Deaf Weight Wise
Barnett S, DeWindt L, Matthews K, Sutter E. Deaf Weight Wise: A clinical trial to assess the adaptation of an evidenced-based health promotion intervention for use in sign language with deaf adults. Academy Health’s Science of Dissemination and Implementation Conference. 2017 Dec. Academy Health Conference
Barnett S, DeWindt L, Matthews K, Sutter E. Deaf Weight Wise: Collaborative translation and dissemination of an evidenced-based health promotion intervention. APHA 2017 Atlanta. APHA Conference Program
Matthews K, DeWindt L, Sutter E, Barnett S. Deaf Weight Wise: A clinical trial of a health promotion initiative with Deaf adults. APHA 2017 Atlanta. APHA Conference Program
Matthews K, DeWindt L, Sutter E, Barnett S. Adapting a healthy lifestyle intervention for use with Deaf adults: The Deaf Weight Wise clinical trial. APHA 144th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. 2016. APHA Conference Program
Beach M, Samar V, Sutter E. Deaf Adults, Weight Loss and Quality of Life: Data Analyses from the Deaf Weight Wise Clinical Trial. APHA 144th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. 2016. APHA Conference Program
DeWindt L, Matthews K. Health disparities in the Deaf community Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting (The CATIE Center) for the Deaf Health Survey, Deaf Weight Wise projects; 2015.
Samar V, Segalowitz SJ, Desjardins J, Barnett S, Sutter E. Sitting height: An adult correlate of growth dysregulation by childhood adverse events. Presented at the Rochester Global Health Symposium; 2015.
DeWindt L, Sutter E, Matthews K. The Deaf Weight Wise Intervention. Presented at the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA); 2015.
Barnett S, Sutter E, Pearson TA. The Deaf Weight Wise study: A unique clinical trial of health behavior modification with deaf adults. Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Session: Chicago, IL; 2014.
Barnett S, Sutter E, Pearson TA. The Deaf Weight Wise study: A unique clinical trial of health behavior modifications with deaf adults. Presented at the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular Disease, Epidemiology, and Prevention: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Metabolism Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2014.
DeWindt L, O'Hearn A, Sutter E, Barnett S. Community and multidisciplinary collaboration to develop an accessible clinical trial of a behavioral health intervention with deaf adults: The Deaf Weight Wise study. Presented at the ADARA: American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association; 2014.
O'Hearn A, Sutter E, DeWindt L . An American sign language consent film (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 141th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2013, Nov 6.
Barnett S, Chin N, Kelstone K, Hackbarth J . Community participatory research with deaf sign language users to identify health inequities (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 141th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2013, Nov 5.
Sutter E, O'Hearn A, DeWindt L, Mowl C, Kelstone K, Barnett S, Pearson TA. Adapting informed consent processes with deaf American sign language (ASL) users: Experiences from the Deaf Weight Wise study (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 141th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2013, Nov 4.
Barnett S, Sutter E, O'Hearn A, DeWindt L, Mowl C, Kelstone K, Pollard R, Pearson TA. Responding to community feedback on research methods: Adapting informed consent processes with Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users. Presented at the Science of Community Engaged Research: Future Directions 6th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2013 Aug 22-23.
Barnett S, Dozier A, Adekunle H, Bennett N, Pearson TA. Community engagement and collaboration among federally funded programs: Working across the CTSA, Prevention Research Center, and Community Transformation Grant. Presented at the Science of Community Engaged Research: Future Directions 6th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2013 Aug 22-23.
Barnett S, Sutter E, Winters P, Mowl C, McKee M, Smith S, Pearson TA. Undiagnosed diabetes and adults deaf since birth or early childhood. Presented at the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) 12th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ; 2013 April 14-16.
Lowenstein L, DeWindt L, Sutter E, Barnett S, Pearson TA. Community engagement necessary for recruitment into a novel randomized controlled lifestyle intervention trial with deaf adults. Presented at the American Heart Association EPINPAM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA; 2013
Mowl C, O'Hearn A, Panko T, Sutter E, and Barnett S. Collecting research data from deaf ASL users: How do we know we're asking the right questions? (Abstract) Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011, November 2.
Thew D, Starr M, DeAndrea-Lazarus I, Gahagan K, Evanstad C, Kushalnagar P, and Chin N. Tailoring a healthy living intervention to deaf adults: Sociocultural data from the target group (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011, October 31.
Panko T, Starr M. Using video blogs as a community engagement tool to overcome research knowledge gaps in deaf communities (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011 October 31.
Mowl C, Panko T, Kelstone K, Barnett S, Pearson T, and the Research Committee of the National Center for Deaf Health Research (2011). Design of Deaf Weight Wise: A healthy lifestyle intervention for Deaf adults. CDC Prevention Research Centers Program Annual Conference, Atlanta (April 12 & 13).
