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Sabu Thomas, M.D.

Sabu Thomas, M.D.

Heart Failure , Cardiology , Imaging Sciences

4.9 out of 5 stars
UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
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Paul N. Yu Heart Center - Rochester

Ambulatory Care Center at Strong Memorial Hospital
601 Elmwood Avenue, Ground Floor
Rochester, NY 14626

About Me

Dr. Thomas sees patients on the Advanced Heart Failure and CCU service and specializes in heart transplantation, mechanical circulatory support and cardiac imaging. His research interests include clinical outcomes in heart failure, ischemic heart disease and perioperative medicine. He is board cer...
Dr. Thomas sees patients on the Advanced Heart Failure and CCU service and specializes in heart transplantation, mechanical circulatory support and cardiac imaging. His research interests include clinical outcomes in heart failure, ischemic heart disease and perioperative medicine. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease and Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation.

Certified Specialties

Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology - American Board of Internal Medicine

Cardiovascular Disease - American Board of Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine - American Board of Internal Medicine

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Medicine, Cardiology (SMD)

Associate Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD) - Joint


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Research, McMaster University GME (Canada). 2009 - 2010

Fellowship, Cardiovascular Disease, University of Minnesota Medical Center-East Bank. 2006 - 2009

Residency, Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis. 2003 - 2005

Internship, Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 2002 - 2003


MS | McMaster University School of Medicine (Canada). 2015

MD | Pennsylvania State College of Medicine. 2002


Fellow of the American College of Physicians. 2014

Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. 2010

Cardiology Fellow Research Award| University of Minnesota. 2009

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 2008

Mentors in Medicine Award| Washington University. 2005

Mellinger Scholarship| Penn State University. 1999

Summa Cum Laude| McMaster University. 1998

Dean's Honor List| McMaster University. 1998

Golden Key National Honor Society | McMaster University. 1998

Ontario Scholar. 1994


Journal Articles

Association Between Myocardial Injury and Cardiovascular Outcomes of Orthopaedic Surgery: A Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation (VISION) Substudy.

Thomas S, Borges F, Bhandari M, De Beer J, Urrútia Cuchí G, Adili A, Winemaker M, Avram V, Chan MTV, Lamas C, Cruz P, Aguilera X, Garutti I, Alonso-Coello P, Villar JC, Jacka M, Wang CY, Berwanger O, Chow C, Srinathan S, Pettit S, Heels-Ansdell D, Rubery P, Devereaux PJ, Thomas S, Walsh M, Tiboni M, Guyatt G, Heels-Ansdell D, Thorlund K, Thabane L, Bhandari M, Bosch J, Chan MTV, Shatin NT, Alonso-Coello P, Berwanger O, Carlos Villar J, Wang CY, Garutti RI, Jacka MJ, Sigamani A, Srinathan S, Biccard BM, Rodseth RN, Chow CK, Abraham V, Pettit S, McQueen MJ, VanHelder T, Szczeklik W, Buse GL, Botto F, Yusuf S, Sessler DI, Kurz A, Garg AX, Mrkobrada M, Pearse RM, Polanczyk CA, Malaga G, Nagele P, Le Manach Y, Leuwer M, Devereaux PJ, ,

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.. 2020 May 20102 (10):880-888. Epub 1900 01 01.

Complete Sternal-Sparing HeartMate 3 Implantation: A Case Series of 10 Consecutive Patients.

Gosev I, Prasad S, Knight P, Barrus B, Alexis JD, Thomas S, Vidula H, Sagebin F, Ayers BC, Wood KL

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2019 April 107 (4):1160-1165. Epub 11/13/2018.

Extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma presenting as inverse takotsubo-pattern cardiomyopathy treated with surgical resection.

Tafreshi S, Naqvi SY, Thomas S

BMJ case reports.. 2018 December 911 (1)Epub 12/09/2018.

Cardiac Resynchronization in Different Age Groups: A MADIT-CRT Long-Term Follow-Up Substudy.

Thomas S, Moss AJ, Zareba W, McNitt S, Barsheshet A, Klein H, Goldenberg I, Huang DT, Kutyifa V

Journal of cardiac failure.. 2016 February 22 (2):143-9. Epub 11/05/2015.

Effect of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients With Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus.

Szepietowska B, Kutyifa V, Ruwald MH, Solomon SD, Ruwald AC, McNitt S, Polonsky B, Thomas S, Moss AJ, Zareba W

The American journal of cardiology.. 2015 August 1116 (3):393-9. Epub 05/09/2015.

Vagal modulation of hypertension.

