Monroe County Public Health Department
Goals and Objectives
Learn about the key communicable disease control activities of a local health department (STD, TB and Immunization clinics)
Shared PMRY1 and PMRY2 Objectives
1. Demonstrate the independent ability to provide culturally sensitive, evidence-based screening, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI) (PC; MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
2. Participate in STI control activities at the population level such as partner notification (PC; MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
3. Demonstrate the independent ability to provide culturally sensitive, evidence-based screening, diagnosis and treatment of latent and active TB (STI) (PC; MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
3a. Demonstrate understanding of the difference between the interferon-gamma release assays (QuantiFERON) and tuberculin skin by using them appropriately to screen for TB (PC; MK)
3b. Appropriately choose, with appropriate supervision, antibiotic therapy based on latent vs. active infection, concern for resistant TB and other patient factors (PC; MK)
4. Participate in surveillance activities for potential infectious disease outbreaks and if possible investigations into and control of active outbreaks (PC; MK; PBL)
5. Demonstrate the independent ability to provide culturally sensitive immunization services based on recommended schedules, history of prior immunizations and potential contraindications diagnosis and) (PC; MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
6. Demonstrate a consistently positive willingness to learn about these areas from supervisors and staff members with various professional and cultural backgrounds (PBL; P)
Additional PMRY2 Objectives
Are the same except PMRY2 are expected to more quickly demonstrate independence and to
7a. Independently research and present a staff continuing education lecture on the latest updates in care in either TB, STI or immunizations (PC; MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
7b. Independently research and participate in giving a presentation on a communicable disease control issues to a lay audience (MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
Learn about and participate in required and other key environmental health activities of a local health department
Shared PMRY1 and PMRY2 Objectives
Participate in lead poison prevention activities of the county including legally required home inspections and voluntarily inspections (MK; IPCS; PBL; P)
Participate in restaurant inspections(MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Participate in animal control/ rabies and pest control activities e.g. lice, bed bugs, and mold) of the public health department (MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Participate in field work concerning enforcement of clean drinking water and sanitation laws (MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Learn about required and/or effective maternal and child health public health activities performed at a local level
Shared PMRY1 and PMRY2 Objectives
Observe and participate in Women and Infant Children’s Nutrition Services nutritionist-client conversations (All 6 competencies)
Observe and participate in Early Intervention and Nurse Family Partnership home visits and learn about the differences in the programs in terms of eligibility and requirement on local health departments to carry them out (All 6 competencies)
Learn about the organization, leadership and funding of a local health department and its involvement with setting local health policy and enforcing laws
Shared PMRY1 and PMRY2 Objectives
Observe and participate in Board of Health Meetings to learn about its policy making, law-enforcement and other functions (MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Observe County legislature and its health subcommittee meetings to learn about its policy and budget setting functions (MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Assist County Director of Public Health by researching and summarizing a portion of a topic that s/he needs to present to the Board of Health, the County legislature or one of its subcommittees in relation to a policy making decision. (MK; IPCS; PBL; SBP; P)
Observe and participate in at least one Public Health Emergency Management training exercise that tests Incident Command System and Point of Distribution functions (All 6 competencies)
Observe and participate in Dept of Public Health staff meetings. (MK; IPCS, PBL, P)
Participate in the preparation and presentation of at least one staff continuing education session (MK; IPCS, PBL, P)
PMRY2 Objectives
Lead the preparation and presentation of at least one staff continuing education session and/or item 8 below (MK; IPCS, PBL, P)
Lead the research and preparation of a presentation the Director of Public Health is requested to make regarding policy discussions (MK; IPCS, PBL, P)
Participate in grant application preparation by writing sections of a grants (IPCS, PBL, P)