Welcome to Tele-I-Care

Damage to the retina due to diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the working age US population. Timely eye exams, at least every year can prevent at least 90% of this vision loss, but across the US, only about 50% of those with diabetes see an eye doctor annually. 

Infographic showing diabetic eye disease increases over the years

Learn the Facts About Diabetic Retinopathy Infographic. National Eye Institute, 2014.


Our Solution

Teleophthalmology is being used in a partnership supported by Excellus and UR Medicine partners, including URMFG, Population Health Management, Primary Care Network, Strong Hospital, and the Flaum Eye Institute, to improve eye care for patients with diabetes and prevent vision loss. This population health program named Tele-I-Care, incorporates vision screening and the use of digital color cameras located in primary care sites to image the retina, detect diabetic retinopathy, and timely triage patients to sight saving eye care in conjunction with ophthalmology.                                                                                                                        tech with patientEye Screen