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Working Group on Clinical Research

The Working Group on Clinical Research (formerly Working Group on Clinical Trials) was established in 1988 as a forum for investigators to present preliminary protocols for proposed studies. The Working Group meets to discuss clinical research at all stages of development, from concept formation to presentation of results. After a brief presentation, the majority of the meeting is spent in interactive and lively discussion of methodological and statistical issues.

Steering Committee

  • David Adler, MD, MPH
  • Ania Busza, MD, PhD
  • Robert Griggs, MD
  • Monica Javidnia, PhD

Typical Working Group sessions address questions including (but not limited to):

  • What study design is best suited to answer the proposed research questions?
  • What will make this grant proposal as competitive as possible for NIH funding?
  • How do I increase recruitment for my ongoing study?
  • How should I address reviewer comments on a grant or manuscript?

In addition to preliminary protocols, many other topics are appropriate for discussion at the meetings and include but are not limited to data management techniques, patient recruitment, rating scale development, reliability measurement, epidemiologic surveys, ethical issues, grant preparation strategies, trial monitoring, academia/industry relationships in medical research, innovative statistical methods, and presentation of interesting trial updates or results. Clinical research studies in development, as well as completed studies with lessons learned are welcome for presentation.

Regular attendees include members of the Department of Neurology, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, and the Department of Public Health Sciences, as well as other disciplines. All are welcome to attend.

Please contact Jessica Cruz (275-6412) with questions or to arrange a time to present. The Working Group meets bi-weekly on Friday mornings, 7:45-8:45am.

Below is the current schedule for the WGCR 2019-2020 Schedule.

WGCR 2019-2020 Schedule

Date Speaker Talk Title Room
July 26, 2019 Kevin Mazurek, PhD Understanding how neural reorganization after stroke leads to regained motor function SRB 1404
October 4, 2019 Katherine Sharkey, MD, PhD Strategies for Assessing Sleep and Behavior in Children of Mothers with Perinatal Mood Disorders SRB 1402
October 18, 2019 Daniel J. Correa, MD Public engagement in anti-epileptogenesis clinical research: A discussion of opportunities, needs, and challenges SRB 1412
October 25, 2019 Tirisham Gyang, MD Targeted dance program for increased motor function, brain connectivity, and wellness in multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial SRB 1406
November 8, 2019 Karlo J. Lizarraga Mendoza, MD, MSc Multichannel EMG-guided endplate targeting versus auditory EMG-guided botulinum toxin injections for torticollis-predominant cervical dystonia SRB 1404
November 22, 2019 Jennifer Gewandter, PhD, MPH Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for peripheral edema: Designing a pilot trial based on anecdotal evidence. SRB 1406
December 6, 2019 Patrick Bolger, RPh, MBA and Cornelia Kamp, MBA Study Drug Formulation and Supply Issues HWH (Helenwood Hall) 1W-501 Fiaretti Classroom
December 20, 2019 Robert C. Griggs, MD

Robert Holloway, MD, MPH

Ania Busza, MD, PhD

New Initiatives & Opportunities in the Experimental Therapeutics of Neurologic Diseases Training Program SRB 1416
February 24, 2020 URMC Batten Group Bioethical considerations in research - Returning individual data back to research participants 1.9525 & 1.9535 Northeastern Room
February 28, 2020 John Foxe, PhD The search for neuromarkers of neurological & neuropsychiatric disease SRB 1412
May 8, 2020 David H. Adler, MD, MPH Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake Among Emergency Department Patients Zoom
June 5, 2020 Petra Kaufmann, MD Academic/Industry collaboration towards developing treatment for rare diseases Zoom
June 12, 2020 Usman Shehzad, MD Serum Neurofilament Light Chains as a Pre-Imaging screen for Possible TIA Patients Zoom
July 24, 2020 Benjamin Stecher A wishlist for neurodegenerative disease research Zoom
July 31, 2020 Mary Reilly, MD Approach to treating a rare disease Zoom
August 14, 2020 RĂ­ona McArdle, PhD

Applications of gait analysis and wearable technology in differential dementia diagnosis: early evidence and future challenges

August 28, 2020 Michelle Powell Kvalsund, DO, MS Neuromuscular Disease Research in Global Health: Prospects for Science, Surveillance and Scalable Solutions Zoom
September 25, 2020 Ganesh M. Babulal, PhD, OTD Intersectionality: Social determinants of health, aging, and Alzheimer's disease across race and ethnicity Zoom
October 2, 2020 Mathula Thangaraj, MD Advancing Technology-Enabled Cognitive Outcome Measures for DMD Zoom
October 9, 2020 Frank Sasinowski, JD Trainee session Zoom
October 16, 2020 Evan Noch, MD, PhD Leveraging synergistic metabolic therapies in glioblastoma: PI3K inhibitors and the ketogenic diet Zoom
October 30, 2020 Megan Zuelsdorff, PhD Stress, buffering, and the brain: Utility and challenges of a multilevel approach to cognitive health disparities Zoom
TBD Robert H. Dworkin, PhD,

Jennifer Gewandter, PhD, MPH

Cornelia Kamp, MBA

John Markman, MD