URMC / Labs / Sakano Lab / Publications Publications Sakano HJafari AAllehaiby WHarris JP Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension May Be an Under-recognized Cause of Endolymphatic Hydrops.; Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology. 2020 May 28. Yu XWang XSakano HZorio DARWang Y Dynamics of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Correlates with Cellular and Synaptic Properties in Primary Auditory Neurons following Afferent Deprivation.; The Journal of comparative neurology. 2020 May 25. Sakano HHarris JP Emerging options in immune-mediated hearing loss.; Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology; Vol 4(1). 2019 Feb. Saliba JSakano HFriedman RAHarris JP Tophaceous Gout of the Middle Ear: Case Reports and Review of the Literature.; Audiology & neuro-otology; Vol 24(2). 2019. Sakano HShih CPJafari ADeConde AHarris JP Multifocal Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Temporal Bone, Maxillary Sinus, and Orbit.; Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology; Vol 39(10). 2018 Dec. Sakano HMhoyan ACueva RA Auricular Swelling After Mild Trauma.; JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery; Vol 144(6). 2018 Jun 01. Sakano HZorio DARWang XTing YSNoble WSMacCoss MJRubel EWWang Y Proteomic analyses of nucleus laminaris identified candidate targets of the fragile X mental retardation protein.; The Journal of comparative neurology; Vol 525(15). 2017 Oct 15. Sakano HThaker AIDavis GE Adenoid Stones - "Adenoliths".; Journal of otology & rhinology; Vol 4(4). 2015 Sep. Wang YSakano HBeebe KBrown MRde Laat RBothwell MKulesza RJRubel EW Intense and specialized dendritic localization of the fragile X mental retardation protein in binaural brainstem neurons: a comparative study in the alligator, chicken, gerbil, and human.; The Journal of comparative neurology; Vol 522(9). 2014 Jun 15. Watt WCSakano HLee ZYReusch JETrinh KStorm DR Odorant stimulation enhances survival of olfactory sensory neurons via MAPK and CREB.; Neuron; Vol 41(6). 2004 Mar 25. Yamada KLim JDale JMChen HShinn PPalm CJSouthwick AMWu HCKim CNguyen MPham PCheuk RKarlin-Newmann GLiu SXLam BSakano HWu TYu GMiranda MQuach HLTripp MChang CHLee JMToriumi MChan MMTang CCOnodera CSDeng JMAkiyama KAnsari YArakawa TBanh JBanno FBowser LBrooks SCarninci PChao QChoy NEnju AGoldsmith ADGurjal MHansen NFHayashizaki YJohnson-Hopson CHsuan VWIida KKarnes MKhan SKoesema EIshida JJiang PXJones TKawai JKamiya AMeyers CNakajima MNarusaka MSeki MSakurai TSatou MTamse RVaysberg MWallender EKWong CYamamura YYuan SShinozaki KDavis RWTheologis AEcker JR Empirical analysis of transcriptional activity in the Arabidopsis genome.; Science (New York, N.Y.); Vol 302(5646). 2003 Oct 31. Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana.; Nature; Vol 408(6814). 2000 Dec 14. Theologis AEcker JRPalm CJFederspiel NAKaul SWhite OAlonso JAltafi HAraujo RBowman CLBrooks SYBuehler EChan AChao QChen HCheuk RFChin CWChung MKConn LConway ABConway ARCreasy THDewar KDunn PEtgu PFeldblyum TVFeng JFong BFujii CYGill JEGoldsmith ADHaas BHansen NFHughes BHuizar LHunter JLJenkins JJohnson-Hopson CKhan SKhaykin EKim CJKoo HLKremenetskaia IKurtz DBKwan ALam BLangin-Hooper SLee ALee JMLenz CALi JHLi YLin XLiu SXLiu ZALuros JSMaiti RMarziali AMilitscher JMiranda MNguyen MNierman WCOsborne BIPai GPeterson JPham PKRizzo MRooney TRowley DSakano HSalzberg SLSchwartz JRShinn PSouthwick AMSun HTallon LJTambunga GToriumi MJTown CDUtterback TVan Aken SVaysberg MVysotskaia VSWalker MWu DYu GFraser CMVenter JCDavis RW Sequence and analysis of chromosome 1 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana.; Nature; Vol 408(6814). 2000 Dec 14. Serizawa SIshii TNakatani HTsuboi ANagawa FAsano MSudo KSakagami JSakano HIjiri TMatsuda YSuzuki MYamamori TIwakura YSakano H Mutually exclusive expression of odorant receptor transgenes.; Nature neuroscience; Vol 3(7). 2000 Jul.