URMC / Labs / Dye Lab / Publications Publications Dye TDMenikoff JA Biospecimen research and the law.; Science (New York, N.Y.); Vol 385(6710), pp. 695. 2024 Aug 15. Rieth KSy AMcIntosh SIkerdu ECupertino ADye TDMartina CA Dental Health Utilization in Palau: Feasibility of an Oral Cancer Screening Program.; Annals of global health; Vol 89(1), pp. 60. 2023 Sep 20. Levandowski BAMurphy HRSilk JBarbosu CMUrban MWalker LAladin BDye TD Sharing the Details: Implementing and Evaluating the Integration of New York State AIDS Institute Health Equity Competencies for Health Care Providers into Clinical Training Activities.; Health equity; Vol 7(1), pp. 555-561. 2023 Sep 13. Hall WCDye TDVSiddiqi S Associations of childhood hearing loss and adverse childhood experiences in deaf adults.; PloS one; Vol 18(6), pp. e0287024. 2023 Jun 21. Levandowski BASteinke JStewart CUrbina AEWilder TLBevec EDye TD Ending the Epidemic: Building Health Care Capacity Through HIV and HCV Preceptorship Programs.; AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education; Vol 35(3), pp. 213-224. 2023 Jun. Farovitch LPadden CvanWijngaarden EMiller BLeydet BDye T Attitudes and experiences regarding preventive strategies for the deaf population in Western New York.; PLOS global public health; Vol 3(11), pp. e0001056. 2023 Jan 22. Li DZand MSDye TDGoniewicz MLRahman IXie Z An evaluation of RNA-seq differential analysis methods.; PloS one; Vol 17(9), pp. e0264246. 2022 Sep 16. Al-Jallad NLy-Mapes OHao PRuan JRamesh ALuo JWu TTDye TRashwan NRen JJang HMendez LAlomeir NBullock SFiscella KXiao J Artificial intelligence-powered smartphone application, AICaries, improves at-home dental caries screening in children: Moderated and unmoderated usability test.; PLOS digital health; Vol 1(6). 2022 Jun 02. Quiñones ZLi DMcIntosh SAvendaño ESánchez JJDiMare-Hering CFlores Golfín DWang SPérez-Ramos JGD V Dye TOssip DJ Predictors of Secondhand Smoke Exposure during pregnancy in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.; Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2022 Jan 27. Barbosu CMAlcántara LSharma SMarriott JBabiy ODeamer RKindlon MDye T The Implementation of a State-wide Rapid Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy as a Best Practice in Primary Care Practices Using an Academic Detailing Approach: Lessons Learned from New York State, United States.; International journal of MCH and AIDS; Vol 11(1). 2022. Levandowski BAMiller SBRan DPressman EAVan der Dye T Piling it on: Perceived stress and lack of access to resources among US-based LGBTQ+ community members during the COVID-19 pandemic.; PloS one; Vol 17(7). 2022. Dye TDBarbosu MSiddiqi SPérez Ramos JGMurphy HAlcántara LPressman E Science, healthcare system, and government effectiveness perception and COVID-19 vaccination acceptance and hesitancy in a global sample: an analytical cross-sectional analysis.; BMJ open; Vol 11(11). 2021 Nov 23. Vega Ocasio DPérez Ramos JGDye TDV "Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo salió volando" (And there was nothing left, nothing of the house, everything flew away): a critical medical ecological perspective on the lived experience of hurricane María in Puerto Rico.; BMC public health; Vol 21(1). 2021 Oct 09. Perez-Ramos JGMcIntosh SBarrett ESVelez Vega CMDye TD Attitudes Toward the Environment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies to Address Environmental Health Risks in Marginalized Communities: Prospective Cohort Study.; Journal of medical Internet research; Vol 23(9). 2021 Sep 23. Xiao JLuo JLy-Mapes OWu TTDye TAl Jallad NHao PRuan JBullock SFiscella K Assess A Smartphone App (AICaries) that uses artificial intelligence to detect dental caries in children and provide interactive oral health education: Protocol for design and usability testing.; JMIR research protocols. 2021 Sep 14. Lyu HWang JWu WDuong VZhang XDye TDLuo J Social media study of public opinions on potential COVID-19 vaccines: informing dissent, disparities, and dissemination.; Intelligent medicine. 2021 Aug 25. De Ver Dye TTavarez ZQPérez Ramos JGFernandez IDVega CVVega Ocasio DMAvendaño ECardona Cordero NRHering CDDozier AMGroth SW Participation in genetic research among Latinx populations by Latin America birth-residency concordance: a global study.; Journal of community genetics. 