Reid JT, Starr MJ, Barnett S (2011). Adapting public health interventions for use with a new community: Experiences working with deaf adult sign language users. CDC Prevention Research Centers Program Annual Conference, Atlanta (April 13).
NCDHR Outreach Working Group. Obesity and Your Health: The Deaf Weight-Wise Research Study (Slides).
Deaf Weight Wise 2.0
DWW Study Group. Deaf Weight Wise 2.0: Successful dissemination and translation of a healthy lifestyle intervention for use with Deaf adults. CDC PRC Network Meeting, Atlanta. Nov 2017.
Deaf Healthcare Survey (CAHPS®)
Barnett S. Healthcare experiences of deaf sign language users: Adapting CAHPS. Presented at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ's) 5th Annual Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2012.
Mowl C, O'Hearn A, Panko T, Sutter E, and Barnett S. Collecting research data from deaf ASL users: How do we know we're asking the right questions? (Abstract) Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011, November 2.
Barnett S. Healthcare Experiences of Deaf Sign Language Users: Experiences Adapting a Written English Survey [Abstract (search Barnett, Steven)]. Presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group, Seattle WA; 2010 November 13-17.
Barnett S, Sutter E, and Kushalnagar P. Adapting Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for use with Diverse Populations: Experiences with American Sign Language. Presented at the International Society of Quality of Life Research, London, England; 2010 October 27-30.
Barnett S, Schlehofer D, Sutter E. Deaf consumers’ healthcare experiences: The need for an accessible CAHPS. Presented at the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Users Group Meeting, Baltimore, MD; 2010 April 19-21.
Barnett S. Deaf people and healthcare: Adapting CAHPS to be accessible for sign language users (Slides). Presented as part of the OEREP Panel Session on Successful Career Development in Health Services Research during the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) 2008 Annual Conference: Promoting Quality: Partnering for Change, Bethesda, MD; 2008 Sept 7-10.
Deaf Health Survey
O’Hearn, A., Fox, M., DeWindt, L. (2017). Using Cognitive Interviews in the Development of Surveys with Deaf People. Paper presented at theAmerican Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA) Conference, Portland, OR.
Hall W, DeWindt L, Sutter E, Smith S, Barnett S. Childhood Access to Family Communication: Findings from the Rochester Health Survey with Adults Deaf Since Birth or Early Childhood. 16th Annual Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting. 2017. Schedule
Matthews K, DeWindt L, Pransky J, Sutter E, Barnett S. Deaf Health Survey: Community engagement to include Deaf American Sign Language users in public health surveillance. APHA 143rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. 2015. Web Program
DeWindt L, Matthews K. Health disparities in the Deaf community Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting (The CATIE Center) for the Deaf Health Survey, Deaf Weight Wise projects; 2015.
Marsden J, Sutter E, Nelson-Metlay V, Matthews K, DeWindt L . Deaf Health Survey 2013 (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 141th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2013, Nov 5.
Barnett S, Chin N, Kelstone K, Hackbarth J . Community participatory research with deaf sign language users to identify health inequities (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 141th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2013, Nov 5.
Barnett S, Dozier A, Adekunle H, Bennett N, Pearson TA. Community engagement and collaboration among federally funded programs: Working across the CTSA, Prevention Research Center, and Community Transformation Grant. Presented at the Science of Community Engaged Research: Future Directions 6th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2013 Aug 22-23.
McKee M, McKee K, Sutter E, and Pearson TA. Is higher educational attainment or higher income protective for cardiovascular risk in deaf American sign language (ASL) users? (Abstract) Presented at the American Heart Association, Epidemiology and Prevention 2012 Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA; 2012.
Barnett S, Mowl C, O'Hearn A, Samar V, and Sutter E. Violence & Suicide attempts: Results of a survey of adults deaf since birth or early childhood. Presented at the 11th Annual EHDI Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri; 2012 March 4.
Ludwig C, Starr M. Eliminating Health Disparities in Deaf Population through Community-Based Participatory Research. [keynote address]. Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting. 2012.
Barnett S, Winters P. Mortality and Self-Rated Health of US Adults Deaf Since Birth or Early Childhood: Findings From National Data. Presented at the International Society of Quality of Life Research, Denver, CO; 2011.
Reid JT, Starr M, Barnett S. Adapting public health interventions for use with a new community: Experiences working with deaf adult sign language users. Presented at the Prevention Research Centers Annual Conference; 2011, April.
Mowl C, Sutter E, Barnett S (2011). Adverse experiences and adult health conditions: Findings from a sign language survey with deaf adults. CDC 28th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, Atlanta (March 22).
McKee M, Barnett S, Block R, and Pearson T. Impact of Communication on Emergency Department and Preventive Services Use Among Deaf American Sign Language Users [Poster Abstract (p. 12)] Presented at the Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2010 October 26.
Starr M. We Will Not Be Ignored! Working With the Deaf Community in Public Health Research (Video). Presented at the National Association of the Deaf 50th Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA; 2010 July 6-10.
