient Deterioration on General Care Units: A Concept Analysis.

Gaughan MR, Jungquist CR

ANS. Advances in nursing science.. 2022 45 (2):E56-E68. Epub 12/07/2021.

Predicting Prolonged Apnea During Nurse-Administered Procedural Sedation: Machine Learning Study.

Conway A, Jungquist CR, Chang K, Kamboj N, Sutherland J, Mafeld S, Parotto M

JMIR perioperative medicine.. 2021 October 54 (2):e29200. Epub 10/05/2021.

Modeling the Cost Savings of Continuous Pulse Oximetry and Capnography Monitoring of United States General Care Floor Patients Receiving Opioids Based on the PRODIGY Trial.

Khanna AK, Jungquist CR, Buhre W, Soto R, Di Piazza F, Saager L,

Advances in therapy.. 2021 July 38 (7):3745-3759. Epub 05/24/2021.

Opioid-induced respiratory depression increases hospital costs and length of stay in patients recovering on the general care floor.

Khanna AK, Saager L, Bergese SD, Jungquist CR, Morimatsu H, Uezono S, Ti LK, Soto R, Jiang W, Buhre W

BMC anesthesiology.. 2021 March 2021 (1):88. Epub 03/20/2021.

Healthcare Shift Workers' Temporal Habits for Eating, Sleeping, and Light Exposure: A Multi-Instrument Pilot Study.

Chen C, ValizadehAslani T, Rosen GL, Anderson LM, Jungquist CR

Journal of circadian rhythms.. 2020 October 2118 :6. Epub 10/21/2020.

Prediction of Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression on Inpatient Wards Using Continuous Capnography and Oximetry: An International Prospective, Observational Trial.

Khanna AK, Bergese SD, Jungquist CR, Morimatsu H, Uezono S, Lee S, Ti LK, Urman RD, McIntyre R, Tornero C, Dahan A, Saager L, Weingarten TN, Wittmann M, Auckley D, Brazzi L, Le Guen M, Soto R, Schramm F, Ayad S, Kaw R, Di Stefano P, Sessler DI, Uribe A, Moll V, Dempsey SJ, Buhre W, Overdyk FJ,

Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2020 October 131 (4):1012-1024. Epub 1900 01 01.

Efficacy of Precise Foot Massage Therapy on Pain and Anxiety Following Cardiac Surgery: Pilot Study.

Alameri R, Dean G, Castner J, Volpe E, Elghoneimy Y, Jungquist C

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2020 August 21 (4):314-322. Epub 11/14/2019.

Opioid-Induced Sedation and Respiratory Depression: Are Sedation Scales Enough to Prevent Adverse Drug Events Postoperatively?

Dunwoody DR, Jungquist CR

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2020 February 21 (1):110-119. Epub 05/15/2019.

American Society for Pain Management Nursing Guidelines on Monitoring for Opioid-Induced Advancing Sedation and Respiratory Depression: Revisions.

Jungquist CR, Quinlan-Colwell A, Vallerand A, Carlisle HL, Cooney M, Dempsey SJ, Dunwoody D, Maly A, Meloche K, Meyers A, Sawyer J, Singh N, Sullivan D, Watson C, Polomano RC

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2020 February 21 (1):7-25. Epub 07/31/2019.

Nurse-Delivered Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Lung Cancer Survivors: A Pilot RCT.

Dean GE, Weiss C, Jungquist CR, Klimpt ML, Alameri R, Ziegler PA, Steinbrenner LM, Dexter EU, Dhillon SS, Lucke JF, Dickerson SS

Behavioral sleep medicine.. 2020 18 (6):774-786. Epub 10/31/2019.

Prediction model development of women's daily asthma control using fitness tracker sleep disruption.

Castner J, Jungquist CR, Mammen MJ, Pender JJ, Licata O, Sethi S

Heart & lung : the journal of critical care.. 2020 49 (5):548-555. Epub 02/20/2020.

Validation of fitness tracker for sleep measures in women with asthma.

Castner J, Mammen MJ, Jungquist CR, Licata O, Pender JJ, Wilding GE, Sethi S

The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.. 2019 July 56 (7):719-730. Epub 08/24/2018.

Identifying Patients Experiencing Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression During Recovery From Anesthesia: The Application of Electronic Monitoring Devices.