2021 Aug 10. Vega Ocasio DStewart-Ibarra AMSippy RLi CMcCue KBendinskas KGGump BBCueva-Aponte CAyala EBMorrell CNDye TD Social Stressors, Arboviral Infection, and Immune Dysregulation in the Coastal Lowland Region of Ecuador: A Mixed Methods Approach in Ecological Perspective.; The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2021 Aug 02. Cardona Cordero NRRamos JPTavarez ZQMcIntosh SAvendaño EDiMare COssip DJDe Ver Dye T Relationship between perceived social support and postpartum care attendance in three Latin American countries: a cross-sectional analytic study.; Global health research and policy; Vol 6(1). 2021 May 07. Dye TDAlcantara LSiddiqi SBarbosu MSharma SPanko TPressman E Risk of COVID-19-related bullying, harassment and stigma among healthcare workers: an analytical cross-sectional global study.; BMJ open; Vol 10(12). 2020 Dec 30. Vega Ocasio DPérez Ramos JGDye TDV Conducting an immersive community-based assessment of post-hurricane experience among Puerto Ricans: lived experience of medical ecology in an environmental disaster and migration.; BMC public health; Vol 20(1). 2020 Oct 29. De Ver Dye TMuir EFarovitch LSiddiqi SSharma S Critical medical ecology and SARS-COV-2 in the urban environment: a pragmatic, dynamic approach to explaining and planning for research and practice.; Infectious diseases of poverty; Vol 9(1). 2020 Jun 19. Sy ATannis CMcIntosh SDemment MTomeing TMarriott JFukunaga TBuenconsejo-Lum LDye T An Assessment of E-health Resources and Readiness in the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Implications for Non-communicable Disease Intervention Development.; Hawai'i journal of health & social welfare; Vol 79(6 Suppl 2). 2020 Jun 01. Sy AMarriott JTannis CDemment MMcIntosh SHadley JAlbert PBuenconsejo-Lum LDye T A Rapid Assessment Procedure to Develop A Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Pilot Health Communications Project Using E- and M-Health Communications in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia.; Hawai'i journal of health & social welfare; Vol 79(6 Suppl 2). 2020 Jun 01. Dykens JASmith JSDemment MMarshall ESchuh TPeters KIrwin TMcIntosh SSy ADye T Evaluating the implementation of cervical cancer screening programs in low-resource settings globally: a systematized review.; Cancer causes & control : CCC; Vol 31(5). 2020 May. Anto-Ocrah MCushman JSanders MDe Ver Dye T A woman's worth: an access framework for integrating emergency medicine with maternal health to reduce the burden of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.; BMC emergency medicine; Vol 20(1). 2020 Jan 13. Marriott JPPérez-Ramos JGChoi SHGonsalves-Domond GAladin BBarbosu MSmith CDye T Assessing Training Interests of Latin American and Caribbean Immigrant-serving HIV/AIDS, STD, and Hepatitis C Providers in New York State, United States.; International journal of MCH and AIDS; Vol 9(2). 2020. Pérez-Ramos JGMcIntosh SBarrett ESVélez-Vega CMDye TD Qualitative Assessment of Environmental Health Risk Perceptions and Community Challenges in a Puerto Rican Community: Change and Continuity in Response to Hurricanes Irma and María.; Behavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.). 2019 Dec 20. Barbosu CMRadulescu AManciuc CMuir ELevandowski BADye T Attitudes, practices, and priority of HIV screening and testing among clinical providers in Transylvania and Moldavia, Romania.; BMC health services research; Vol 19(1). 2019 Dec 16. Kamath-Rayne BDSurkan PJVinturache ADye T Behind the Scenes: Publishing in the Maternal and Child Health Journal.; Maternal and child health journal; Vol 23(10). 2019 Oct. Yang GRDye TDLi D Association between diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart attack in US adults: a cross-sectional analysis using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2015.; BMJ open; Vol 9(9). 2019 Sep 13. Yang GRDye TDLi D Effects of pre-gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus on macrosomia and birth defects in Upstate New York.; Diabetes research and clinical practice; Vol 155. 2019 Sep. Boyd AGatewood JThorson SDye TDV Data Diplomacy.; Science & diplomacy; Vol 8(1). 2019 May. Toscano MLi DDye TOlson-Chen C Antepartum Contraceptive Counseling in Women with Preterm Birth.; American journal of perinatology. 