George M. Alfieris, M.D.
Cardiac Surgery , Pediatrics , Surgery , Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
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George M. Alfieris, M.D.
View Contact & SchedulingLocations
Golisano Children's Hospital
601 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14642
About Me
Dr. Alfieris has achieved the h...
Dr. Alfieris has achieved the highest cardiac surgery survival rate in New York State for the most complex congenital heart diseases.
Dr. Alfieris is the only pediatric cardiac surgeon in the region and stresses a team approach to the care of infants and children.
Dr. Alfieris works closely with the Golisano Children's Heart Center cardiologists, intensive care specialists, anesthesiologists, surgical nurse practitioners, child life specialists, patient care coordinators, nurses and a group of allied professionals to care for the patients and their families.
Patients are cared for in a new 12-bed state of the art pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. On the floor above, there is a special Ronald McDonald House to accommodate parents of children requiring intensive care. Special attention is given to families during this stressful time of surgery, and every effort is made to have parents be with their child as much as possible during the hospital stay.
Certified Specialties
Congenital Cardiac Surgery - American Board of Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery - American Board of Thoracic Surgery
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Surgery, Cardiac (SMD)
Tansukh, Sarla and Rajesh Ganatra Distinguished Professor in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery - Department of Surgery, Cardiac (SMD)
Professor - Department of Pediatrics (SMD) - Joint
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Hospital. 1994 - 1995
Residency, Thoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery), University of Rochester Medical Center. 1992 - 1994
Residency, Surgery (General Surgery), University of Rochester Medical Center. 1988 - 1992
Internship, Surgery (General Surgery), University of Rochester Medical Center. 1987 - 1988
MD | Georgetown University Hospital (USA). 1987
Journal Articles
Swartz MF, Hutchinson DJ, Stauber SD, Taillie ER, Alfieris GM, Cholette JM
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2022 September 114 (3):881-888. Epub 05/29/2021.
Cyanotic children undergoing open heart surgery do not appear to benefit from higher hemoglobin levels: Results of a restrictive v. liberal RBC transfusion strategy.
Cholette J; Rubenstein J; Powers K; Alfieris G; Lerner N.
Crit Care Med. 2010; 37(12S): A434.
Modified repair of truncus arteriosus to maintain pulmonary artery architecture.
Alfieris, GM; Gangemi, JJ; Schiralli, M; Swartz, M; Cholette, JM.
Annals of Thoracic Surg. 2010; .
Children with single ventricle physiology do not benefit from higher hemoglobin levels following cavopulmonary connection: Results of prospective, randomized controlled trial of a restrictive v. liberal red cell transfusion strategy.
Cholette, JM; Rubenstein JS; Alfieris, GM; Powers, KS; Eaton, MP.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2010; .
Mahar T, Katzman P, Alfieris G
Pediatric cardiology.. 2009 February 30 (2):181-3. Epub 07/25/2008.
A Case of Fatal Septic Pulmonary Embolus Arising from and Infected Sano Conduit.
Mahar T, Katzman P, Alfieris G.
Pediatric Cardiology. 2009; 30(2): 181.
Cholette JM, Rubenstein JS, Alfieris GM, McDermott MP, Harmon WG, Vermilion R, Eaton MP, Gangemi JJ, Lerner NB
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2007 October 84 (4):1320-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Endovascular Repair of a Traumatic Aortic Transection in a Pediatric Patient.
Saad NE, Pegoli W, Alfieris GM, Waldman DL, Davis MG.
Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology. 2007; 18(3): 443-6.
Regional Sharing optimizes arterial switch outcomes.
Alfieris GM; Dadlani G; Vermilion R; Smith F; Atallah-Yunes N; Dawson DC; Cable R; Orav E; Kozlowski A; Gaum W; Lipshultz S.
Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 2005; 20(1).
Conner WC, Fink GW, McGinnis KM, Alfieris GM
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2004 January 77 (1):334-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hemispheric infarction in a patients with an undiagnosed vasculopathy treated with aprotinin.
Eaton M; Alfieris GM.
J Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2004; 18(2): 194-196.
