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Research Program Information

The University of Rochester Medical Center and Zhejiang University School of Medicine have identified four research areas that are strategically important to both institutions. Each of these four areas is listed below along with potential mentors.

Cardiovascular Research

The faculty of the CVRI focus on five areas of research in the cardiovascular system.

  • Vascular and developmental biology
  • Response to ischemic injury
  • Electrophysiology and ion channels
  • Molecular pharmacology and signal transduction
  • Genetics of cardiovascular disease

The overall goal is to understand how the cardiovascular system develops and responds to physiological and pathological changes. Understanding these processes will provide insight into new therapeutic approaches to treat diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, and arrhythmias. More »

Mentor Mentor
Bradford Berk Mark Taubman
Joe Miano Zheng-Gen Jin
Junichi Abe Tom Pearson
Burns Blaxall Ingrid Sarelius
Janet Sparks Wojciech Zareba
Rich Waugh Chen Yan


Microbiology & Immunology

Current research emphasizes cutting-edge molecular techniques and includes, but is not limited to, studies on: autoimmunity, biodefense, bioinformatics biofilms, cancer biology, gene therapy, genetics, HIV/AIDS, immunologic mechanisms and vaccine development. Our Department of Microbiology and Immunology is recognized as one of the top departments of its kind the United States. More »

Mentor Mentor
Barbara Iglewski Steve Dewhurst
Baek Kim Jian-Dong Li
Edith Lord Sanjay Maggirwar
Tim Mosmann Andrea Sant
Marty Pavelka Rob Quivey
Jim Miller Inaki Sanz



Neuroscience at Rochester is a highly interdisciplinary and diverse field, matched by an extensive faculty of over 80 members that span multiple departments and centers across the Medical Center and adjacent College campuses. All are bound by a common interest in understanding the structure and function of the nervous system across different levels of inquiry, from molecules to behavior. More »

Mentor Mentor
Richard Aslin Daphe Bavelier
Handy Gelbard Maiken Nedergaard
Elissa Newport Mark Noble
Gary Paige David Williams
Berislav Zlokovic  


Respiratory Disease & Lung Biology

The Lung Biology and Disease Program represents the coordinated efforts of more than 30 faculty members whose research focuses on the lung. Recent research includes:

  • Preclinical animal models
  • Inhalation facilities
  • Human tissues and samples
  • Anti-inflammatory mediators
  • Gene therapy for lung scarring Infections in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients

More »

Mentor Mentor
David Dean Jack Finkelstein
Steve Georas Frank Gigliotti
Paige Lawrence Gunter Oberdorster
Rick Phipps Patricia Sime
David Topham John Treanor


Genetics/Genomics and Stem Cells

Genetics, Genomics and Development performs cutting edge research on topics including organism function and development, disease models, and stem cell biology. Advanced cutting-edge experimental systems in genetics, molecular biology, genomics, proteomics and computational biology are used. More »

Mentor Mentor
Robert Bambara Dirk Bohmann
Gloria Culver Wei Hsu
Rulang Jiang Craig Jordan
Hartmut Land Willis Li
Lynne Maquat David Matthews
Eric Phizicky Ming Qi
Douglas Turner Jack Werren