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UCCS21043 / Go-EXCAP II / Loh

Research Question:
cancer study

Basic Study Information

This is a phase 2 randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess the preliminary efficacy of the a mobile health exercise intervention (GO-EXCAP) versus a chemotherapy education control in 100 older patients with MN receiving outpatient chemotherapy on physical function and patient-reported outcomes (fatigue, mood, and quality of life). We will also explore the effect of the intervention on TNFα and related cytokine gene promoter methylation and their gene and protein expression.

Location: University of Rochester Medical Center/Wilmot Cancer Institute

Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator)

Lead Researcher:  Kah Poh Loh

Study Contact Information

Study Contact: Clinical Trials Office
Study Location: Wilmot Cancer Institute, University of Rochester Medical Center
Study Email:

Additional Study Details

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