2019 Jan 04. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DTLi DXiao JBillings RJDye TD Association of periodontal disease with depression and adverse birth outcomes: Results from the Perinatal database; Finger Lakes region, New York State.; PloS one; Vol 14(4). 2019. Yang GRDye TDZand MSFogg TTYuan SYYang JKLi D Association Between Neck Circumference and Coronary Heart Disease: A Meta-analysis.; Asian/Pacific Island nursing journal; Vol 4(1). 2019. Yang GRYuan MXFu HJWan GLi DDye TDZhu LXXie RRLv YJZhang JDDu XPLi YLJi YLi YCui XLWang ZMCheng SYLiu DYWang QZhou LGao YYuan SY The Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Morbid Events in Type 2 Diabetes after a 7-Year Community Management: Beijing Community Diabetes Study 17.; Journal of diabetes research; Vol 2019. 2019. Hall WCLi DDye TDV Influence of Hearing Loss on Child Behavioral and Home Experiences.; American journal of public health. 2018 Jun 21. Hall WCSmith SRSutter EJDeWindt LADye TDV Considering parental hearing status as a social determinant of deaf population health: Insights from experiences of the "dinner table syndrome".; PloS one; Vol 13(9). 2018. Manciuc CLevandowski BAMuir ERadulescu ABarbosu MDye TD Access to digital and social media among Romanian HIV/AIDS clinical providers.; Global health action; Vol 11(1). 2018. Li DXie ZZand MFogg TDye T Bon-EV: an improved multiple testing procedure for controlling false discovery rates.; BMC bioinformatics; Vol 18(1). 2017 Jan 03. McIntosh SPérez-Ramos JGDavid TDemment MMAvendaño EOssip DJDe Ver Dye T A globally networked hybrid approach to public health capacity training for maternal health professionals in low and middle income countries.; Global health research and policy; Vol 2. 2017. Launay ECohen JFBossuyt PMBuekens PDeeks JDye TFeltbower RFerrari AKramer MLeeflang MMoher DMoons KGvon Elm ERavaud PChalumeau M Reporting studies on time to diagnosis: proposal of a guideline by an international panel (REST).; BMC medicine; Vol 14(1). 2016 Sep 27. Dye TLi DDemment MGroth SFernandez DDozier AChang J Sociocultural variation in attitudes toward use of genetic information and participation in genetic research by race in the United States: implications for precision medicine.; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA; Vol 23(4). 2016 Jul. McIntosh SPérez-Ramos JDemment MMVélez Vega CAvendaño EOssip DJDye TD Development and Implementation of Culturally Tailored Offline Mobile Health Surveys.; JMIR public health and surveillance; Vol 2(1). 2016 Jun 02. Ossip DJDiaz SQuiñones ZMcIntosh SDozier AChin NWeber EHolderness HTorres EBautista ASanchez JJAvendaño EDe Ver Dye TMcDonald PBianco E Lessons Learned from Twelve Years of Partnered Tobacco Cessation Research in the Dominican Republic.; Journal of smoking cessation; Vol 11(2), pp. 99-107. 2016 May 10. Editorial Notice.; Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health; Vol 48(1). 2016 Mar. Groth SWDozier ADemment MLi DFernandez IDChang JDye T Participation in Genetic Research: Amazon's Mechanical Turk Workforce in the United States and India.; Public health genomics; Vol 19(6). 2016. Chin NPDye TD The Health and Wealth of Mountain Communities.; Maternal and child health journal; Vol 20(12). 2016 Jan. Soon RElia JBeckwith NKaneshiro BDye T Unintended Pregnancy in the Native Hawaiian Community: Key Informants' Perspectives.; Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health; Vol 47(4). 2015 Dec. Li DXie ZPape MLDye T An evaluation of statistical methods for DNA methylation microarray data analysis.; BMC bioinformatics; Vol 16. 2015 Jul 10. Burlingame JMBartholomew LBrink-Wong TSampaga SDye T Can we really diagnose diabetes during pregnancy?; Journal of perinatal medicine; Vol 43(3). 2015 May. De Ver Dye TPelto GKristensen SSamen ADozier A Attitudes and practices towards micronutrient supplementation among pregnant women in rural Tibet.; Global public health; Vol 10(1). 2015 Jan. Demment MMPeters KDykens JADozier ANawaz HMcIntosh SSmith JSSy AIrwin TFogg TTKhaliq MBlumenfeld RMassoudi MDe Ver Dye T Developing the Evidence Base to Inform Best Practice: A Scoping Study of Breast and Cervical Cancer Reviews in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.; PloS one; Vol 10(9). 