Core Rotations
Our #1 priority when training critical care fellows is to provide our graduates with the clinical skills to deliver high-quality, effective care to any critically ill patient they may encounter regardless of that patient's diagnosis. To achieve that aim, our fellows rotate in multiple, highly varied environments that span the gamut of critical care patients and practice settings.
Strong Medical ICU
The MICU admits patients who are critically ill due to general medical conditions such as septic shock, acute respiratory failure, and severe acute hyponatremia, as well as patients who require ICU level care in the absence of a clear diagnosis. The MICU team also cares for chronically mechanically ventilated inpatients (even when not critically ill) and operates Strong's rapid response team.
Highland ICU
The HICU is a 14-bed mixed medical-surgical community intensive care unit that treats all critically ill patients at Highland Hospital. The HICU team also provides rapid response services throughout Highland and admits a large number patients who are transferred to the University from regional hospitals throughout upstate New York for tertiary care.
F.F. Thompson ICU
The Thompson ICU is a mixed medical-surgical community intensive care unit with 12 beds. It treats all critically ill patients at Thompson Hospital but also serves as a setting for stabilization of critical patients prior to transfer to Strong or Highland for advanced critical care support.
Strong Surgical ICU
The SICU provides care to critically ill patients admitted to the vascular, thoracic, hepatobiliary, colorectal, urology, otolaryngology, or surgical oncology services, as well as to patients who are awaiting or have undergone solid organ transplant. In addition, the SICU team admits all critically ill patients with cirrhosis of the liver, regardless of transplant candidacy.
Strong Burn/Trauma ICU
The BTICU treats patients who are critically ill due to a traumatic injury, such as victims of motor vehicle accidents and gunshot wounds. In addition, the BTICU team provides care to patients who require ICU care following operative intervention for a general surgical condition such as a perforated viscus as well as critically ill patients on the orthopedic surgery service.
Strong Neuromedicine ICU
The NMICU admits patients who are critically ill due to neurologic insults like acute ischemic stroke or status epilepticus, as well as patients requiring ICU care after a neurosurgical procedure. The NMICU team also provides consultative care regarding the anticipated neurologic prognosis of patients admitted to other ICUs following cardiac arrest.
Strong Cardiac ICU
The CICU treats patients who are awaiting or recovering from complex cardiac surgery and those who require advanced circulatory support interventions such as balloon pumps, ventricular assist devices, and ECMO. The CICU team is also responsible for evaluating patients in cardiac arrest for eCPR and for instituting this therapy when clinically appropriate.
Strong Anesthesia
Fellows spend time in the Strong operating rooms with our anesthesia faculty to gain experience with airway management in a controlled setting. While the primary focus is on bag valve mask ventilation and endotracheal intubation, fellows also gain valuable experience with LMA placement and the use of rescue devices.
Strong Pulmonary Procedures
Fellows rotate in the bronchoscopy suite with pulmonary medicine faculty to perform procedures for pulmonary outpatients. In addition to developing proficiency with bronchoscopy (including the skills needed for fiberoptic intubation), our trainees learn to perform thoracentesis and to place pleural drainage devices.

Benjamin McKinney, DO
Residency / Internal Medicine, University of Maryland Midtown
My experience at Strong has been excellent. Every day I have the opportunity to treat a wide variety of medical conditions largely due to our status as a quaternary medical center. We receive patients from all over upstate New York because of the diverse medical services we provide.
Working as a team with different specialists in critical care enhances my opportunities to learn and makes me a better physician.”