Jungquist CR, Chandola V, Spulecki C, Nguyen KV, Crescenzi P, Tekeste D, Sayapaneni PR

Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2019 June 16 (3):186-194. Epub 05/02/2019.

The common meanings and shared practices of sedation assessment in the context of managing patients with an opioid: A phenomenological study.

Dunwoody DR, Jungquist CR, Chang YP, Dickerson SS

Journal of clinical nursing.. 2019 January 28 (1-2):104-115. Epub 09/27/2018.

Sedation scales: Do they capture the concept of opioid-induced sedation?

Dunwoody DR, Jungquist CR

Nursing forum.. 2018 October 53 (4):399-405. Epub 06/27/2018.

Preventing Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression in the Hospitalized Patient With Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Jungquist CR, Card E, Charchaflieh J, Gali B, Yilmaz M

Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. 2018 October 33 (5):601-607. Epub 09/15/2017.

Current Ketamine Practice: Results of the 2016 American Society of Pain Management Nursing Survey on Ketamine.

Klaess CC, Jungquist CR

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2018 June 19 (3):222-229. Epub 1900 01 01.

Perioperative Implementation of Noninvasive Positive Airway Pressure Therapies.

Hillman DR, Jungquist CR, Auckley D

Respiratory care.. 2018 April 63 (4):479-487. Epub 01/16/2018.

Feasibility Testing of a Self-Management Program Book to Improve Adherence to PAP in Persons Newly Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea.

Dickerson SS, Jungquist C, TenBrock E, Aquilina A, Smith P, Sabbah EA, Alameri R, Dean G

Behavioral sleep medicine.. 2018 16 (5):413-426. Epub 09/23/2016.

Questionnaires that screen for multiple sleep disorders.

Klingman KJ, Jungquist CR, Perlis ML

Sleep medicine reviews.. 2017 April 32 :37-44. Epub 02/27/2016.


Polomano RC, Jungquist CR

The American journal of nursing.. 2017 March 117 (3 Suppl 1):S3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Assessing and Managing Acute Pain: A Call to Action.

Jungquist CR, Vallerand AH, Sicoutris C, Kwon KN, Polomano RC

The American journal of nursing.. 2017 March 117 (3 Suppl 1):S4-S11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multimodal Analgesia for Acute Postoperative and Trauma-Related Pain.

Polomano RC, Fillman M, Giordano NA, Vallerand AH, Nicely KL, Jungquist CR

The American journal of nursing.. 2017 March 117 (3 Suppl 1):S12-S26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Monitoring Hospitalized Adult Patients for Opioid-Induced Sedation and Respiratory Depression.

Jungquist CR, Smith K, Nicely KL, Polomano RC

The American journal of nursing.. 2017 March 117 (3 Suppl 1):S27-S35. Epub 1900 01 01.

Using placebos as an opioid-sparing method of pain management.

Jungquist CR, Perlis ML, Waghmarae R

Pain.. 2017 February 158 (2):361. Epub 1900 01 01.

Person-Centered Dementia Care and Sleep in Assisted Living Residents With Dementia: A Pilot Study.

Li J, Grandner MA, Chang YP, Jungquist C, Porock D

Behavioral sleep medicine.. 2017 15 (2):97-113. Epub 12/17/2015.

Revisions to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Sleep Questions.

Jungquist CR, Klingman KJ, Dickerson SS

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.. 2016 December 1512 (12):1585-1592. Epub 12/15/2016.

Sleep disturbance in patients with chronic concussive effects.

Hinds A, Jungquist CR, Leddy JJ, Seemant F, Baker JG, Willer B

Concussion.. 2016 December 1 (3):CNC15. Epub 06/01/2016.

Common meanings of good and bad sleep in a healthy population sample.

Dickerson SS, Klingman KJ, Jungquist CR

Sleep health.. 2016 September 2 (3):253-259. Epub 07/30/2016.

Validation of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Sleep Questions.

Jungquist CR, Mund J, Aquilina AT, Klingman K, Pender J, Ochs-Balcom H, van Wijngaarden E, Dickerson SS

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.. 2016 March 12 (3):301-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Avoiding Adverse Events Secondary to Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression: Implications for Nurse Executives and Patient Safety.