2015. Rocha FGZalud IDye T Ethnic variation of gastroschisis and omphalocele in the United States of America.; The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians; Vol 27(14). 2014 Sep. Soon RDye TDRalston NVBerry MJSauvage LM Seafood consumption and umbilical cord blood mercury concentrations in a multiethnic maternal and child health cohort.; BMC pregnancy and childbirth; Vol 14. 2014 Jun 18. Killeen JLDye TGrace CHiraoka M Improved abnormal Pap smear triage using cervical cancer biomarkers.; Journal of lower genital tract disease; Vol 18(1). 2014 Jan. Tsai PJRoberson EDye T Gestational diabetes and macrosomia by race/ethnicity in Hawaii.; BMC research notes; Vol 6. 2013 Oct 01. De Ver Dye T Transdisciplinary science and practice in action: the Maternal and Child Health Journal as shared space.; Maternal and child health journal; Vol 17(1). 2013 Jan. Li DLe Pape MAParikh NIChen WXDye TD Assessing differential expression in two-color microarrays: a resampling-based empirical Bayes approach.; PloS one; Vol 8(11). 2013. Li DDye TD Power and stability properties of resampling-based multiple testing procedures with applications to gene oncology studies.; Computational and mathematical methods in medicine; Vol 2013. 2013. Charafeddine LAmmous FKobeissi LDe Ver Dye TMatar MFaddous Khalife MCYunis K In-hospital neonatal mortality and the role of consanguinity.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; Vol 26(5). 2012 Sep. Dye TDBogale SHobden CTilahun YDeressa TReeler A Experience of initial symptoms of breast cancer and triggers for action in ethiopia.; International journal of breast cancer; Vol 2012. 2012. De Ver Dye TApondi RLugada EKahn JGSandiford-Day MADasbanerjee T A qualitative assessment of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors related to diarrhea and water filtration in rural Kenya.; American journal of public health; Vol 101(8). 2011 Aug. Dye Tde VApondi RLugada E A qualitative assessment of participation in a rapid scale-up, diagonally-integrated MDG-related disease prevention campaign in Rural Kenya.; PloS one; Vol 6(1). 2011 Jan 18. De Ver Dye TBogale SHobden CTilahun YHechter VDeressa TBize MReeler A A mixed-method assessment of beliefs and practice around breast cancer in Ethiopia: implications for public health programming and cancer control.; Global public health; Vol 6(7). 2011. De Ver Dye TLane HStam D "Dreadful to behold": frostbite on the 1910-1913 British Antarctic Expedition.; American journal of public health; Vol 100(12). 2010 Dec. Dye TDApondi RLugada ESKahn JGSmith JOthoro C "Before we used to get sick all the time": perceptions of malaria and use of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) in a rural Kenyan community.; Malaria journal; Vol 9. 2010 Nov 30. Dye TDBogale SHobden CTilahun YHechter VDeressa TBizé MReeler A Complex care systems in developing countries: breast cancer patient navigation in Ethiopia.; Cancer; Vol 116(3). 2010 Feb 01. Friedman DIDe ver Dye T Migraine and the environment.; Headache; Vol 49(6). 2009 Jun. Dozier AMBlock RLevy DDye TDPearson TA Cardiovascular Health in the Developing World: Community Perceptions from Carriacou, Grenada.; CVD prevention and control; Vol 3(3). 2008 Sep 01. Kürzinger MLPagnier JKahn JGHampshire RWakabi TDye TD Education status among orphans and non-orphans in communities affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Burkina Faso.; AIDS care; Vol 20(6). 2008 Jul. Fernandez IDOlson CMDe Ver Dye T Discordance in the assessment of prepregnancy weight status of adolescents: a comparison between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sex- and age-specific body mass index classification and the Institute of Medicine-based classification used for maternal weight gain guidelines.; Journal of the American Dietetic Association; Vol 108(6). 2008 Jun. Stahlhut RWvan Wijngaarden EDye TDCook SSwan SH Concentrations of urinary phthalate metabolites are associated with increased waist circumference and insulin resistance in adult U.S. males.; Environmental health perspectives; Vol 115(6). 2007 Jun. Dozier AMOssip-Klein DJDiaz SChin NPSierra EQuiñones ZDye TDMcIntosh SArmstrong L Tobacco use in the Dominican Republic: understanding the culture first.; Tobacco control; Vol 15 Suppl 1. 