Samar V. An Interactive Computerized Sign Language Health Survey for Deaf Adults: Interface Design and Functionality. Presented at the Technology and Deaf Education Conference: Exploring Instructional and Access Technologies at the National Technical Institute of the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY; 2010 June 21-23.
Ramchandran R, Sutter E, Pollard RQ, Barnett S, Sterns G. Deaf adult self-reported quality of vision and use of eye care (Abstract). Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, FL; 2010 May 4.
Schlehofer D, Ross D, Sutter E. Identifying health disparities for deaf women: The Deaf Health Survey in American Sign Language. Presented at Women's Health 2010: The 18th Annual Congress, Washington DC; 2010 Mar 26-28.
Barnett S, Sutter E, Pearson TA, on behalf of NCDHR. Adapting the BRFSS to survey deaf sign language users: Experience and findings. Presented at the CDC 27th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, San Diego, CA; 2010 Mar 20-24.
Samar V, Oyzon E, Barnett S, Schlehofer D, Finigan E, Lalley P. Interactive computerized sign language health survey for deaf adults: Interface design and functionality (Abstract). Presented at the American Public Health Association 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2009 Nov 7-11.
Pollard RQ, Schlehofer S, Sutter E. Incidence and consequences of intimate partner violence affecting deaf individuals (Abstract). Presented at the American Public Health Association 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2009 Nov 7-11.
Schlehofer S, Hurwitz V, Mowl M, Haynes S. Lessons learned about interpersonal violence: Importance of collaboration. Presented at Deaf Women United Conference, Portland, OR; 2009 July 22-26.
Schlehofer D, Barnett S, Sutter E, on behalf of NCDHR. Surveying adults deaf since childhood: Identifying and addressing disparities through community-based participatory research (Slides). Presented at the 8th Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference, Addison, TX, 2009 Mar 9-10.
Barnett S, Schlehofer D, Sutter E, on behalf of NCDHR. Health outcomes for deaf children: Results of a survey of deaf adults. Presented at the 8th Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference, Addison, TX, 2009 Mar 9-10.
David T, Grunbaum J, Martinez S, and Morales-Campos D. Training the Next Generation: The Prevention Research Center's and Association of Schools of Public Health Minority Fellowship Program [Abstract p. 44)]. Presented at the 20th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control, National Harbor, MD; 2009 Feb 23-25.
Barnett S, Schlehofer D, David T, Sutter E, on behalf of NCDHR. Identifying and addressing disparities through community-based participatory research with deaf people [Poster Presentation( p. 98)]. Presented at the 20th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control, National Harbor, MD; 2009 Feb 23-25.
Barnett S, Schlehofer D. The Rochester Deaf Health Survey (Handout). Presented at the Community Board Annual Retreat, University of Rochester Medical Center, Center for Community Health, Rochester NY; 2009 Feb 6.
Barnett S, David T, McKee M, Pearson TA, on behalf of NCDHR. Identifying and addressing disparities through community-based participatory research with deaf people: Experiences of a Prevention Research Center (Poster). Presented at NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD; 2008 Dec 16-17.
Barnett S, McKee M, Samar VJ, Thompson H, on behalf of the NCDHR Research Committee, Deaf Health Community Committee, Translation Working Groups, Filming Teams, & Interface Development Teams. Adapting the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to survey deaf sign language users (Abstract). Presented at the 136th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; 2008 Oct 25-29. To see the Poster of this Presentation, click here.
Aggas J, Barnett S, David T, Graybill P, Kelstone K, Lomeo C, Sullivan JP, Quiroga A, Pearson TA. Working collaboratively for the first community-based comprehensive health survey of a U.S. Deaf community (Slides). Presented at the CDC Prevention Research Centers Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA; 2008 Mar 26-28. Also presented at “Summer in the City” seminar series, University of Rochester Medical Center, Center for Community Health, Rochester NY; 2008 June 17.
Samar VJ, Barnett S, Oyzon E, Thompson H, NCDHR Research Committee, Deaf Health Community Committee, Delaney M, ITX Corp. The National Center for Deaf Health Research health survey: Demonstration of a linguistically accessible health surveillance instrument for deaf communities (Abstract). Presented at the Technology and Deaf Education International Symposium, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester NY; 2008 June 24.
Barnett S. Update on a sign language health survey. Presented at the Family Medicine Research Seminar Series, Family Medicine Research Programs, University of Rochester, Rochester NY; 2008 June 13.
Samar VJ, Barnett S, Oyzon E, Thompson H, NCDHR Research Committee, Deaf Health Community Committee, Delaney M, ITX Corp. National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR) Health Behavior Survey: Using technology for health surveillance and health promotion in the Deaf community (Poster). Presented at Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY; 2008 May 3.
Schlehofer D. The goals of the Deaf Health Survey. Presented at Deaf Women Studies Class, National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY; 2008 Apr 24.
