The following guidelines apply to all URMC Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratory Instruments. If you have questions about these guidelines, pleaseemail us.
Access and Training
- Each investigator must first register with the FCR prior to being trained on the instruments or getting access to the cell sorters and Helios.
- To get hands-on access to any core equipment, you will first need to be trained in the proper use of that instrument. Please visit our training page for more information on the training process.
- You must undergo After-Hours training to gain access to the equipment after-hours. This is to be sure you fully understand how to change the fluidics and shut down the instrument as well making sure you feel comfortable troubleshooting common instrument issues without assistance from the Flow Core Staff.
Instrumentation Usage
- Do not change the filter configuration without first discussing changes with the Flow Core staff. Inappropriate filter configuration can lead to erroneous data. If the filters are changed for a particular experiment, they should be returned to the default configuration when you are finished.
- Follow all posted cleaning guidelines. Guidelines are posted on or near each instrument.
- For the FACSDiva instruments:
- There are lines on the waste tank to determine when it should be emptied. If the waste is at or above that line, it must be emptied and bleach put in the bottom.
- Additionally, if you empty the waste, the sheath must be filled. The fill line for the sheath tank is marked by the weld line on the inside of the tank
- If the instrument maintenance policies are not followed, there will be a $60 fee charged. Policies include but are not limited to cleaning protocols, not shutting down the instrument if you are the last investigator for the day, changing the data export pathways, not returning the instrument to its default configuration, etc.
After-Hours Access
The Flow Core is open Monday through Friday during normal business hours (8am to 5pm), although specific instrument times may vary slightly.
After-hours access is a privilege granted to experienced investigators that have completed the after-hours training. To be eligible for after-hours training and access, a user must have a minimum of 20 hours of usage on the requested instrument type within the previous 12 months. All requests from individuals that have not reached 20 hours of usage will be denied until the minimum is reached. To receive after-hours access, the investigator must fill out the afterhours access form. A separate free training session (approximately ½ hour) will be scheduled to review the specifics of after-hours access and instrument troubleshooting. After this session, the investigator must pass a practical demonstration. If they fail, they must wait two weeks to reschedule the test.
Data Handling
- The data export pathways should never be changed. If the pathways are changed that investigator will be charged a fee.
- FACSDiva data export pathways:
- Experiment files: D:\BD export\experiment\"current year"\"current month"
- FCS files: D:\BD export\FCS (File format must remain FCS 3.0)
- Aurora data export pathways:
- Other instrumentation pathways
- FACSDiva data export pathways:
- Experiments should be deleted from the acquisition software immediately after they are exported. If they are not deleted at the completion of the run they can/will be deleted by the next user to keep the database clean.
- Experiment files that have been exported to the proper location will be archived automatically on a daily basis. The experiment files will be deleted off the local computer at the end of the month.
- Exported FCS files will be routinely deleted off the computer. The Flow Core will not back up this data. If you are missing FCS files, they can be recovered from archived experiments. Email us for more information.
- Data exported to any location other than the above pathways will be deleted immediately!!
Billing Practices
- Time for instruments will be billed based on the time reserved and/or time used, whichever is longer.
- Instrumentation rates are found on our Billing and Fee page.
- If you change labs or accounts, please fill out the change of information form immediately so that your account can be updated correctly.
- It is against Flow Core policy to make reservations for anyone other than yourself.
- If your run is taking longer than expected and will run into another user’s time, they have the right to bump you at the time their run is to start.
- In the event the instrument you are booked on is down, the core personnel will notify you as soon as possible, and will make every effort to reschedule your experiment as close to your initial time as possible. This may require the use of a different instrument. If you are uncomfortable running this instrument, the core will assist you and waive the operator assist fee.
- Failure to adhere to these policies will result in additional charges to your account as well as loss of access to the facility. Access will be restored after meeting with Matt. Persistent offenders (more than three violations in a calendar year) will be required to undergo training and additional requirements as determined by the Flow Core staff.
- Do not give after-hours access, to the facility or instruments, to someone who
doesn't have access. If a person's ID doesn't allow them access to the
facility after hours, there is a reason for that. - If you access the instruments in non-standard business hours (M-F outside of 8am-5pm, weekends or holidays), you are responsible for shutting down the instrument. If another user is on the calendar they can re-start as needed.
- Failure to shut down the instrument will result in the following penalties:
- Immediate loss of access to the Flow Core until you have met with Matt.
- Your account being charged for the time the instrument was left on.
No charges will be applied for cancelled time, regardless of when it was cancelled if another user schedules that time.
The specific cancellation policies for the different instrumentation are below. Please reach out if you have any questions.
- For “Standard Hours Sorting” (9:30am – 5pm) – Users must cancel their time 48 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment to avoid being charged for the time. This can be done by going to PPMS and cancelling your reservation. If you are cancelling day of you can still cancel by going to PPMS but you should also send an email or call 585-276-5330. (FCR Scheduling email)
- Sort Set Up Fees will not be cancelled if your sort is cancelled after the sort start time
- For "After Hours Sorting"- Users must cancel their time 7 days in advance of their scheduled appointment to avoid being charged for the time. This can be done by going to PPMS and cancelling your reservation. If you are cancelling day of you can still cancel by going to PPMS but you should also send an email or call 585-276-5330. (FCR Scheduling email)
- For "After Hours Sorting” reservations may be cancelled through PPMS any time before the start of the run with a charge of $60/hr.
- Reservations must be cancelled 48 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment to avoid being charged for the time. Cancellations must be made via email. (USE FCRscheduling email)
- Users must cancel their time no less than 24 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment to avoid being charged. If it is outside the 24-hour lock this can be done by going to PPMS and cancelling your reservation.
- For analysis instruments- reservations from 6pm to 8am may be cancelled any time before the start of your run at no charge by cancelling through PPMS.