2006 Jun. Scariati PDRoberge LDye T Beating asthma: a community-based asthma education initiative.; The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association; Vol 106(1). 2006 Jan. Sinkin RAFisher SGDozier ADye TD Effect of managed care on perinatal transports for the publicly funded in upstate New York.; Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association; Vol 25(2). 2005 Feb. De Ver Dye TFernandez IDRains AFershteyn Z Recent studies in the epidemiologic assessment of physical activity, fetal growth, and preterm delivery: a narrative review.; Clinical obstetrics and gynecology; Vol 46(2). 2003 Jun. Llanos ARMoss MEPinzòn MCDye TSinkin RAKendig JW Epidemiology of neonatal necrotising enterocolitis: a population-based study.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; Vol 16(4). 2002 Oct. Dye TWojtowycz MApplegate MAubry R Women's willingness to share information and participation in prenatal care systems.; American journal of epidemiology; Vol 156(3). 2002 Aug 01. Elia GBergman JDye TD Familial incidence of urinary incontinence.; American journal of obstetrics and gynecology; Vol 187(1). 2002 Jul. Gross SJMettelman BBDye TDSlagle TA Impact of family structure and stability on academic outcome in preterm children at 10 years of age.; The Journal of pediatrics; Vol 138(2). 2001 Feb. Elia GDye TDScariati PD Body mass index and urinary symptoms in women.; International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction; Vol 12(6). 2001. Dye TDAlderdice FRoberge EJamison JQ Attitudes toward clinical guidelines among obstetricians in Northern Ireland.; BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology; Vol 107(1). 2000 Jan. Dye TDKnox KLNovick LF Tracking sexual contacts of HIV patients: a study of physician practices.; Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP; Vol 5(5). 1999 Sep. Dye TDWojtowycz MA Organisational variation, satisfaction, and women's time investment in prenatal care.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; Vol 13(2). 1999 Apr. Coplan JContello KACunningham CKWeiner LBDye TDRoberge LWojtowycz MAKirkwood K Early language development in children exposed to or infected with human immunodeficiency virus.; Pediatrics; Vol 102(1). 1998 Jul. Dye TDKnox KLArtal RAubry RHWojtowycz MA Physical activity, obesity, and diabetes in pregnancy.; American journal of epidemiology; Vol 146(11). 1997 Dec 01. Dye TDWojtowycz MAAubry RHQuade JKilburn H Unintended pregnancy and breast-feeding behavior.; American journal of public health; Vol 87(10). 1997 Oct. Oldenettel DDye TDArtal R Prenatal HIV screening in pregnant women: a medical-legal review.; Birth (Berkeley, Calif.); Vol 24(3). 1997 Sep. Dye TDWojtowycz MAAubry RH A cost evaluation of implementing a quality-oriented, regional perinatal data system.; Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP; Vol 3(2). 1997 Mar. Crane SSWojtowycz MADye TDAubry RHArtal R Association between pre-pregnancy obesity and the risk of cesarean delivery.; Obstetrics and gynecology; Vol 89(2). 1997 Feb. Badawy SZLopez ASarkar SDye T Cumulative pregnancy rates and probability of pregnancy in various indications for intrauterine insemination.; Archives of andrology; Vol 37(3). 1996 Nov. Dye TDOldenettel D Physical activity and the risk of preterm labor: an epidemiological review and synthesis of recent literature.; Seminars in perinatology; Vol 20(4). 1996 Aug. Coplan JDye TDContello KACunningham CKKirkwood KWeiner LB Failure to identify human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive newborns: epidemiology and enrollment patterns in a predominantly white, nonurban setting.; Pediatrics; Vol 96(6). 1995 Dec. Dye TDTollivert NJLee RVKenney CJ Violence, pregnancy and birth outcome in Appalachia.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; Vol 9(1). 1995 Jan. Dye TDLee RV Socioeconomic status: developing a quantitative, community based index in rural Kashmir.; Journal of epidemiology and community health; Vol 48(4). 1994 Aug. Dye TDDePersio SRRhoades EDWebb TDLorenz R Infant mortality in Oklahoma, 1970-1990.; The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association; Vol 87(3). 1994 Mar. Dye TDGordon HHeld BTolliver NJHolmes AP Retrospective maternal mortality case ascertainment in West Virginia, 1985 to 1989.; American journal of obstetrics and gynecology; Vol 167(1). 1992 Jul.