Barnett S. Adapting the BRFSS to survey deaf sign language users (Slides). Presented at the CDC 25th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, Orlando, FL; 2008 Mar 18.
Oyzon E, Delaney M, Samar V, O’Hearn A, Lalley P. The Health Behavior Survey-Sign Language Version (HBS-SLV): User interface (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
College Health Survey
Lowenstein L, O'Hearn A, David T, Ossip D, Samar V. Deaf/Hard-of-hearing and hearing student's plans to lose, maintain, or do nothing about their weight (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2012 Oct. 29.
Lowenstein L, O'Hearn A, David T, Ossip D, Samar V. Differences in weight perception between deaf and hearing college students (Abstract). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA; 2012.
David T, Tuttle J, Barnett S, Kitzman H. Potential barriers to cardiovascular disease risk assessment among deaf young adults (Abstract). Presented at the American Heart Association, Epidemiology and Prevention 2012 Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA; 2012.
Samar V, Barnett S, Finigan E. Deaf adults from low childhood socioeconomic backgrounds display intercorrelations among language skills and body composition suggesting early epigenetic dysregulation of neurocognitive development. Presented at the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology Congress, Basel, Switzerland; 2011 Sept. 7-9.
David T. A comparison of deaf/hard of hearing and hearing young adults' responses to a health risk behavior survey (Slides). Doctoral dissertation defense presented to the School of Nursing, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2010 Apr 16.
David T. A comparison of deaf/hard of hearing and hearing young adults' responses to a health risk behavior survey (Slides). Dissertation proposal presented to the School of Nursing, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2009 Feb 17.
O’Hearn A, Samar V, Barnett S. Odds of self-reported suicide behaviors in deaf and hard of hearing college entering adults (Abstract). Presented at the 137th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA; 2009 Nov 7-11.
O'Hearn A, Samar V. Deaf people and suicide: the peculiar relationship of gender, reading & suicide risk (Poster). Presented at the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association, San Antonio, TX; 2009 Apr 16.
David T. A secondary analysis of deaf and hearing young adults’ responses to a health risk behavior survey (Slides). Presented at PhD Research Day, University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester NY; 2008 May 6.
Finigan E, Samar VJ, Sutter E, Klein J, Barnett S, Pollard RQ, O'Hearn A, Lalley P, Steider A, Starr M, Havens C, Dean R, David T, Testa-Wojteczko B, Fogg TT. Deaf older adolescents: Health care access disparities in an understudied population (Abstract). Presented at the 135th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association, 2007 Nov 3-7, Washington, DC. To see the Poster of this presentation, click here.
O’Hearn A, Steider A, Samar V, David T, Testa-Wojteczko B. Deaf and hard-of-hearing young adult perception of body weight: gender, ethnicity and media influence (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Samar V, Pollard RQ, O’Hearn A, Lalley P, Sutter E, Barnett S, Klein JD, Finigan E, Steider A, Starr M, Havens C, Dean R, David T, Testa-Wojteczko B, Fogg TT. Deaf young adults’ self-reported suicide attempt and suicide ideation rates: Role of reading skill and gender (Poster). Presented at the Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities, 2007 Mar, Honolulu, HI. Also presented at Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Sutter E, Finigan E, Samar V, Berent G, Barnett S, Pollard RQ, Havens C, Klein JD, and the NCDHR Research Committee. Development of a linguistically accessible health survey for deaf and hard-of-hearing young adults (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Finigan E, Sutter E, Samar VJ, Barnett S, Pollard RQ, Havens C, Klein J. Measuring health risk behaviors of deaf and hard-of-hearing students; considering language difference (Abstract) Presented at the 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2006 Nov 4-8, Boston, MA.
Sutter E, Finigan E, Samar VJ, Berent G, Barnett S, Pollard RQ, Havens C, Klein J, and the Research Committee of the National Center for Deaf Health Research. Development of a linguistically accessible health survey for deaf students (Abstract). Presented at the 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; 2006 Nov 4-8.To see the Slides from this presentation, click here.
Deaf Moms and Infant Care
Cuculick A, Chin N, Dozier A. Deaf Mothers' Outreach for Breastfeeding Support: The Production of Vlogs (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2012, Nov 7.
Cuculick J, Chin N, Starr M, Widanka H, and Dozier A. Do cultural features of language and community among deaf mothers enhance their success in breastfeeding? (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011, November 1.
Cuculick J, Chin N, Starr M, Dozier A. Deaf mothers and breastfeeding: assessing their knowledge and practices through focus group discussions (Poster). Presented at the 2010 Joint Conference of the Society for Public Health Education and CDC Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) Program; 2010 Apr 7-9.
Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP)
Thompson H, Chin N, Starr MJ, Demers S, Finigan E, Stern C. Evaluating relationships between the research and the Deaf communities. Medical Student Research Display, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, NY; 2008 Nov 14.
