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UR Medicine / Neurosurgery / Services / Conditions / Cauda Equina Syndrome


Cauda Equina Syndrome

For more information, please visit our Integrated Spine Care site

What is it?

Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a serious neurologic condition in which there is acute loss of function of the lumbar plexus, neurologic elements (nerve roots) of the spinal canal below the termination (conus) of the spinal cord.

What are the symptoms?

Signs include weakness of the muscles innervated by the compressed roots (often paraplegia), sphincter weaknesses causing urinary retention and post-void residual incontinence as assessed by catheterizing after the patient has urinated. Also, there may be decreased anal tone; sexual dysfunction; saddle anesthesia; bilateral leg pain and weakness; and bilateral absence of ankle reflexes. Pain may, however, be wholly absent; the patient may complain only of lack of bladder control and of saddle-anesthesia, and may walk into the consulting-room.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually confirmed by an MRI scan or CT scan. Sometimes, myelogram is used for diagnosis.


The management of true cauda equina syndrome frequently involves surgical decompression. When cauda equina is caused by a herniated disk early surgical decompression is recommended.

Cauda equina syndrome of sudden onset is regarded as a medical/surgical emergency. Surgical decompression by means of laminectomy or other approaches may be undertaken within 48 hours of symptoms developing if a compressive lesion, e.g. ruptured disc, epidural abscess, tumor or hematoma is demonstrated. This treatment may significantly improve the chance that long-term neurological damage will be avoided.

If cauda equina is caused by a trauma then the patient should be immobilized.

Surgery may be required to remove blood, bone fragments, a tumor or tumors, a herniated disc or an abnormal bone growth. If the tumor cannot be removed surgically and it is malignant then radiotherapy may be used as an alternative to relieve pressure, with spinal neoplasms chemotherapy can also be used. If the syndrome is due to an inflammatory condition e.g. ankylosing spondylitis, anti-inflammatory, including steroids can be used as an effective treatment. If a bacterial infection is the cause then an appropriate course of antibiotics can be used to treat it.

Cauda equina can occur during pregnancy due to lumbar disc herniation; age of mother increases the risk. Surgery can still be performed and the pregnancy does not adversely affect treatment. Treatment for those with cauda equina can and should be carried out at any time during pregnancy.

Lifestyle issues may need to be addressed post - treatment. Issues could include the patients need for physiotherapy and occupational therapy due to lower limb dysfunction. Obesity might also need to be tackled.