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Our Researchers



ResearcherFaculty AppointmentLab
Anna Jack, M.D.Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine (Part-Time) - Family Medicine
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Part-Time) - Pediatrics - Breastfeeding & Lactation Medicine
Michelle C. Janelsins-Benton, Ph.D., M.P.H.Professor - Cancer Center
Professor - Surgery - Cancer Control
Joan and Gary Morrow Endowed Distinguished Professor of Supportive Care in Cancer - Surgery - Cancer Control
Chief - Surgery - Cancer Control
Professor - Neuroscience
Cancer Control and Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Tariq Jaradat, M.D.Assistant Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Kirsi M. Jarvinen-Seppo, M.D., Ph.D.Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Allergy/Immunology
Professor - Medicine - Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology
Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
Järvinen-Seppo Lab
Fawad Javed, B.D.S., Ph.D.Assistant Professor (Part-Time) - Dentistry
Sandra H. Jee, M.D., M.P.H.Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention
Professor - Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
Childhood Adversity and Resilience Lab
Ashley M. Jenkins, M.D., M.Sc.Assistant Professor - Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Hospitalist
Jermaine L. Jenkins, Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics
Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics
Wedekind Lab
Kielkopf Lab
Zheng-Gen Jin, Ph.D.Professor - Medicine - Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute
Jin Lab
Megan L. Johncox, M.S.Assistant - Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brent A. Johnson, Ph.D.Professor - Biostatistics and Computational Biology
Professor - Neurology
Professor - Ophthalmology
Brent Johnson Lab
Dean G. Johnson, Ph.D.Research Assistant Professor - Medicine - Nephrology
Research Assistant Professor - Biomedical Engineering
Gail V W Johnson, Ph.D.Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine - Research
Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine - Research
Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
Gail Johnson Lab
Mitochondrial Research and Innovation Group
Joseph Andrew Johnson, M.D.Associate Professor - Surgery - Bariatric/GI
Chief - Surgery - Bariatric/GI
Lynnette M. Johnson, D.O.Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Neonatology
Mahlon D. Johnson, M.D., Ph.D.Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Director, Neuropathology - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Mahlon Johnson Lab
Carl J. Johnston, Ph.D.Research Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Neonatology
Jennifer Jonason, Ph.D.Research Associate Professor - Orthopaedics - Center for Musculoskeletal Research
Carolyn E. Jones, M.D.Associate Professor - Surgery - Thoracic
Courtney Marie Cora Jones, Ph.D., M.P.H.Associate Professor - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Research Admin
Associate Professor - Orthopaedics
CMC Jones Lab
Luann T. Jones, M.D.Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Imaging Sciences
Marybeth R. Jones, M.D., M.S.Associate Professor - Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
Associate Professor - Medicine - General Medicine
Allyson Kristine Jordan, Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Jean V. Joseph, M.D., M.B.A.Professor - Urology
Chair - Urology
Winfield W. Scott Chair in Urology - Urology
Shirley Joseph, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus - Neurosurgery
Nicholas Jospe, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Pediatrics - Endocrinology
Ralph Jozefowicz, M.D.Professor (Part-Time) - Neurology
Stephen R. Judge, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians
Director UR Medicine Primary Care Network - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians
Associate Chair/Primary Care - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians
Seong-Hwan Jun, Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Biostatistics and Computational Biology
Hyunuk Jung, Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Radiation Oncology
Todd A. Jusko, Ph.D.Associate Professor - Public Health Sciences
Associate Professor - Environmental Medicine
Associate Professor - Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
Rochester Environment and Child Health (REACH) Laboratory