Deaf Perceptions Project
McKee M, Cuculick J, Schlehofer D, Smith S, Starr M, and Chin N. Perceptions of Cardiovascular Health in an Underserved Community: A Qualitative Study of Deaf Adults through CHIRTN (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO; 2010 November 7.
McKee M. Deaf cardiovascular health perceptions. Presented at the Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, Washington, DC; 2009 Oct 12-13.
McKee M. Deaf perceptions of cardiovascular health (Slides). Presented at the American Heart Association 2009 Joint Conference: 49th Cardiovascular Disease, Epidemiology, and Prevention and Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, NHLBI Trainee Session, 2009 Mar 11, Palm Harbor, FL.
Health Literacy and the REALM
Smith SR, Thew D. Pilot validation of the Short form of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA) in deaf college students who use sign language. Presented at the Health Disparities at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: A National Conference. Washington, DC; 2013 April 25.
McKee M. Adapting the Newest Vital Sign Health Literacy Measure for Deaf American Sign Language User. [Abstract (page 3)]. Presented at the 3rd Annual Health Literacy Research Conference, Chicago, IL; 2011, October 17.
Smith S. Health Knowledge and Literacy of Deaf Adolescents who use Sign Language: Formative Research Findings [Abstract (page 30)]. Presented at the 3rd Annual Health Literacy Research Conference, Chicago, IL; 2011, October 17.
McKee M. Mental health and health illiteracy among the deaf: The distressing reality. Presented at the Gallaudet Research Institute, Connections: Culture, Collaboration and Creativity- Working with Deaf Individuals with Mental Health Issues, Orlando, FL; 2009 June 12.
McKee M. Better health through accessible communication (Slides). Presented at the Better Communication for Better Health Conference, St. Louis Park, MN; 2009 Apr 25.
Barnett S, Pollard RQ. Health literacy in the deaf population: The modified REALM (Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine) (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, 2007 Feb 19, Rochester NY.
Barnett S, Pollard RQ. Health literacy and metabolic syndrome risks: A pilot study with deaf adults who communicate with American Sign Language. Presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, 2005 June 27, Boston, MA. Abstract(p.23)
Pollard RQ, Barnett S. Health literacy in the deaf population: A preliminary study (Abstract). Presented at the 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2005 Dec 12, Philadelphia, PA.
Barnett S, Pollard R. Metabolic syndrome risks: A pilot study with deaf adults who communicate with American Sign Language (Abstract). Presented at the 133rd APHA annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2005 Dec 13.
Translation Working Group (TWG)
Aggas J, Chapel S, Dean R, Demers-Postlethwait S, Finigan E, Graybill P, Gold-Brunson J, Haynes S, O’Hearn A, Pollard RQ. Adapting surveys and educational materials for Deaf audiences (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Demers S, Schlehofer D. The process of ASL-English Translation Working Group. Presented to the American Sign Language and Interpreting Education Department, National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, 2008 Aug 7-8.
Including Deaf People in Public Health Surveillance (BRFSS)
Pollard R, Fasone S, Panko T, Dean R, Kelstone K, Barnett S. Examining Deaf population health inequities from a social justice perspective (Article). Presented at the APHA Film Festival during the APHA 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2012 Oct 31.
Sutter E, Barnett S, Pearson TA, on behalf of NCDHR. Identifying people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing for inclusion in public health surveillance: Experiences piloting a BRFSS telephone module. Presented at the CDC 27th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, San Diego, CA; 2010 Mar 20-24.
Campus Sexual Health Survey
Stewardson J, Barnett S, Sutter E, Matthews K, Irvine C, Davin A, Samar V, Dewhurst S. Conducting a smartphone-based sexual health survey with deaf and hearing campus populations. CFAR World AIDS Day 2017 - Scientific Symposium at University of Rochester Medical Center. 2017.
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR)
DeWindt L, Matthews K. Community Engagement in Health Research. Empire State Association of the Deaf 71st biennial conference. 2017.
Matthews K, DeWindt L. Community Engagement in Health Research. National Association of the Deaf 53rd Bienniel Conference. 2016. Schedule
Barnett S, Dozier A, Adekunle H, Bennett N, Pearson TA. Community engagement and collaboration among federally funded programs: Working across the CTSA, Prevention Research Center, and Community Transformation Grant. Presented at the Science of Community Engaged Research: Future Directions 6th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2013 Aug 22-23.
Reid JT, Starr MJ, Barnett S (2011). Adapting public health interventions for use with a new community: Experiences working with deaf adult sign language users. CDC Prevention Research Centers Program Annual Conference, Atlanta (April 13).
McKee M. Deaf Health Talks: A Grassroots Community Driven Health Educational Program (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 138th Annual Meeting, Denver CO, 2010 November 8.
