2023: Trauma REACH

2023 Health Coalition Emergency Management Seminar
Trauma Management for Rural EMS and Community Hospitals
April 25 & 26, 2023
8:30am - 12:00pm
Recorded Webinar Series is NOW AVAILABLE
REGISTRATION LINK FOR VIRTUAL SEMINAR: (CLOSED) https://urmc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7WugbdMgRHGBGwAKsnufzA
REGISTRATION LINK FOR ONLINE RECORDED SESSIONS: https://nylearnsph.com/Public/Catalog/Description.aspx?u=kM6WW0gCRpndksvfsudUcmsUEBS%2btPssUovHageYHVr49IkUfVDKxL06gHDncM5uBsmC%2bcQH87g%3d
QUESTIONS: please contact the Finger Lakes Regional Training Center
The Health Emergency Management Seminar - Trauma Management for Rural EMS And Community Hospitals (T-REACH) is designed to better prepare hospital and non-hospital response partners in planning, mitigating, responding to and recovering from natural and man-made disasters that impact the delivery of health care in a community or impact the environment of care for responders. The goal of the 2023 virtual seminar is to enhance the skills and knowledge of providers in the rural setting in the management of multi-injured patients and to understand the importance of working as a team of professionals in caring for patients with life-threatening traumatic injuries. Relevant information and stimulated discussions will focus on best practices in the management of trauma/disaster patients.
Based on presentations, participants will be able to:
- Discuss interventions appropriate to treat hemorrhage, burn and/or shock prior to arrival at a trauma center.
- Identify which patients require trauma center management and prepare rural communities for the appropriate care and transfer of the injured patient.
- Develop an awareness on the management and care of critically injured patients in the setting of limited resources.
Healthcare professionals (MD/DO, PA, NP, RN, EMS providers and other allied medical professionals) in rural settings caring for trauma patients (ED, Acute Floor, ICU and EMS) in New York State.
The virtual seminar will occur on April 25 & 26, 2023 from 8:30am - 12:00pm. Each day will include three 1hr presentations. Registrants can select to attend one or both days.
*topics and speakers subject to change*
April 25, 2023 @ 8:30am - 12:00pm |
0830-0845 |
Welcome/Opening Remarks |
Speaker: | Meghan Mullen, MS, RN, CCRN Trauma Program Manager and Workshop Planning Committee Chair Erie County Medical Center - Level 1 Trauma Center |
0845-0945 |
TXA and Blood Transfusions in the Field and Hospital Resuscitation |
Speaker: | Michael Vella, MD, MBA, FACS Trauma Medical Director/Assistant Professor of Surgery University of Rochester Medical Center, Kessler Trauma Center |
Summary: Objectives: |
Discuss blood product resuscitation and use of adjuncts for hemorrhage control in the pre-hospital and immediate in-hospital settings. • Understand the current state of blood transfusions in trauma • Understand adjuncts to transfusion (i.e. TXA) • Understand adjuncts for early mechanical hemorrhage control in trauma |
Handouts: | ||
0945-1045 |
Behind the Mechanism of Injury |
Speaker | Jerome Morrison, RN Trauma Outreach and Education Coordinator Upstate University Hospital |
Summary: Objectives: |
The CDC's 2011 Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients has been replaced with a new guide from the American College of Surgeons titled: National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients. The new document is expected to replace the EMS Trauma Patient Destination Protocol and serves as a guide to hospitals regarding trauma patients who should be transferred to a trauma center. The presentation will discuss the correlation between the Mechanism of Injury and under lying potential injures. • Identify trauma patients who should be transported from the field to a trauma center. • Identify trauma patients who should be transferred from non-trauma center hospitals. • Correlate mechanism of injury to underlying potential injuries. |
Handouts: | ||
1045-1145 |
Vascular Trauma |
Speaker: | Raphael Blochle, MD, FACS, MBA Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery University at Buffalo |
Summary: Objectives: |
Presentation will review the principles of vascular trauma. • Describe hemorrhage source control • Review revascularization options |
Handouts: | ||
1145-1200 |
Closing Remarks |
Speaker: | Anne D’Angelo, MS, RN Program Director, Finger Lakes Regional Training Center University of Rochester Medical Center |
April 26, 2023 @ 8:30am - 12:00pm |
0830-0845 |
Welcome/Opening Remarks |
Speaker: |
Meghan Mullen, MS, RN, CCRN Trauma Program Manager and Workshop Planning Committee Chair Erie County Medical Center - Level 1 Trauma Center |
0845-0945 |
Pediatric Trauma and Critical Care Preparedness and Resources |
Speakers: | David Darcy, MD Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery and Pediatrics University of Rochester Medical Center - Golisano Children's Hospital Derek Wakeman, MD Associate Professor, Pediatric Trauma Medical Director University of Rochester Medical Center - Golisano Children's Hospital Lauren Wittman-Pierson, RN, BSN, CCRN-CMC Pediatric Trauma Program Manager University of Rochester Medical Center - Kessler Trauma Center |
