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Educational Activities

In addition to the required coursework listed above, the Fellow participates, either as attendee or lecturer in several departmental educational activities and courses. He/she also readily applies educational concepts in a teaching assistantship within the department.

Dental Implant Basic Course

The course is designed and intended for new graduate students enrolled in EIOH, SMH and Rochester General. The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic biologic and technical aspects of osseointegrated implants. This is in preparation for further clinical experience and for the advanced course.

Implant Related Surgical Concepts to Prosthodontics

This course provides an introduction to implant-related surgical concepts including surgical anatomy, surgical instruments, suturing techniques, flap design, simple and surgical tooth extraction, detailed steps on implant placement and soft tissue consideration around dental implants. Special emphasis will be placed on a laboratory exercise of the most common surgical techniques on pig heads.

Periodontal and Restorative Interrelationships

This seminar course will evaluate the state of the current scientific knowledge and clinical protocols/techniques related to the diagnosis and treatment of specific periodontal diseases and conditions that are closely related to the efficacy and success of the restorative treatment.

Prosthodontic Case Presentation Sessions

Each resident is assigned a date at the beginning of the semester in which he/she presents a case that has been treated during the residency program. Presentation format is analogous to the format used for the American Board of Prosthodontics examination. All residents are required to attend these sessions. The Fellow attends this series and can present if desired.

Prosthodontic Treatment Planning Presentations & PICO Sessions

Each resident is assigned one or more dates at the beginning of the semester in which he/she presents a case that has been examined/diagnosed during the residency program. All residents are required to attend these sessions. Mounted casts, imaging, selected patient clinical views, and other pertinent diagnostic information are presented by the assigned resident to illustrate the patient’s chief complaint, medical and dental history, dental exam and all relevant information useful for the purpose of formulating a treatment plan. The faculty members attend the conferences and stimulate and lead an informal discussion among residents as to critically evaluate the patient as a whole and formulate options for treatment plan that can address the patient’s chief complain.

At the end of each resident’s presentation, the faculty and residents identify one or two questions for which evidence-based data was not provided during the discussion. These questions are then assigned to the presenting resident who is charged with developing a PICO question for each of them, perform relevant searches and appraisal of the literature and report the findings to the group at the next (two weeks later) case presentation session. The Fellow attends this series and can present if desired.

Dental Implant Seminars (Residents and Faculty)

The course will consist of two parts, each lasting two and one- year respectively. The course will, therefore, follow a three-year cycle. In roughly the first two years, a series of comprehensive literature review seminars will be presented by the residents. During the third year, the implant faculty and Gerald N. Graser Fellow will present a series of lectures on various surgical and restorative aspects of implantology. All residents from both divisions will be required to attend all seminars.

Interdisciplinary Periodontics-Prosthodontics treatment Seminars

Senior prosthodontic and periodontics residents present clinical cases which have been jointly treated by two residents. Discussion of the case from a technical and management standpoint is provided. The Fellow attends this series and can present if desired.

Orthodontic-Periodontics-Prosthodontics Seminars

Each team of Orthodontics-Periodontics-Prosthodontics residents is assigned a topic. Each team performs a thorough literature review and presents a literature review/case presentation on the topic. The multidisciplinary nature of the presentations allows the team to develop a joint view of each topic with the purpose of breaking down barriers to multidisciplinary treatment planning. The Fellow attends this series and can present if desired.

Prosthodontic-Periodontics Implant Case Presentations and Treatment Planning

Prosthodontic and Periodontics residents present a medium-to-complex multidisciplinary case that has been recently diagnosed for treatment. Diagnostic data is presented to allow a free and unstructured discussion about the case. Peers and the course director suggest element/details/considerations that can add to the case treatment plan and execution.

Invited Lecturers Presentations

These sessions take place every semester. Lecturers are invited on a selected basis by the Program Director/Chair or faculty members. Presentations are usually one-hour to all-day long, are given with a lecture format (AV) and relate to the clinical and laboratory procedures related to patient treatment or a particular literature topic. Occasionally, hands-on, laboratory demonstrations or other formats can be selected at the discretion of the invited lecturer.