Ludwig C, and Starr M. Eliminating Health Disparities in Deaf Populations through Community-Based Participatory Research [keynote address]. Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting, St. Paul, MN; 2010 July 19-21.
Starr M. We Will Not Be Ignored! Working With the Deaf Community in Public Health Research (Video). Presented at the National Association of the Deaf 50th Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA; 2010 July 6-10.
Barnett S, David T, McKee M, Pearson TA, on behalf of NCDHR. Identifying and addressing disparities through community-based participatory research with deaf people: Experiences of a Prevention Research Center (Poster). Presented at NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD; 2008 Dec 16-17.
Schlehofer D, Hurwitz V, Mowl M, Haynes S. Lessons learned about interpersonal violence: Importance of collaboration. Presented at the Deaf Women United Conference, Portland, OR; 2009 July 25.
Cuculick J, Hauser A. Involving Deaf persons as researchers: Culturally and linguistically appropriate approach to certifying Deaf community members in research ethics. Presented at the 137th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA; 2009 Nov 7-11.
Aggas J, Barnett S, David T, Graybill P, Kelstone K, Lomeo C, Sullivan JP, Quiroga A, Pearson TA. Working collaboratively for the first community-based comprehensive health survey of a U.S. Deaf community (Slides). Presented at the CDC Prevention Research Centers Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA; 2008 Mar 26-28; Also presented at “Summer in the City” seminar series, University of Rochester Medical Center, Center for Community Health, Rochester NY; 2008 June 17.
Demers S, Schlehofer D. Deaf Health?! Why is it important? Presented at Regional Center for Independent Living, Rochester, NY; 2008 July 22.
Cuculick J, Starr M, Demers S, Aggas J. Giving back to the Deaf community: National Center for Deaf Health Research (Slides). Presented at the NTID 40th Reunion Celebration, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester NY; 2008 June 26-28.
Demers Postlethwait S, Starr M. Expected and unexpected results: Establishment of a new community-participatory research center (Abstract). Presented at Gallaudet Research Institute's First Wednesday Seminar Series, Washington DC; 2007 Nov 7.To see the Slides from this presentation, click here.
David T, Hurwitz, V. Health care research: "We will not be ignored.” (Slides) Presented at the National Black Deaf Advocates 25th Anniversary Conference, St. Louis, MO; 2007 July 5.
Aggas J, Cuculick J, Demers-Postlethwait S, Esposito E, Graybill P, Hardel J, Hauser A, Hurwitz V, Kelbaugh K, Kelley C, Mann C, Mann H, Piotrwoski B, Sankey A, Steider A, Starr MJ, Sullivan JP, Washington T, Yamaji T. The role of the Deaf Health Community Committee in community participatory research (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Dozier A, Postlethwait S, Fogg TT, Starr MJ. Expected and unexpected results: Establishment of a new community-participatory research center (Slides). Presented at the Multidisciplinary Community-Based Inquiry Conference, Center for Applied Community Research and Development, Binghamton University, 2006 Oct 11, Binghamton, NY. Also presented at Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Pollard RQ, Barnett S. National Center for Deaf Health Research: Engaging the Deaf community in health disparities research (Slides). Presented at University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Rochester, NY; 2006 Feb 15.
Pollard RQ. Research involving the deaf population: Cross-cultural and other unique obligations (Abstract). Presented at the 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2005 Dec 10-14.
Barnett S, Fogg TT, Pollard RQ, and Starr MJ. Addressing disparities with people who are deaf: Opportunities for partnerships in research and health interventions [Program Book (Outline on pg 105)]. Presented at the CDC National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Atlanta, GA; 2005 Mar 2.
Hearing Loss
Simning A, Barnett S, Sorensen S, Conwell Y. Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Older Adults with Auditory, Vision, and Dual Impairment. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. 2017 March.
Bataille D, Chizuk M, Barnett S. Identifying health research priorities with people with hearing loss: The Healthy Living with Hearing Loss Community Committee. APHA 144th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. 2016. APHA Conference Program
Research Ethics
Pollard RQ. Research involving the deaf population: Cross-cultural and other unique obligations (Abstract). Presented at the 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2005 Dec 10-14.
Informed Consent with Deaf Populations
Barnett S, Sutter E, O'Hearn A, DeWindt L, Mowl C, Kelstone K, Pollard R, Pearson TA. Responding to community feedback on research methods: Adapting informed consent processes with Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users. Presented at the Science of Community Engaged Research: Future Directions 6th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2013 Aug 22-23.
Emergency Preparedness
Starr, M, and the Communication & Dissemination Committee of the National Center for Deaf Health Research (2011). Improving Accessibility to Internet-based Public Health Information for Deaf Americans (Poster). CDC Prevention Research Centers Program Annual Conference, Atlanta (April 13).
Starr M. Reaching out to Deaf Americans during public emergencies via the Internet. Presented at the Joint Conference for Society for Public Health Education and Prevention Research Centers, Atlanta, GA; 2010 Apr 7-9.