Petkovich BW, Vega J, Thomas S

Current hypertension reports.. 2015 April 17 (4):532. Epub 1900 01 01.

Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes.

Botto F, Alonso-Coello P, Chan MT, Villar JC, Xavier D, Srinathan S, Guyatt G, Cruz P, Graham M, Wang CY, Berwanger O, Pearse RM, Biccard BM, Abraham V, Malaga G, Hillis GS, Rodseth RN, Cook D, Polanczyk CA, Szczeklik W, Sessler DI, Sheth T, Ackland GL, Leuwer M, Garg AX, Lemanach Y, Pettit S, Heels-Ansdell D, Luratibuse G, Walsh M, Sapsford R, Schünemann HJ, Kurz A, Thomas S, Mrkobrada M, Thabane L, Gerstein H, Paniagua P, Nagele P, Raina P, Yusuf S, Devereaux PJ, Devereaux PJ, Sessler DI, Walsh M, Guyatt G, McQueen MJ, Bhandari M, Cook D, Bosch J, Buckley N, Yusuf S, Chow CK, Hillis GS, Halliwell R, Li S, Lee VW, Mooney J, Polanczyk CA, Furtado MV, Berwanger O, Suzumura E, Santucci E, Leite K, Santo JA, Jardim CA, Cavalcanti AB, Guimaraes HP, Jacka MJ, Graham M, McAlister F, McMurtry S, Townsend D, Pannu N, Bagshaw S, Bessissow A, Bhandari M, Duceppe E, Eikelboom J, Ganame J, Hankinson J, Hill S, Jolly S, Lamy A, Ling E, Magloire P, Pare G, Reddy D, Szalay D, Tittley J, Weitz J, Whitlock R, Darvish-Kazim S, Debeer J, Kavsak P, Kearon C, Mizera R, O'Donnell M, McQueen M, Pinthus J, Ribas S, Simunovic M, Tandon V, Vanhelder T, Winemaker M, Gerstein H, McDonald S, O'Bryne P, Patel A, Paul J, Punthakee Z, Raymer K, Salehian O, Spencer F, Walter S, Worster A, Adili A, Clase C, Cook D, Crowther M, Douketis J, Gangji A, Jackson P, Lim W, Lovrics P, Mazzadi S, Orovan W, Rudkowski J, Soth M, Tiboni M, Acedillo R, Garg A, Hildebrand A, Lam N, Macneil D, Mrkobrada M, Roshanov PS, Srinathan SK, Ramsey C, John PS, Thorlacius L, Siddiqui FS, Grocott HP, McKay A, Lee TW, Amadeo R, Funk D, McDonald H, Zacharias J, Villar JC, Cortés OL, Chaparro MS, Vásquez S, Castañeda A, Ferreira S, Coriat P, Monneret D, Goarin JP, Esteve CI, Royer C, Daas G, Chan MT, Choi GY, Gin T, Lit LC, Xavier D, Sigamani A, Faruqui A, Dhanpal R, Almeida S, Cherian J, Furruqh S, Abraham V, Afzal L, George P, Mala S, Schünemann H, Muti P, Vizza E, Wang CY, Ong GS, Mansor M, Tan AS, Shariffuddin II, Vasanthan V, Hashim NH, Undok AW, Ki U, Lai HY, Ahmad WA, Razack AH, Malaga G, Valderrama-Victoria V, Loza-Herrera JD, De Los Angeles Lazo M, Rotta-Rotta A, Szczeklik W, Sokolowska B, Musial J, Gorka J, Iwaszczuk P, Kozka M, Chwala M, Raczek M, Mrowiecki T, Kaczmarek B, Biccard B, Cassimjee H, Gopalan D, Kisten T, Mugabi A, Naidoo P, Naidoo R, Rodseth R, Skinner D, Torborg A, Paniagua P, Urrutia G, Maestre ML, Santaló M, Gonzalez R, Font A, Martínez C, Pelaez X, De Antonio M, Villamor JM, García JA, Ferré MJ, Popova E, Alonso-Coello P, Garutti I, Cruz P, Fernández C, Palencia M, Díaz S, Del Castillo T, Varela A, de Miguel A, Muñoz M, Piñeiro P, Cusati G, Del Barrio M, Membrillo MJ, Orozco D, Reyes F, Sapsford RJ, Barth J, Scott J, Hall A, Howell S, Lobley M, Woods J, Howard S, Fletcher J, Dewhirst N, Williams C, Rushton A, Welters I, Leuwer M, Pearse R, Ackland G, Khan A, Niebrzegowska E, Benton S, Wragg A, Archbold A, Smith A, McAlees E, Ramballi C, Macdonald N, Januszewska M, Stephens R, Reyes A, Paredes LG, Sultan P, Cain D, Whittle J, Del Arroyo AG, Sessler DI, Kurz A, Sun Z, Finnegan PS, Egan C, Honar H, Shahinyan A, Panjasawatwong K, Fu AY, Wang S, Reineks E, Nagele P, Blood J, Kalin M, Gibson D, Wildes T, , , ,

Anesthesiology.. 2014 March 120 (3):564-78. Epub 1900 01 01.

Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes.

The VISION Investigators.

Anesthesiology. 2014; 120(3): 564-578.

Association Between Postoperative Troponin Levels and 30-Day Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery

The VISION Investigators.

JAMA. 2012; 307(21): 2295-2304.

A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing optimal medical therapy to PCI in stable angina

Thomas, S; Gokhale, R; Devereaux P.J; Boden W.E.

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2011; 57(961): E961.

High sensitivity troponin T concentrations in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study.

Kavsak PA; Walsh M; Srinathan S; Thorlacius L; Buse GL; Botto F; Pettit S; McQueen MJ; Hill SA; Thomas S; Mrkobrada M; Devereaux PJ.

Clinical biochemistry. 2011; 44(12): 1021-1024.

Effect of baseline and changes in systolic blood pressure over time on the effectiveness of valsartan in the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial.

Anand IS; Rector TS; Kuskowski M; Thomas S;Cohn JN.

Circulation. Heart failure. 2008; 1(1): 34-42.

Hibernating myocardium: a mitochondrial adaptation that may be destined to heart failure.

Thomas S; McFalls EO.

J. Cardiovascular Translational Research. 2008; 1(4): 328-331.

Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and prognosis of heart failure in the elderly.

Thomas S, Rich MW

Heart failure clinics.. 2007 October 3 (4):381-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

What is the optimal angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor dose in heart failure?

Thomas S; Geltman E.

Congestive heart failure. 2006; 12(4): 213-218.

Heart failure in the elderly.

Thomas S; Rich MW.

Clinics in geriatric medicine. 2006; 23(1): 1-10.

Clinical outcomes of patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation: can we safely transplant patients with impaired ejection fraction?

Tang WH; Thomas S;Francis GS; Bolwell BJ.

Bone marrow transplantation. 2004; 34(7):603-7. 2004; 34(7): 603-607.

Increase in nocturnal blood pressure and progression to microalbuminuria in diabetes.

Brotman DJ; Girod JP; Thomas S.

N.Engl.J.Med. 2003; 348(3): 260-264.

Ratings & Comments

At URMC, we believe that patients should be empowered to make the right decisions regarding their personal healthcare. To do so, transparency is critical. URMC partners with Press Ganey, to survey our patients about all aspects of their care experience. We are now putting this pertinent information at your fingertips by displaying star ratings for our providers along with anonymous patient comments on our website. This will help you make better-informed choices about how and with whom you seek care. Click here to learn more about the surveys used to generate this vital information. Learn more about our survey process.


Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries

4.8 stars

Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care

4.9 stars

Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition

4.8 stars

Likelihood of recommending this care provider to others

4.9 stars

Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.8 stars

Patient Comments

5.0 stars

Excellent Dr

Oct 14, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Thomas and Dr Lee were outstanding. Very caring. Very thorough. Answered all questions.

Aug 30, 2024

5.0 stars

Everyone that I have had to deal with at UofR has been nothing but wonderful.

Aug 17, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Thomas is an exceptional doctor and a pleasure to have his expertise!

Aug 17, 2024

5.0 stars

Extremely happy with Dr. Thomas

Jun 19, 2024

5.0 stars

I often highy recommend this provider. [...] I am very glad I chose URMC for my cardiac care.

Jun 10, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Thomas is wonderful!

Feb 14, 2024

5.0 stars

I see Dr. Thomas and his staff once a year for a checkup. Every two years they schedule me for an Echocardiogram with contrast. Everyone at Strong Memorial hospital has always been courteous and helpful to me and my husband.

Sep 11, 2023

5.0 stars

Dr Thomas basically saved my life by recommending me to Dr Ojo who performed life saving procedures in a very timely manor. Thank you to all of the great people at Strong Memorial.

May 08, 2023

5.0 stars

Dr Thomas was very knowledgeable about my illness.

Apr 17, 2023


At an earlier visit, I told Dr. Thomas that he had the best "bed-side manner" I ever experienced. He's good.

May 16, 2022


Dr. Thomas prescribed new meds for me, he called me on Sunday morning to faaollow up how they were working. That is patient service. He is fantastic.

Feb 22, 2022