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UR Medicine / Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Neuropsychology / Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Have I Been Referred For A Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation helps doctors, patients, and their families better understand how the brain is working. This is especially important after a stroke, head trauma, neurosurgery, or in any case where changes in brain functioning may occur due to medical factors.

What Should I Expect?

A clinical interview will be conducted and information about symptoms, medical history, medications, and other important factors will be discussed. Testing involves taking paper and pencil or computerized tests and answering questions. It will be important to bring glasses or hearing aids to the testing session if you use them.

What Tests Are Used?

Our testing battery is tailored to the individual and the presenting concern. We utilize standardized tests that assess functioning in the following areas: memory, attention, language, visuo-spatial, executive functioning, motor skills, general IQ, and social-emotional functioning. The testing process is not invasive; there are no machines or injections. Rather, the tests are predominantly paper and pencil measures, involve working at a table, and sometimes using a computer.

How Long Is the Evaluation?

Evaluation length often varies due to individual specific factors. Typically, our evaluations range from 4-8 hours.

What Will the Test Results Tell Me?

Test scores are compared to scores from people who similar in age, education, and other relevant demographic background information. Utilizing the obtained scores, the neuropsychologist then can then identify a specific cognitive profile that is unique to each individual.  

Test results are used to understand your situation in a number of ways. Testing can identify problems in specific areas of the brain. The tests are very sensitive to mild memory and thinking problems that might not be obvious in other ways. When problems are very mild, testing may be the only way to detect them.

Test results will inform treatment planning and medical management. For example, the results can help to plan and monitor rehabilitation or to follow the recovery skills after a stroke.