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UR Medicine / Dermatology / Patient Resources


Patient Resources

  • American Academy of Dermatology – The American Academy of Dermatology is the largest, strongest, and most prestigious dermatologic organization in the world. The Academy serves as a unifying organization for all of dermatology.
  • Association for Dermatology Administrator and Manager (ADAM) - ADAM is comprised of approximately 600 managers, administrators, attorneys, accountants and physicians in academic, private and group practices.
    ADA/M is a not-for-profit organization which advocates responsible and progressive business practices in a quality healthcare environment by providing education, professional recognition, growth and networking avenues to members.
  • Dermatology Mailing Lists – Here is a list of many if not all of the Dermatology related mailing lists on the internet.
  • Duke Department of Dermatology – Duke's Division of Dermatology home page.
  • The Electronic Textbook of Dermatology – This experimental project is one in which an out of print dermatology textbook is in the process of being updated by dynamic hyperlinks and web exploration. This is solely a demonstration of the power of the Internet as an authoring environment. In fact, following the instructions in some parts of this manual may be severely detrimental to your health.
  • The Internet Dermatology Society – The Society's Objectives are to provide an Internetworked gateway for dermatology and the closely associated fields of, dermatologic surgery, dermatopathology and immunodermatology. Accordingly, the IDS will assist colleagial societies and patient advocacy groups to use the Internet.
  • Nevus Outreach, Inc. – A non-profit organization dedicated to improving awareness and finding a cure for giant congenital nevi and related disorders.
  • New York University Department of Dermatology – The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology is part of New York University Medical Center, one of the world's outstanding health care facilities. The Department is nationally recognized as the outstanding center for the care of patients with skin disease. As such, it is the largest single provider of skin care in the United States and an international referral center for rare skin diseases.
  • Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man – OMIM is the on-line version of the human genetics knowledgebase, Mendelian Inheritance in Man, serving clinical medicine and the Human Genome Project. It is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely catalog of human genes and genetic disorders with full text annotations on the most recent genetic research and the molecular genetic elucidation of clinical disorders.
  • The Society for Investigative Dermatology – The Society for Investigative Dermatology was established in 1938 to conduct, promote and encourage research in cutaneous biology and allied subjects. To achieve its goals, the Society sponsors annual and regional meetings and publishes the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the premier internationally recognized forum for the exchange of significant and innovative scientific research in the field of cutaneous biology and skin diseases research.
  • The University of Iowa Department of Dermatology – University of Iowa's Department of Dermatology. A great web page with a large amount of additional dermatology and medical related information.
  • Rash and Skin Rashes: A quick guide to itchy skin conditions - A Quick Guide to Itchy Skin Conditions, written by dermatologists for patients and parents is one of the many guides that can be found at, a comprehensive patient oriented website for skin health.
  • Understanding Rash and Rashes: Self-paced online dermatology course -

    Understanding Rash and Rashes is a freely accessible, self-paced tutorial in the fundamentals of dermatology. Written by Lowell A. Goldsmith MD, MPH, Dean Emeritus and Dermatology Chair Emeritus at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, this tutorial covers the essential learning in dermatology that every medical student should know.