Safe Cleaning
Safe Cleaning
While regular cleaning can't eliminate hazards in your home, it can greatly reduce your risk of exposure when done safely. It is important to realize, however, that there are certain ways of cleaning that can actually INCREASE your risk of exposure. Below is a video about safe cleaning, and a list of some simple ways to safely clean your home without increasing your exposure to hazards (video produced by WXXI with support from the New York State Pollution Prevention Network).

Two Bucket Mopping
Safe Cleaning
- Use a two bucket mopping system to avoid putting contaminants back on the floor
- One bucket of warm, soapy water to mop; one bucket to rinse
- Work wet
- Dampen the cloth or spray the air with water when sweeping and dusting
- Clean often
- Mop, dust and wash bedding (in hot water) once a week.
- Do a thorough home cleaning every 6 months.
- Use chemicals safely
Work Wet
- NEVER mix chemicals (for example, ammonia and bleach make a toxic gas when mixed with each other)
- Carefully follow instructions on label
- Store safely
- Visit the kitchen for more details
- Download the Safe Cleaning checklist for more details
- Poison Control Center: (585) 273-4155 or 1 (800) 222-1222;
- Contact Andy Sansone at Monroe County Hazardous Waste Facility for safe chemical disposal information: (585) 753-7600 or