Our Faculty
Program Leadership
M. Patricia Rivera, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine
Mary Anne Morgan, M.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Program Director
Pulmonary and Critical
Care Fellowships
Core Faculty
Anne Marie Mattingly, M.D., M.H.P.E.
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Irene Perillo, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Anthony Pietropaoli, M.D., M.P.H.
Department of Medicine
Vice Chief
Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine
Caroline Quill, M.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Associate Program Director
Pulmonary and Critical
Care Fellowship

Ashley Choe, MD
Residency / Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, Vidant Medical Center
The support and interest to think outside the box stuck out the most to me. In my 3rd and 4th years of residency, I was reaching out to programs because I wanted to do both adult and pediatric critical care fellowships. Both program directors were not only quick to respond but interested, realistic, and supportive of me doing such a thing. You can never get a full view of a program in an interview, but it was my opinion that as long as you are surrounded by a culture of support and people who care, you can do almost anything. I felt that Rochester had that, and so far, I’ve only been proven right!
Here at the University of Rochester, there was definitely ‘above and beyond’ support that was not anything I expected of anyone.”