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URMC / Research / Health Research / Healthy Trials

Healthy Volunteer Studies

If you would like to participate in health research as the healthy volunteer, below is a list of studies accepting healthy volunteers.

An EEG Study of Auditory Perception in People with and without Schizophrenia

Lead Researcher: Judy Thompson

The purpose of our study is to better understand how the brain processes sounds, including speech. We are investigating this in people with and without psychiatric conditions. One of our primary aims is to determine how these processes may relate to specific experiences and symptoms in conditions such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophreniform disorder, with the goal of using this knowledge to develop more effective treatments. In order to study how the brain processes sounds, we use a technique called electroencephalography, or EEG. For EEG, a person wears a comfortable elastic cap with sensors attached to it that are able to record brain activity. In these sessions, subjects listen to short audio clips while EEG is recording; this allows us to measure brain responses to sounds. This study also includes interviews about current and past psychiatric symptoms and treatment, as well as a few short tasks, questionnaires, and a hearing test. The study typically involves 4-5 visits, with each about 2-3 hours long. Subjects are paid $30 an hour, as well as a $30 bonus if they complete all study activities. Transportation costs are also covered, and free snacks are provided. People between the ages of 18-55 with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, or no psychiatric diagnosis may be eligible to participate.

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BEGIN - A Breastfeeding Study

Lead Researcher: Bridget Young

We are looking for: - Mothers who are exclusively pumping for babies under 5 weeks old - Participation will last until your baby is 5 months old - We will have you collect breastmilk, stool, urine, and saliva at home - This study is totally remote – no need to ever leave your house! Earn $100/month & receive breastfeeding support from our team!

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Connection in Caregivers

Lead Researcher: Kimberly Van orden

Subjects will complete a baseline interview (phone/zoom and online) at the beginning of the study. If eligible, subjects will complete 10 days of surveys that are texted 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Eligible subjects will also complete a follow-up interview (zoom/phone and online) at 6 months. Subjects are paid up to $250 for completing assessments. Inclusion: age 50 and older; caring daily for a loved one with dementia; caregiving stress. Exclusion: Under 50 years of age; not caring for a loved one with dementia daily.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Studies

Lead Researcher: Ann Falsey

URMC is studying several variations of a COVID-19 vaccine. Compensation: $500-$900. Participation Requirements: Age 18+; Have not been infected with COVID-19. To volunteer, take our survey to find out if you qualify:

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Fine Eye Movement Study

Lead Researcher: Brian Keane

This study will look at differences in eye movement as they relate to visual perception and the way people think. The information collected in this study will aid in finding ways to more accurately diagnose psychiatric disorders, namely schizophrenia, by using eye scans. Also, results from this study may guide the development of more tailored therapies to help people with psychiatric disorders in the future. Procedures include: interviews about your medical and drug use history; a vocabulary test; review of your eRecord data; visual perceptual tasks completed on a computer; and eye scans (like those during an eye doctor exam). Some of these procedures may occur via Zoom, depending on participant preferences. Eligibility: Ages 18-55; a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder OR no psychiatric disorder with no more than one lifetime major depressive episode.

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Mapping Meaningful Symptoms and Impacts in People with Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease- The PPMI Mapping Meaningful Symptoms Study

Lead Researcher: Jamie Adams

The goal of this study is to talk to people and gather information about symptoms related to Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia. We will interview both healthy people and those who might be at risk for these diseases. The information we collect will help us understand the symptoms better and improve early diagnosis and care for patients with Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia. Must be aged 60 years or older. Must be able to provide informed consent. Must be able to speak English. No significant neurologic or psychiatric disease. No diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease/parkinsonism/Lewy Body Dementia. Must be able to participate in an online interview conducted via Zoom with a tablet or computer.

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Observational Study of ICU Patients with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)

Lead Researcher: Anthony Pietropaoli

This is an observational research study of subjects admitted to the ICU with severe SIRS (and/or sepsis). For ICU subjects enrolled: the study involves collecting up to 2 blood samples (3-5 days apart), data collection, and post-discharge follow-up questionnaires. For healthy volunteers: Subjects age 65 and older are needed for a one-time blood sample collection for comparison studies. A brief health questionnaire and set of vital signs will also be collected at the study visit. Volunteers must be age 65 or older and cannot be on antibiotics or antivirals for current infection. Volunteers also must not have had an infection within 6 weeks prior to the study visit.

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PRG Contact Database

Lead Researcher: Brian Keane

This future contact database will facilitate contact with prospective subjects, giving them greater opportunities to participate in behavioral and neuroimaging studies for which they may be eligible.

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Psychosis-Risk Outcomes Study (ProNET)

Lead Researcher: Steven Silverstein

The purpose of this research study is to collect information from individuals who are considered at clinically high risk for the possible development of psychosis. Information will also be collected from healthy individuals who are not considered at high risk for psychosis. This information will be used to guide future treatments. Participants will participate in interviews and cognitive tasks, provide blood samples, saliva and DNA, and get a scan of their brain. You may participate up to 2 years. You must be between 12 and 30 years old. There are other requirements to join the study. The study team can review them with you.

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Social Connection Coaching for Adults Age 60 Years or Older

Lead Researcher: Kimberly Van orden

Adults (age 60 or older) will participate in Social Connection Coaching. This involves meeting with a Coach up to 10 times. The first 8 sessions will be completed during the first 8 weeks. A booster session will be done at 12 weeks and 16 weeks. These meetings are brief (approximately 30 mins) and will be done at a private space at your senior living community or senior center, your home or our office. The coaching is designed to help you enhance your relationships and improve well-being. Your coach will help you identify goals for improving your social relationships. Each session, your coach will help you set a goal for the week, brainstorm strategies to meet the goal, and identify concrete steps to take to achieve the goal. You would also complete research assessments by phone or zoom at study start, 8 weeks and 16 weeks. This study also involves using a study provided smartphone to complete assessments. Subjects are paid up to $500 for completing assessments.

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Spoken Language Comprehension in Adolescents​

Lead Researcher: Loisa Bennetto

​In this online study, an adolescent will schedule a Zoom appointment with a researcher and complete a computer-based listening study that may take up to 45 minutes. The parent will then complete background information surveys, which may take up to 20 minutes. Participants will be compensated via an electronic gift card. We hope that this research will lead to a better understanding of everyday spoken language communication and social interactions in adolescents with and without autism. We are currently recruiting adolescents aged 13-17 without autism. Please make sure to add an email address so that we can contact you!

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