Health and Health Disparities
David T, Searls L, Sutter E, Barnett S. Healthy Aging: Changing the landscape for deaf older adult sign language users in New York State. New York State Healthy Aging Conference, Ithaca NY. 2016.
DeWindt L, Matthews K. Health disparities in the Deaf community Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting (The CATIE Center) for the Deaf Health Survey, Deaf Weight Wise projects; 2015.
Pollard R, Fasone S, Panko T, Dean R, Kelstone K, Barnett S. Examining Deaf population health inequities from a social justice perspective (Article). Presented at the APHA Film Festival during the APHA 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2012 Oct 31.
Barnett S, and Winters P. Mortality of US Adults Deaf Since Birth or Early Childhood: Findings from National Data [Abstract (Search Barnett, Steve)]. Presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group 39th Annual Meeting, Calgary; 2011, November 14.
Barnett S, and Winters P. Mortality and Self-Rated Health of US Adults Deaf Since Birth or Early Childhood: Findings from National Data. Presented at the International Society of Quality of Life Research, Denver, CO; 2011, October 26-29.
McKee M, Cuculick J, Schlehofer D, Smith S, Starr M, and Chin N. Perceptions of Cardiovascular Health in an Underserved Community: A Qualitative Study of Deaf Adults through CHIRTN (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO; 2010 November 7.
Ludwig C, and Starr M. Eliminating Health Disparities in Deaf Populations through Community-Based Participatory Research [keynote address]. Presented at the National Symposium on Healthcare Interpreting, St. Paul, MN; 2010 July 19-21.
Bowen D, Jones P, Zazove P. ACTing (Advocating, Communicating and Translating) to achieve health equity: Getting beyond the rhetoric. Closing plenary session presented at the 2010 Joint Conference of the Society for Public Health Education and CDC Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) Program; 2010 Apr 7-9.
Lessard, Ross, Schlehofer. Using an ecological framework to understand health disparities in the Deaf community (Article). Presented at the APHA 137th Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA; 2009, Nov 8.
McKee M. Better health through accessible communication (Slides). Presented at the Better Communication for Better Health Conference, St. Louis Park, MN; 2009 Apr 25.
Barnett S. Using National Health Interview Survey Data to demonstrate disparities experienced by deaf people (Poster). Presented at “50 Years of Measuring the Public’s Health: Conference to Commemorate the National Health Interview Survey’s 50th Anniversary.” CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD; 2007 June 25-27.
Barnett S, Pollard RQ. Metabolic syndrome risks: A pilot study with deaf adults who communicate with American Sign Language (Abstract). Presented at the 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2005 Dec 10-14.
Healthcare and the Deaf Community
Kelstone K. Providing health care access to deaf people; Is interpreting a universal accommodation? (Abstract) Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC; 2011, October 30.
Mowl C, Sutter E, Barnett S (2011). Adverse experiences and adult health conditions: Findings from a sign language survey with deaf adults. CDC 28th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, Atlanta (March 22).
McKee M. Deaf Health Talks: A Grassroots Community Driven Health Educational Program (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 138th Annual Meeting, Denver CO, 2010 November 8.
McKee M, Barnett S, Block R, and Pearson T. Impact of Communication on Emergency Department and Preventive Services Use Among Deaf American Sign Language Users [Poster Abstract (p. 12)]. Presented at the Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, Bethesda, MD; 2010 October 26.
Schlehofer D. Deaf people as a cultural and linguistic minority & the challenges in pharmacy. Presented to Diversity class, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY; 2008 Oct 30.
Stern C. Healthcare and the deaf/hard of hearing communities: case studies. Presented at Public Health Grand Rounds, Department of Community & Preventive Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2007 May 18.
McKee M. Deaf patients: Getting the best medical care possible. Presented at Rochester Deaf Awareness Week, Rochester, NY; 2006 Sept 26.
Piotrowski B, Barnett S. Healthcare barriers and deaf people: Facilitating a cross-cultural dialogue [Abstract (p.56)]. Presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA; 2005 June 27.
Ebert D. Listening to the silent majority: Observations on medical services for persons who are deaf, disabled, or underserved. Presented as part of the Rochester Clinical Research Curriculum, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2005 May 16.
Barnett S. Healthcare experiences of adults deaf since childhood: A review of the research (Slides). Presented at the CDC Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference, Atlanta, GA; 2005 Mar 3.
Smiley L, Malia T, Barnett S, Pearson TA. Does anyone hear me? Deaf people in a hearing healthcare system. Presented at the Diversity 2004 Conference Healthcare Symposium: Eliminating Healthcare Disparities. Sponsored by the Greater Rochester Diversity Council, Rochester Convention Center, Rochester, NY; 2004 Sept 15.
