Jose Aroch
As a resident of the Prosthodontics Program 1982-84, I felt privileged to be exposed to a high level of prosthodontics by excellent mentors ( Drs. Gerled N Graser, Allan A Brewer, Ronald H Jarvis and Ross Talents) who happened to be present frequently and in an unconditional way. Can you imagine the on top of this, I was extremely lucky to have extraordinary classmates (Drs Evangelos Rossopoullos and Chales Oster) These two guys were always there to help and never in a competitive way, I was really part of a team.
The level of training I got at Eastman allowed me to immediately start working on patients, providing the most advanced technology and materials available worldwide. I had also accumulated enough didactic material to start teaching Prosthodontics when I went back to Mexico and to lecture in different places. By the time I ended my lecturing career (25 years later) I had been to so many places around the world (The Americas, Europe, The Orient and Middle East), and all of this thanks to the prestige that Eastman gave me.
Mansour Assery
Class of '88
I joined Eastman in 1986 for two years. It was my first training experience outside my country. While it was not easy at the beginning to adjust to the new culture the good atmosphere at Eastman made sure that I had assimilated in a few weeks and become a part of the team
I get the honor to treat my first complete denture patient with Dr Allen Brewer. The rules at that time ensured that residents had to do all the lab work themselves. This inculcated a discipline that helps me to this day with all my work.
I believe that the two years training at Eastman affected my life positively in many ways. The most important things it taught me were;
- how to be patient and tolerate any type of stress and work or load .
- Learn how to complete your duties in a professional way and on time, or indeed before time.
- How to be a good leader and good educator .
I feel that I was one of the first batch of dentists in my country to start post graduate training in Dentistry 20 years ago. Since that time have been fortunate to assume several leadership roles in Saudi Arabia including;
- Board member of the first council for the Saudi board in Restorative Dentistry
- The founder of the Saudi Board in Prosthodontics
- The Chairman of the Saudi Board in Prosthodontics for 8 years. In recognition of this service my colleagues and residents decided to have a scientific day which carries my name and an award in my name which is awarded to the best resident every year
- Chairman of the Scientific Board of Dentistry in Saudi Arabia
- Formerly Chairman of Dental Services for the Saudi Army (during my military service)
- Dean of Postgraduate studies and Scientific Research at the Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy and honored to be in charge of the programs at the inception of Post Graduate education at the Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy.
Daniel F. Galindo, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Dr. Daniel F. Galindo received his DDS degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotam Colombia. He specialized in Prosthodontics at the University of Rochester Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, NY and received his Certificate in Prosthodontics in 1999. He served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine (2000-2002) and is currently Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester Eastman Institute for Oral Health.
Dr. Galindo is a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics, a Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists and an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration, the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, the American Prosthodontic Society, the International College of Dentists and the International Team for Implantology.
He is in full-time private practice with offices in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona, limited to prosthodontics and implant dentistry. Dr. Galindo has authored numerous scientific publications in the fields of prosthodontics and implant dentistry and has lectured at national and international meetings.
Wei-Shao Lin, DDS
I was blessed to be accepted into the residency program at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health (EIOH) in 2006. I have then completed the Prosthodontics residency program and the Fellowship in Implant Dentistry in 2010. Not only did my residency and fellowship program in EIOH has prepared me with solid education and training in prosthodontics and implant dentistry, it also developed my interests in the contemporary technology and how they can be incorporated in the dental education, clinical treatment, and research.
During my stay in the EIOH, I was very impressed with the unique international culture in the program and institution. Many of my co-residents are internationally trained dentists. With the diverse education/cultural background and clinical skill sets from these individuals, all of my co-residents greatly enriched my professional learning and personal life experience during my stay.
The training and education I have received in the EIOH Prosthodontics Department has since provided me a great foundation for my academic career. I started to further develop my passion and knowledge in the Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry, and actively involve in the International Team for Implantology (ITI), a worldwide association of professionals in implant dentistry. I am serving as one of the program directors for the ITI Scholarship Program, a program to further develop dental clinicians’ training in implant dentistry, and foster the international exchange in education and professional networking. Without the training and education I have received in EIOH, I could not have had this opportunity for my academic career
Ahmed Mansour
As a dual trained Prosthodontist/ Orthodontist, I owe a lot to Eastman Dental. The education I received was priceless, particularly at the Department of Prosthodontics. A clear solid foundation in occlusion and esthetics are one of the few things I learned in Prostho.
I am forever grateful to Dr. Graser for accepting me into the program and opening so many doors for me. Some of the best friendships I forged during my time at the program.