Jungquist CR, Correll DJ, Fleisher LA, Gross J, Gupta R, Pasero C, Stoelting R, Polomano R

The Journal of nursing administration.. 2016 February 46 (2):87-94. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of Capturing Sleep Diary Data via a Wrist-Worn Device.

Jungquist CR, Pender JJ, Klingman KJ, Mund J

Sleep disorders.. 2015 2015 :758937. Epub 12/15/2015.

Instituting best practice for monitoring for opioid-induced advancing sedation in hospitalized patients.

Jungquist CR, Pasero C, Tripoli NM, Gorodetsky R, Metersky M, Polomano RC

Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2014 December 11 (6):350-60. Epub 09/23/2014.

Monitoring for opioid-induced advancing sedation and respiratory depression: ASPMN membership survey of current practice.

Jungquist CR, Willens JS, Dunwoody DR, Klingman KJ, Polomano RC

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2014 September 15 (3):682-93. Epub 03/20/2014.

A critical assessment of monitoring practices, patient deterioration, and alarm fatigue on inpatient wards: a review.

Curry JP, Jungquist CR

Patient safety in surgery.. 2014 8 :29. Epub 06/27/2014.

ASPMN survey--nurses' practice patterns related to monitoring and preventing respiratory depression.

Willens JS, Jungquist CR, Cohen A, Polomano R

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2013 March 14 (1):60-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Development and usability testing of a self-management intervention to support individuals with obstructive sleep apnea in accommodating to CPAP treatment.

Dickerson SS, Obeidat R, Dean G, Aquilina A, Brock ET, Smith P, Jungquist C

Heart & lung : the journal of critical care.. 2013 42 (5):346-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparative effectiveness of CBT interventions for co-morbid chronic pain & insomnia: a pilot study.

Pigeon WR, Moynihan J, Matteson-Rusby S, Jungquist CR, Xia Y, Tu X, Perlis ML

Behaviour research and therapy.. 2012 November 50 (11):685-9. Epub 08/11/2012.

Relationship of chronic pain and opioid use with respiratory disturbance during sleep.

Jungquist CR, Flannery M, Perlis ML, Grace JT

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2012 June 13 (2):70-9. Epub 11/19/2010.

The durability of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with chronic pain.

Jungquist CR, Tra Y, Smith MT, Pigeon WR, Matteson-Rusby S, Xia Y, Perlis ML

Sleep disorders.. 2012 2012 :679648. Epub 08/09/2012.

American Society for Pain Management Nursing guidelines on monitoring for opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression.

Jarzyna D, Jungquist CR, Pasero C, Willens JS, Nisbet A, Oakes L, Dempsey SJ, Santangelo D, Polomano RC

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2011 September 12 (3):118-145.e10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for opioid-induced excessive respiratory depression.

Jungquist CR, Karan S, Perlis ML

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2011 September 12 (3):180-7. Epub 07/24/2010.

The incidence and temporal patterning of insomnia: a pilot study.

Perlis ML, Swinkels CM, Gehrman PR, Pigeon WR, Matteson-Rusby SE, Jungquist CR

Journal of sleep research.. 2010 March 19 (1 Pt 1):31-5. Epub 11/11/2009.

The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with chronic pain.

Jungquist CR, O'Brien C, Matteson-Rusby S, Smith MT, Pigeon WR, Xia Y, Lu N, Perlis ML

Sleep medicine.. 2010 March 11 (3):302-9. Epub 02/04/2010.

Screening & treating patients with sleep/wake disorders.

Blythe J, Doghramji PP, Jungquist CR, Landau MB, Valerio TD, Ancoli-Israel S, Auerbach SH

JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.. 2009 December Suppl Sleep :1-17; quiz 19. Epub 1900 01 01.

Insomnia as a risk factor for onset of depression in the elderly.

Perlis ML, Smith LJ, Lyness JM, Matteson SR, Pigeon WR, Jungquist CR, Tu X

Behavioral sleep medicine.. 2006 4 (2):104-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Placebo effects in primary insomnia.

Perlis ML, McCall WV, Jungquist CR, Pigeon WR, Matteson SE

Sleep medicine reviews.. 2005 October 9 (5):381-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effects of modafinil and cognitive behavior therapy on sleep continuity in patients with primary insomnia.

Perlis ML, Smith MT, Orff H, Enright T, Nowakowski S, Jungquist C, Plotkin K

Sleep.. 2004 June 1527 (4):715-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

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