Objectives: |
The needs of a critical pediatric patient are unique and challenging. Rapid identification of the pediatric patients' requirements can promote hemodynamic stability and lead to better patient outcomes. • Identify signs of hemodynamic instability, critical injury patterns and life threatening conditions in a pediatric patient. • Identify areas within own facility that can be enhanced to better prepare for the critical pediatric patient. • Demonstrate an understanding of pediatric emergency readiness and ways this can be accomplished within the healthcare system. |
Handouts/Resources: | ||
Orthopaedic Trauma |
Speaker: | Jeremy P. Doak, MD Clinical Associate Professor, Orthopaedics University at Buffalo - Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences |
Summary: Objectives: |
This presentation will give an overview of common pediatric injuries. We will further discuss treatment plans and outcomes. • Identify common pediatric injuries • Discuss the initial stabilization of injuries • Describe overview of care including treatment plans and outcomes |
Handouts: | ||
1045-1145 |
Identifying, Understanding and Treating Burn Shock |
Speaker: | Joan Dolinak, MD, FACS Medical Director, Burn ICU Upstate University Hospital |
Objectives: |
Burn Shock can be complicated because it has many causes. Treatment may require several different mechanisms. Presentation will discuss causes and identification of burn shock and ways to treat. • Identify causes of burn shock • Describe treatments of burn shock |
Handouts: | ||
1145-1200 |
Closing Remarks/Evaluations |
Speaker: |
Anne D’Angelo, MS, RN Program Director, Finger Lakes Regional Training Center University of Rochester Medical Cente |
The Trauma REACH Planning Committee is providing attendees with a copy of the National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients. The guideline will be printed double sided on a 4x6 wipe-able card stock and inserted into a clear sleeve pouch that could be placed in a first aid kit, a uniform pocket or attached to a lanyard. A link to the request form will be provided during the live seminar.
A Certificate of Attendance for each day will be available to all attendees that complete a post-session evaluation.
This activity is approved by NYS BEMS for a maximum of 3 EMS CME/day (max 6 EMS CME for attending both sessions). EMS CME Core/Non-Core Credits for each session will be listed on the Certificate of Attendance. EMS Attendees must attend the entire ½ day session to claim EMS CME.
Grant funds are available to cover the cost of CME for appropriate Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition (HEPC) attendees that work in the Western, Central New York, Capital District and Metropolitan Area Regions of NYS (excluding NYC). We ask that you only request CME if your NYS Licensed Profession requires continuing medical education for license/certification renewal. This may include physicians, mid-level providers and nurses. AMA PRA Category 1 Credits are ONLY available for attending the live webinar session.
ACCREDITATION: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and SUNY Upstate Trauma Center, SUNY Upstate Golisano’s Children’s Hospital, Erie County Trauma Center, and John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital. The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CERTIFICATION: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
- Meghan Mullen, MS, RN, CCRN
Trauma Program Manager and Workshop Planning Committee Chair
Erie County Medical Center - Level 1 Trauma Center - Anne D’Angelo, MS, RN
Program Director, Finger Lakes Regional Training Center and Workshop Planning Committee Co-Chair
University of Rochester Medical Center
- Becky Chatt, RN, MS
Trauma Injury Prevention and Education Coordinator
University of Rochester Medical Center - Kessler Trauma Center
- Tiffany Fabiano, MS, CPNP
Pediatric Trauma Program Manager
John R. Oishei Children's Hospital
- Mark Gestring, MD, FACS
Trauma Medical Director and Workshop Faculty Director
University of Rochester Medical Center - Kessler Trauma Center
- Ryan Hejmankowski
Corporate Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Kaleida Health
- Tim Kornacki, CHEP
Director Corporate Emergency Management
Kaleida Health
- Frank Manzo, MSN, ACNP, EMT-P
Trauma Program Manager
University of Rochester Medical Center - Kessler Trauma Center
- Maralyn Militello, MPA, BSN, RN, CPHQ, NEA-BC
Chief Nursing Officer
Eastern Niagara Health System
- Jerome Morrison, RN
Trauma Outreach and Education Coordinator
Upstate University Hospital
- Beth A. Moses, RN, BSN, TCRN, AEMT
Trauma Injury Prevention and Education Coordinator
Erie County Medical Center - Level 1 Trauma Center - Adam Oplinger BS, RN, CEN
Trauma Injury Prevention and Education Coordinator|
University of Rochester Medical Center - Kessler Trauma Center
- Tamara Roberts, MSN, RN
- Burn Program Manager
Upstate University Hospital - Clark Burn Center