Mental Health Research
Fox, M., James, T.G. & Barnett. Suicidal behaviors, stressors, and help seeking factors among deaf and hard-of-hearing college students: A secondary analysis of the National College Health Assessment. March 2018, Rochester, New York, Poster presented at UNYTE Scientific Session Promoting Diverse Representation in Translational Research.
Fox, M., Barnett, S., & Wyman, P.Understanding Suicide Risks with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People to Inform a Suicide Prevention Intervention. November 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, Poster presented at the meeting of the International Academy of Suicide Research/American Foundation for Suicide Prevention International Summit on Suicide Research.
Fox, M., Barnett, S. & Wyman, P. (2017). Patterns of Social Networks and Coping With Deaf College Students. Poster presented at the Rochester Summer Research Training Institute, Rochester, NY.
Fox, M., Barnett, S. & Wyman, P. (2017). Patterns of Social Networks and Coping With Deaf College Students: Ongoing Research.Poster presented at International Academy of Suicide Research/American Foundation for Suicide Prevention International Summit on Suicide Research Henderson, NV.
Fox, M., Barnett, S. & Wyman, P. (2017). Patterns of Social Networks and Coping With Deaf College Students: Ongoing Research. Poster presented at the 4thAnnual Department of Psychiatry Trainee Poster Session, Rochester, NY.
O'Hearn A. A Message Just for Deaf People: Public Service Announcements on Depression in American Sign Language (Abstract). Presented at the APHA Film Festival, APHA 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2012, October 29.
Barnett S. Research infrastructure [related to mental health research with deaf people]. (Invited plenary). Presented at the Deaf Mental Health Research Priority Consensus-Planning COnference, cosponsored by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMSA), Gallaudet University, Washington DC; 2012.
O’Hearn A, Samar V, Barnett S. Odds of self-reported suicide behaviors in deaf and hard of hearing college entering adults (Abstract) Presented at the 137th Annual Meeting & Exposition, American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA; 2009 Nov 7-11.
McKee M. Mental health and health illiteracy among the deaf: The distressing reality. Presented at the Gallaudet Research Institute, Connections: Culture, Collaboration and Creativity- Working with Deaf Individuals with Mental Health Issues, Orlando, FL; 2009 June 12.
O'Hearn A, Samar V. Deaf people and suicide: the peculiar relationship of gender, reading & suicide risk (Poster). Presented at the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association, San Antonio, TX; 2009 Apr 16.
Samar V, Pollard RQ, O’Hearn A, Lalley P, Sutter E, Barnett S, Klein JD, Finigan E, Steider A, Starr M, Havens C, Dean R, David T, Testa-Wojteczko B, Fogg TT. Deaf young adults’ self-reported suicide attempt and suicide ideation rates: Role of reading skill and gender (Poster). Presented at the Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities, 2007 Mar, Honolulu, HI. Also presented at Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
O’Hearn A. Efficacy of dialectical behavioral therapy with deaf psychiatric patients: Longitudinal changes (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Pollard RQ, Samar V. Expert clinicians’ survey: Psychosis symptoms in deaf patients (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Education and Training in Deaf Health Research
McKee M. Task force on health care careers for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community (Abstract). Presented at the APHA 139th Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2011, November 2.
Thompson. Obesity educational video for the Deaf: A collaborative medical school and community project (Article). Presented at the APHA 137th Annual Meeting , Philadelphia, PA; 2009, Nov 11.
Thompson. Deaf Health Pathway: Adding health promotion and prevention education to unique medical humanities curricula at the University of Roche (Article). Presented at the APHA 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA; 2009, Nov 11.
Schlehofer D. The Human Genome Project and the American Deaf Community (Handout). Presented to the Deaf Health Pathway class, Medical Humanities, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2009 Mar 31, Rochester, NY.To see the slides from this presentation, click here.
Schlehofer D. Deaf people as a cultural and linguistic minority & the challenges in pharmacy. Presented to Diversity class, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY; 2008 Oct 30.
Thompson H. Research at the National Center for Deaf Health Research (Slides). Presented at UR CTSI Trainee Progress Reports, Rochester Clinical and Translational Research (RCTRC) Curriculum Seminar Series, University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, Rochester NY; 2008 May 13.
Schlehofer D. The goals of the Deaf Health Survey. Presented at Deaf Women Studies Class, National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY; 2008 Apr 24.
Aggas J, Harmer L, Piotrowski B, Demers-Postlethwait S, Starr M, White P. Deaf Strong Hospital (DSH) 2006 (Poster). Deaf Health Poster Session, NTID Brown Bag Research Series, Rochester NY; 2007 Feb 19.
Dugan M. The United Nations comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities (Presentation Notes/Text). Presented as part of the Rochester Clinical Research Curriculum, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2006 May 9.
Ebert D. Listening to the silent majority: Observations on medical services for persons who are deaf, disabled, or underserved. Presented as part of the Rochester Clinical Research Curriculum, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2005 May 16.