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Caring for Yourself

After you are discharged, and you're back to caring for yourself, there are some important things you need to keep in mind. Gradually these concerns lessen, but at first you need to keep a watchful eye:

  • Your body has not totally recovered from the treatment, so you may need assistance.
  • Infections remain a concern until both your bone marrow and immune function return to normal.
  • Bleeding is also a concern until your bone marrow has recovered.

Notify your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Anything that changes or worries you
  • Fever of 101°F or greater (38.3° Celsius)
  • New or persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath at rest or with exercise
  • Any type of bleeding
  • Changes in the color, consistency, or frequency of urine or bowel movements
  • Mouth lesions, sore throat, or trouble swallowing
  • Any new pain or pain with urination or bowel movements
  • Nausea or inability to keep down fluids, food, or medications
  • Inability to take the medication prescribed for you
  • Problems or questions regarding your tunneled central venous catheter—especially redness, drainage, or swelling at the site—or difficulty flushing the line
  • Neurological changes such as headaches, acute visual changes, increased weakness, numbness, or tingling
  • Suspected contact with a person who has a contagious disease
  • Allogeneic transplants only—signs and symptoms of graft-versus-host disease, including increased diarrhea, new or increased skin rash, abdominal pain, or eye changes