Steinberg J, Alfieris GM, Brandt B, Smith F, Byrum CJ, Fink GW, Halter J
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2003 May 75 (5):1640-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Has the time come to rename the blalock-taussig shunt?
Brogan TV; Alfieris GM.
Pediatric Critical Care and Medicine. 2003; 4(4): 450-453.
Treatment of pulmonary atriovenous malformations after cavopulmonary anastomosis utilizing an extra-cardiac hepatic venous to hemi-azygous bypass.
Steinberg JM; Alfieris GM; Brandt B; Fink G.
Chest. 2001; 120(4): 174S.
Mehta PA, Cunningham CK, Colella CB, Alferis G, Weiner LB
The Pediatric infectious disease journal.. 2000 October 19 (10):1000-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ragosta KG, Alfieris G
Critical care medicine.. 2000 April 28 (4):1208-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Portman MA, Panos AL, Xiao Y, Anderson DL, Alfieris GM, Ning XH, Lupinetti FM
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 1997 October 114 (4):601-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wahl GW, Feins RH, Alfieres G, Bixby K
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 1992 April 53 (4):625-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Alfieris GM, Wing CW, Hoy GR
Journal of pediatric surgery.. 1987 September 22 (9):825-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Can SPECT TI-201 determine the "aphysiological significance" of coronary stenosis?
Cedarholm JC; Martin SE; Greene R; Oates J; Dunn D; Jones J; Alfieris GM; Churchwell Al; Liberman HA; Eisner RL; Patterson RE.
J Nucl Med. 1987; 28: 666.
Children With Single Ventricle Physiology Do Not benefit from Higher Hemoglobin Levels Following Cavopulmonary Connection: Results of a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial of a Restrictive vs. Liberal Red Cell Transfusion Strategy. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2011 Vol. 12, No. 1
Cholette JM, Rubenstein JS, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Eaton MP,.
Regulatory Efforts to Assess and Improve the Quality of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in New York State. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology Vol.32, Issue 2; Dec 2011.
Hannan EL, Cozzens KS, Samadashvili Z, Morley JN, Williams RG, Kulik TJ, Bierman FZ, Ruiz CE, Alfieris GM, Lamberti Jr. JJ, Gold JP.
Washing Red Blood Cells and Platelets Transfused in Cardiac Surgery Reduces Post-operative Inflammation and Number of Transfusions: Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial. Ped Crit Care Med. 2012 May;13(3):290-9
Cholette JM, Henrichs KF, Powers KS, Alfieris GM, Phipps R, Spinelli S, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein J, Swartz M, Gensini F, Eaton M, Sweeney D, Lerner NB, Blumberg N.
Decreased incidence of supravalvar pulmonary stenosis following arterial switch operation. Circulation. 2012 Sep 11;126(11Suppl1):S118-22.
Swartz MF, Sena A, Atallah-Yunes N, Meagher C, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Alfieris GM.
Technique for the Repair of Truncus Arteriosus to Maintain Pulmonary Artery Architecture. Op Tech Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011:3:191-204.
Alfieris GM, Swartz MF.
The Effect of Repeat Sternotomy During Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction. Cong Heart Dis. 2013 Mar; 8(2):142-8.
Swartz MF, Schiralli M, Angona R, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Alfieris GM.
Transfusion of cell saver salvaged blood in neonates and infants undergoing open heart surgery significantly reduces red blood cell and coagulant product transfusions and donor exposures: Results of a prospective, randomized, clinical trial
Cholette JM, Powers KS, Alfieris GM, Angona R, Henrichs K, Masel D, Swartz MF, Daugherty E, Belmont K, Blumberg N.
Ped Crit Care Med. 2013;14(2):137-147.
Percutaneous Balloon Dilation of Carpentier-Edwards Porcine-Valved Right Ventricle-to-Pulmonary Artery Conduits.
Hall AC, Miga DE, Leonard GT, Wang H, Kavey RE, Alfieris GM.
Pediatr Cardiol. 2013 Apr;34(4):978-83.
Principles of Surgery: Companion Handbook (1993)
Chapter: Congenital Heart Disease
Authors: Alfieris, GA
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 1993
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